Healthy food ideas?

Can you guys help me out with what healthy foods i should be buying/eating? I want to start off on the right foot with my weight loss journey and i need to be eating healthy so please help me out!


  • in short if it comes in a box stay away. When you shop stay on the out side of the store it is where the fresh foods are. get alot vegetable and fruit.
  • fruits and vegetables and nuts. lots of water too.
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Fresh fruit (berries, cherries, apples, mangoes, etc.)
    Fresh veggies (celery, broccoli, kale, spinach, etc.)
    Lean meats (chicken thigh, chicken breast, fish, turkey, lean steak, pork chops, etc)
    Healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, olives, nuts)
    Whole carbs (sweet potato, oatmeal, wheat bran)

    There are endless examples. You can also keep things like hummus on hand to dip raw veggies into for a snack.
  • You can't go wrong with vegetables and lean protein, some fruit (easy to overdo the fruit) and a bit of dairy and nuts. If it has sugar added my motto is put it back on the shelf ....looks better there than on my backside LOL.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    One of my fav things is greek yogurt. You can do so much with it, like berries, granola, honey, nuts...i also mix in nutella. You can also use it to make dips or salad dressings and its low in fat high in protein.
  • You can't go wrong with vegetables and lean protein, some fruit (easy to overdo the fruit) and a bit of dairy and nuts. If it has sugar added my motto is put it back on the shelf ....looks better there than on my backside LOL.

    Lol.....That is now my new motto!!!! Love it!
  • rdrnr
    rdrnr Posts: 10
    WATER WATER WATER !!!!!!!! Make lt your new best friend
    Fruit Veggs Nuts
  • hi bestie. :) ok so idk if you like almonds but i just started liking them and apparently they're healthy haha. good source of necessary fats and if you roast them in the oven they're warm and delicious. :) just not a lot of salt of course.
  • One of my fav things is greek yogurt. You can do so much with it, like berries, granola, honey, nuts...i also mix in nutella. You can also use it to make dips or salad dressings and its low in fat high in protein.
    mm yeah! with blueberries and bananas and sliced & diced fuji apples!! :)
  • hollyrlambert
    hollyrlambert Posts: 69 Member
    Greek yoghurt! So tasty and so so good for you - mixed with berries at night as a snack is amazing!

    Also i eat fruit all day long like it is going out of fashion (kiwifruit, apples - all kinds, mandarins, grapes, nectarines), pretty much anything that is in season :).

    A good fast filler is dried fruit flakes (just be careful with portions), popcorn and i love cruskits with a slice of super slim cheese or some feta and tomatos :).

    In all honesty its just anything that you like, in the right portion and so long as its healthy.
  • Jamiy
    Jamiy Posts: 10 Member
    If you like almonds, than you have to try almond butter! It is so good on apples, and it holds you over. All you have to do get some roasted almonds and little olive oil and put them in a vita-mix or really good blender, until it is at the consistency that you prefer. YUM
  • If you like almonds, than you have to try almond butter! It is so good on apples, and it holds you over. All you have to do get some roasted almonds and little olive oil and put them in a vita-mix or really good blender, until it is at the consistency that you prefer. YUM
    yeah! also sun butter! it's made from sunflower seeds. haha.
  • My favorites and always on my list:

    greek yogurt
    raw almonds
    baby carrots and raw peapods(I eat them when I'm in the "snacking" mood)
    brown rice
    chicken breast
    special k cereal
    La Croix sparkling water
    laughing cow light spreadable wedges
    wheat thins
    sugar free pudding
  • mmmm im gonna do that almond thing! :)
  • Thank you so much everyone! This is going to help me so much. :D
  • rdrnr
    rdrnr Posts: 10
    nuts fruits water and greek yogurt .......these should help and stay away if it comes in a box to much additives