ever need a break from success stories???

I am struggling over the last weeks and I'm finding that the more success stories I read to motivate me, just tend to leave me depressed and down. I feel like people are losing 30, 50, 100 lbs in the time I've struggled to gain and lose the same 3 lbs 10,000 times. Any body deal with this? How do I get back on track??


  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Take a break from reading success stories and start planning your meals and exercise, and then work your plan. Every day.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Stay focused. I'm sure if you stay strong you will eventually come out on top.:flowerforyou:
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    EVERY.SINGLE.DAY....yesterday I was 120.5 lbs and this morning I was 127.5!!! Seems extreme, don't you think!?!? But just today my great friend reminded me that the closer one gets to the 'goal weight'... fluctuations are not only more common... they are also more severe!.... So hang in there... I know that you are close to your goal! Don't forget YOUR success story!
  • 03258
    03258 Posts: 60
    I know. Sometimes, even though you are happy for those who are succeeding, it can make you feel like just giving up.

    I just keep reminding myself about the big picture. Day by day, sometimes minute by minute!! :-) Surround yourself with supportive people and just keep telling yourself that you can do this.

    I have struggled many times with losing 10 pounds, gaining 12. Losing 12 gaining 15 and so forth. So frustrating!!! So - here I am again...trying again. All I can say is "Hang in there!!" And celebrate your little successes. Who cares how much others are losing. Be good to yourself.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Create your own success story.

    Alternatively, you could create your own tragedy and perhaps it'll motivate you to hate other's success by crushing their success into tragedy.

    Either way, the option is to make a choice and do it.
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    How about reading your own success story.

    I tried to see where you are at before I posted this but I couldn't see your profile. I hope it is valid.

    It may be time to stop, breath, and be proud of how far you have came thus far. How many changes to your lifestyle you have made, all the baby steps you have taken to get to where you are today.

    Acknowledge what you have done, give props to that body, mind, and spirit of yours.
  • brich73
    I've only lost three pounds in the last month, but I know that it is mostly due to not sticking with logging everything on a daily basis, and I have no excuse because I have the Droid app and I have my cell phone with me at all times. When you actually stick with it and log everything are you successful? I know I am. I think you need to just take it one day at a time, and don't get too hard on yourself. Also, take time to celebrate a victory...Just don't celebrate with food. Celebrate some weight loss with a new outfit, or going out in an outfit that you like and hasn't fit for awhile. By the way, this is all advice I need to give myself every so often. I'm fighting the good fight again after the yo-yo. I had lost 30 lbs last year from my heaviest of 225lbs. One month ago I was at 215 and I've lost three to put me at 212. I've had a good day today so far and I plan on doing my best tomorrow. How about you?
  • gaby89
    gaby89 Posts: 6 Member
    OMG I feel the same sometimes. I had a baby 9 months ago and its been hard to get back to my size. I have been up and down and sometimes I feel so down. I think you just need to wanted really bad. I am trying to work this 1,200 cl diet and i have been on it for 4 days, lets see how it goes.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    I started in january and have lost 38 lbs. I see ppl losing 2x's that in the same time frame.....meh, I plan on doing this for a lifetime - so, it might take a bit.
  • haha yeah here you go:

    i lost like 50 lbs
    then i gained back 20
    now i'm working to lose the 20 again

    failure story. if you choose to look at it that way. which i don't.

    just get back on the horse, don't beat yourself up for past mistakes, and try your best to make decisions that make you truly happy every day.

    it's really a lifestyle change, so try making smaller changes that you can live with forever without feeling like you are torturing/depriving yourself

    it's going to take a long time, those pounds didn't magically appear over night

    ****'s hard. if it wasn't, everyone would do it. but there's something to be said for success after hard work.

    also i just read this book called Mindless Eating, I highly recommend it. http://www.amazon.com/Mindless-Eating-More-Than-Think/dp/0553804340

    good luck!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I will NEVER get sick of the success stories. They all make me insanely happy and inspire me to no end.

    ...Are you logging your calories somewhere else? Cause if you aren't, it doesn't seem to me you are making good use of your food diary. Log every day and I bet you will be writing your own success story soon enough!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I think you just have to keep plugging at it. I've been trying to lose weight for years and it's finally stuck and working. I completely understand your point, I used to want to choke a kid I work with he'd come in and just look thinner and thinner every week, while I was semi starving myself and gaining and gaining.