What would you log this as?

Farm labor is not listed in the database. I was cutting fence lines and ditch banks in a horse/cow pasture for over an hour.. with a machete and a bush axe, both powered by nothing but my arms, back and shoulders. That isn't even counting the walking along the fence line and ditch banks... The database may not list it, but my body is sure telling me that I worked out.


  • montiy
    montiy Posts: 32 Member
    I'd probably use some form of gardening, maybe?
  • SportySpiceVT
    SportySpiceVT Posts: 59 Member
  • maybe rowing?
  • Machete and brush axe? Probably akin to chopping wood then? Or gardening would work too, but there's no options for the added intensity. Hmm....
  • angimac
    angimac Posts: 145 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. See, this is why I need a HRM so I can get accurate with stuff like this...
  • moxette
    moxette Posts: 104 Member
    Create your own! I live in ranch country and tell my clients if you have a vigorous job listed as your every day activity then be careful about adding manual labor, but if you filled out your profile as sedentary or moderately sedentary than you are great to add work like this as cardio. I found this in the message boards awhile back..
    Moderate intensity calorie burn per minute depending on weight...
    > 100-150lbs 6 cals per minute
    > 150-200 8 cals per minute
    > 200-250 10 cals per minute
    > 250 to 300lbs 12 cals per minute
  • misterscott
    misterscott Posts: 6 Member
    You can absolutely enter this as cardio exercise. Just estimate the number of calories you burned and log it. For example, I log yard work at 442 cals/hour.
  • angimac
    angimac Posts: 145 Member
    I don't have a daily job, so manual labor is definitely different for me. My son actually went to do this stuff, and I went with him because I don't want him out there alone, especially after he's already been bitten by a copperhead once this summer already... so I was helping him... My most vigorous activity that I do regularly is 3 mph walking and the occasional moderate stationary biking...
  • BobbyLx
    BobbyLx Posts: 13 Member
    You can try this website. I have no idea how accurate it is.

  • angimac
    angimac Posts: 145 Member
    That said I burned 0 calories... LOL