How do I stop when it tastes so good???

Here's my biggest issue with food - if it tastes good I can't stop eating. I've been able to tackle my emotional eating. But if the food tastes good, no matter what mood I'm in, I can't stop! Tonight was baked ziti - so delicious I found myself standing over the stove eating out of the baking dish!

What does everyone do to stop eating when you know you've had enough but for whatever reason you can't??? I've tried drinking a full glass of water, going for a walk, putting the food away - but if it takes good, I'll get it out of the fridge and eat more.

I guess my real question is, how do you build up your willpower since that's what I'm lacking.


  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    I totally understand where you're coming from. This may sound strange, but I'll have a few pieces of grapefruit. Tastes good to me, but then nothing else tastes good after it. I swear this works for me. I've also heard people will brush their teeth, but I find the grapefruit works better for me.
  • cre8freedom
    cre8freedom Posts: 63 Member
    Throw it away if you have to at first. Get someone else to eat it - pack it up for your lunch for the next day and tell yourself that you will enjoy the treat tomorrow.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Go brush your teeth with minty toothpaste. Enjoy.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Sounds like losing weight isn't as important to you as you think it is.

    If it were, you'd stop...

    Get some self-control! :bigsmile:
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    It is tricky! I either try to make sure that there is only enough for that serving, make something that I don't particularly care for lol, or look at the calorie count and that generally stops me dead in my tracks. You can do it. :) You just need some good solid friends who can talk you through it. :)

  • for me it is all about the WORTH. Is it worth it to eat all this baked ziti or is it worth it to eat a good proportion and stay on track? For me the ziti isn't worth it, but losing the weight is! It's all about changing your mind frame. It's a lot of work but you're worth it.
  • idiocracy
    idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
    Don't make that much. Don't have around that much. Make enough food just for one serving. If you buy a giant bag of chips, for example, use ziplocks and divide it into servings. Write on the bag 15 chips=300 calories=45 minutes of exercise (may be unrealistic numbers, but i used an example). When you see how much you need to work to shed that bag, you may re-consider it.

    Oh, and after you have one serving, brush your teeth, rinse with tastes weird after toothpaste.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I understand. I used to eat for taste all the time. It just takes some self control.

    P.S. I used to tell my ex girlfriend this all the time.:blushing: :bigsmile: :noway:
  • mpbfmom
    mpbfmom Posts: 49 Member
    A dietician told me that nothing tastes as good as the first bite. If I think about that and look at the portion size, that typically helps with the willpower.
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    1 I try to make just enough when I am cooking, 2 if there are leftovers I throw it away or wrap it for lunch.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Put a serving on a dish.

    Put the rest in the fridge/freezer/however you store it.

    Take your single serving to the table.

    Sit down and enjoy. Savor every bite... slowly.
  • Here's my biggest issue with food - if it tastes good I can't stop eating. I've been able to tackle my emotional eating. But if the food tastes good, no matter what mood I'm in, I can't stop! Tonight was baked ziti - so delicious I found myself standing over the stove eating out of the baking dish!

    What does everyone do to stop eating when you know you've had enough but for whatever reason you can't??? I've tried drinking a full glass of water, going for a walk, putting the food away - but if it takes good, I'll get it out of the fridge and eat more.

    I guess my real question is, how do you build up your willpower since that's what I'm lacking.
    I would make just enough to where if you eat the while thing it won't be that bad. With me its pizza so I'll order a Amdahl so if I eat the while thing it won't kill my calorie intake. If I get a large pizza I will probably eat the whole thing:smile:
  • GymRatRaceRunner
    GymRatRaceRunner Posts: 160 Member
    Go brush your teeth with minty toothpaste. Enjoy.
    I brush, but with orange tooth paste "Citrus Splash".

    The smell of citrus is said to be a natural appetite suppressant...
  • Ok Swype totally failed me that would be a small lol
  • the way I do things is I make enough food for just us in the family. no left overs. then what my husband and i have done to limit ourselves is weigh, measure, and use childrens plates. when you eat, you eat mainly with your eyes. if you have a large plate, you will fill it. so, working with a smaller plate will help you and drink lots of fluid with your meal and you wont find yourself so inclined to pick at more food. good luck! oh yeah, put the fork down between bites and make your meals last 20 also wont feel like you need to eat more.
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    OMG!! I do the same thing! It's hard as I do all these things and I find it hard to say no. If it's on my mind, I will eat it. What I have found helps me is waiting to eat after I workout. That is also after drinking a bottle of water. My workouts are high intensity (boot camp) style. Also, since it's just my hubby and I, I've actually had to stop cooking because I don't want to see food wasted. I just buy appropriate portion food from the freezer section at the grocery store. It's going to take some will power and one step at a time. You have to fight it!
  • For me, the taste is one factor, but that triggers my impulse to just keep going.

    Water is really helpful to cleanse the palate, and then gum to keep your jaws busy.

    Brushing your teeth is extremely helpful, but it's easier for me to tear myself away when I don't have to drag myself from the kitchen to get relief.

  • jchester71
    jchester71 Posts: 124 Member
    Sounds like losing weight isn't as important to you as you think it is.

    If it were, you'd stop...

    That is a little simplistic, but the poster has a point. You have to make you decisions in what you value more. It is the same kind of though process that compulsive spenders (and "taste" binging is compulsive behavior) need to be counseled on, is instant and fleeting gratification worth sacrificing long term goals and health.

    And practically I am a huge fan of throwing things in the trash. (and not buying/making things that are going to be an issue for me). It is a simple thought process for me. That pan of baked ziti cost $x, if not eating it is worth more than $X to me out it goes.
  • EliDC
    EliDC Posts: 18 Member
    I'm casting in my vote for throwing away the leftovers if necessary, as a couple of other people have mentioned. Some things are almost impossible to keep in the house and not snack on. Doing this makes me feel guilty, but I quiet the inner nagging by reminding myself that no one benefits from me overeating.
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    I get ya. I have the same problem. Although if I put it away I don't keep eating it usually....especially since I don't like food straight from the fridge. I think one of the best ideas above was to look at the calorie count. :noway: