

  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    I use the strategy of "use the real thing or do without" instead of going in on some product that is being marketed to me as a "healthy replacement for such and such." I just have a hard time buying into the idea that anything that is 5-10 years old is better for me than something centuries old. (It helps that I don't believe saturated fat is bad.)

    For what its worth, I don't do without butter. Somerdale English Butter is AMAZING.

    Your diet and mine are very different, but I couldn't agree with you more on this one.

    Butter is so much better than anything fake / processed.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I've been buying "I can't believe its not butter LIGHT" because it taste better to me.

    Exactly the same here. Mind you, the only time i use it is on bread/toast, or on new potatoes when I've got the calories to spare.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I use coconut oil for sauteeing.....or when cooking spray just isn't enough.
    For most things I use spray. The only time I use butter is baking..and I use the real stuff.
  • trac30
    trac30 Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks for all the great ideas!
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    I really like the taste of Brummel & Brown. It is a yogurt spread that tastes just like butter. You can also cook with it. I have tried the applesauce in place of butter or shortening in dessert recipes.
  • yummummum
    How are you using it?

    Mostly to cook dinner, saute veggies, etc stuff like that. Sometimes I use a little to scramble eggs.
  • yummummum
    If you are using it to cook with I would suggest Extra virgin olive oil. And if you are using it for flavor real butter goes a long way.
  • Net132
    Net132 Posts: 174 Member
    I often used chicken stock to saute veggies in. To scramble eggs I use evoo spray.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I've tried so many butter substitutes and I always keep coming back to the real thing. It just tastes better and "behaves" better when being cooked with. Plus, a little bit goes a long way, so you don't really need that much. Mmmm....butter
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    What kind of butter substitute do you guys use? I was using Smart Balance but lately I've been buying "I can't believe its not butter LIGHT" because it taste better to me.

    Does it make a difference? Is there something I should be avoiding (on the nutritional label)?

    Why would you not use REAL butter instead of those plasticy margarine crap that is made from toxic and rancid vegetable oils?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Why not use real butter?

    Well I was looking for a healthier alternative.

    There is nothing unhealthy about butter. 2 ingredients: cream and salt or 1 ingredient, cream if you buy unsalted butter.

    It is natural and the fat in it is not unhealhy either, so why not use the real thing. As a rule of thumb, it is always best to go with the natural product over a product made with additives you can not pronounce or you would not find on a farm.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Watch out for:
    -- MONO- and DI-GLYCERIDES as well as

    I just switched to smart-balance, from shed spread.

    I do enjoy REAL BUTTER much better, but I've high cholesterol and I'll eat way too much.
    With the substitutes I don't eat as much, because I don't like them as much.

    I'm under the impression (maybe I should look this up) smart balance is actually supposed to reduce my LDLs.
    I did check the lable and know Shed's Spread had hydrogenated oils in it and smart balance doesn't.

    Butter doesn't cause high cholesterol as saturated fat and cholesterol are not the cause of high cholesterol. Actually it seems counter intuitive, but the more saturated fat and cholesterol you eat, the less your body has to make in the liver, therefore your cholesterol will reduce.

    High cholesterol and high triglycerides in MOST cases is caused from eating too much starchy and refined carbs, not the fat and cholesterol.

  • pamsdish
    pamsdish Posts: 30 Member
    That new liquid "Flora" is great good taste ,per 100 ml cals 630,protein .1g, fat 70.3g 7g saturates 61.1 mono and poly, and its great for frying roasting or baking.
  • mrsgolfie
    mrsgolfie Posts: 42 Member
    Becel is recommended by the Canadian Heart Association. That is what I use, and there is also low salt,etc in it. It tastes the most like real butter to me. I use extra virgin olive oil for cooking most times. I will also use real butter sometimes; but overall I use the Becel and like it!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I agree that butter is healthier but also higher in calories. ;) I almost always use EVOO for my veggies, just a little bit though because it's high in calories and (healthy) fat. some people use chicken stock as an alternative. i use a little bit of butter with a little bit of EVOO when i cook some mushrooms.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I saute food in chicken broth and i also have a oil pump sprayer. I use soft cheeses, to add moisture to my sandwiches. I still use butter when i need but only because it is in my fridge, i buy becel olive oil margarine, i like it.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    That new liquid "Flora" is great good taste ,per 100 ml cals 630,protein .1g, fat 70.3g 7g saturates 61.1 mono and poly

    It'd make my toast go soggy :(
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    I use both that you mentioned. I do not like the taste of real butter anyway, I'm a margerine kind of girl. BUT I do also use extra virgin coconut oil in place of butter. LOVE IT. It has plenty of fats, but they are good fats. Plus I love coconut. YUM.

    I've seen this but never used it before. I was wondering how strong the coconut flavor is. I was like Coconut brocolli? ehh

    extra virgin coconut oil has a strong coconut flavor, but you can buy bleached/refined coconut oil that doesn't have the coconut taste.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I use Smart Balance to top foods with...on my veggies, etc. I actually prefer the taste to butter now. I don't use butter because I'm trying to lower my saturated fats.

    For cooking I either use olive oil or grapeseed oil. Grapeseed oil has a much higher smoke point so you can use it for high heats and even deep frying. And Watkins makes a garlic and parsley grapeseed oil that is AMAZING! Tastes awesome on spaghetti squash!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I use olive oil when sauteing veggies or cooking meat, just 1 tsp per serving so it doesn't add to much. I rarely bake but when I do, I use the real thing (butter or oil depending on the recipe). Much more satisfying, just eat less of it!