
So, as a college student, I do go out on weekends typically. I am trying to lose weight, and had a really successful first week, but do not want to mess it up when the weekend rolls around. What alcohol drinks do you guys recommend? I mean, obviously none are GOOD for you, but in this case, I'm looking for the drinks with the least calories/carbs. I don't care if it's wine, beer or liquor, (though liquor is my least favorite! Ick!) I just want to know which you guys find are the best to have when trying to lose weight. Thanksss! =D


    JDNOX Posts: 619
    GreyGoose and Tonic works for me.
    Or Bourbon on ice

    Now I am thursty lol
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    Michelob Ultra is pretty low in cals. It is not great tasting as far as beer goes, but I have found that it is one of the few low cal beers that a lot of bars/clubs carry.

    Also, I like Captain Morgans and Diet Coke.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    First off, moderation is going to be the key.

    Then, light beer is probably your best bet. You can nurse a beer for a good amount of time, and only take in 100 calories (or less)
  • estceleste
    Vodka lime and soda works for me =)
    FAR less calories than wine, beer or pre mixed alcopops.
  • kristiw67
    Budweiser 55 Select! Only 55 calories. If you pour it in a tall glass with lemon or lime, it taste pretty good! :)
  • beaqthomas
    beaqthomas Posts: 7 Member
    I drink wine, but I make sure to measure it and keep within my calorie limit.
  • RichardWhitman
    RichardWhitman Posts: 105 Member
    I drink a lot. I have an alcohol category on my Food Database.

    The absolute lowest calorie thing to drink of course outside of something heavily watered down, is Budweiser Select 55. If it's really cold it's very manageable, after you get used to the lack of flavor.

    For the harder drinks, use no calorie mixers, like tonic or diet soda. Anything sugared up will kill ya.
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    I fake it...I give the bartender $10.00 and tell him/her to make my drinks with soda water in a highball glass with a lime and keep them coming! It works for me since if I drink I will get week to women and food!
  • sonalily
    sonalily Posts: 30 Member
    i drink wine pretty near every night, and am still losing weight. just 2-3 glasses is all tho, then chase it down with water.
    just lead a healthy lifestyle, and a few drinks should never hurt.
  • neekalatti
    neekalatti Posts: 6 Member
    Great question!!! I've looked this up b4 lol, I'd say vodka and diet red bull would be my favorite to get "my buzz" where I need it to be lol, or def a shot or 2 of vodka n diet coke, diet sprite, def a diet mixer like Richard said.... good luck!! :)
  • punkischic
    punkischic Posts: 24 Member
    it's funny, i hate beer, i prefer liquor. i can't have my usual favorites anymore so i stick to mixed drinks that have diet soda but i also rarely drink much. one of my favorites was vodka and cranberry juice, but half water and cranberry mixed in with the vodka..

    love cranberry juice but it's pretty loaded with sugars.
  • girard5
    girard5 Posts: 109 Member
    Red wine but ditto above...make sure you measure it - 5ozs is between 100-125 cals depending on the type. Vodka with soda water and a lot of fresh lemon/lime is a good bet as well but vodka still has about 70 cals an ounce so if you like stiff drinks this can add up really quick
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    it's funny, i hate beer, i prefer liquor. i can't have my usual favorites anymore so i stick to mixed drinks that have diet soda but i also rarely drink much. one of my favorites was vodka and cranberry juice, but half water and cranberry mixed in with the vodka..

    love cranberry juice but it's pretty loaded with sugars.

    I use diet cranberry juice that only has 5 calories.
  • Chezbow
    Diet coke / Coke zero and rum is my favorite. That way you don't get any of the extra calories from the pop or other mixers and rum is one of the less caloric alcohols and it takes less to get you buzzed. Also, if you are not a diet drinker get a flavored rum, I like coconut, and you wont even taste it. Plus, if you drink enough of them it wont matter!

    Another suggestion is drinking any kind of liquor with a higher alcohol percentage so you get a better buzz without drinking a lot of the calories. With beers and Smirnoff you have to drink a few. FYI, for anyone who loves Smirnoff ice like me there is about 228 calories in just one regular Smirnoff ice and about 110 in Smirnoff light. So pay a lot of attention when drinking those. Have a blast and keep doing a great job! :)
  • implodingsporks
    Wow! There are so many good suggestions! Maybe I will take a look into mixed drinks with diet or lighter beers. And you guys are right, I guess moderation IS key! Thanks everyone!
  • implodingsporks
    I drink a lot. I have an alcohol category on my Food Database.

    The absolute lowest calorie thing to drink of course outside of something heavily watered down, is Budweiser Select 55. If it's really cold it's very manageable, after you get used to the lack of flavor.

    For the harder drinks, use no calorie mixers, like tonic or diet soda. Anything sugared up will kill ya.

    How do I add one to mine??