Online dating!

auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
Have you tried it? Did it work? What sites did you try?

I'm interested in hearing horror stories and success stories alike!

My fella and I met online and its working out splendidly. But before him there was trial and error! Haha.



  • iwantniceabs
    iwantniceabs Posts: 357 Member
    I haven't done online dating, but I keep getting e-mails in my box from and cougar dating websites....I'm 24! ;) I love spam
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I met my husband on eHarmony. He's awesome. We now have 2 kids and have been married for what feels like forever.
  • twiztedgrl69
    twiztedgrl69 Posts: 191 Member
    I met my b/f online through eharm and we've been together for over 3 the time he was stationed in New Mexico and I was in Indiana...after we started talking we discovered out parents lived like a mile away from each other...thought it was crazy!
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    I won't say I've done online dating, but there was a time when I was about 18 where I talked to guys on chatlines. That turned out bad. VERY bad. I refuse to do it again. Ha. I'm 25 now, so I have grown a lot in the last 7 years.
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I tried it a few times. I used okcupid and yahoo dating. I met this one guy online and we talked over IM and then phone for a few months, then we met. We went out for a drive and then we went to visit a friend of his that worked at a toy store. We found his friend and we walked around. Then the guy saw a couple of his other friends, and they left without me. I was stranded in a part of town that I was unfamiliar with, and the cab ride back to my dorm room was 40 bucks. I never heard from him again after that.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Yes I've done dating sites from to eHarmony and OKCupid. Nothing stuck so far though the father of my son I met through a site. Can't say it's all bad since I get my little guy out of it.

    He's really my little blessing.
  • met my husband on been married for a little over four years now.
  • I've met some really great people online who are now friends. I found them on okcupid. HOWEVER I also encountered some major creepers. I gave out my number way too soon in 2 of those instances and learned my lesson. I talked to one guy for 10 minutes on the way home one night and the next day he texted me. When I didn't respond to his text he texted me again after 2 hours (I was at work). He then called me at the end of the day and told me to send him a "freaking message" letting him know I'm ok. Psycho. Another guy was relentless and I had to block him. No more exchanging of the contact info unless I was 100% certain they were normal after that.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I posted this not that long ago

    Its been interesting. I will say I am talking to 3 nice guys from eharmony that I havent met yet. Hopefully they arent creepy.

    I met a guy on ok cupid. He seemed really nice and interesting. I gave him my email so we could chat on line. We had one fun conversation. A day later he sent me a msg and I wasnt there to respond. A few hours later he says 'you were f-ing weird anyway'.
    It was completely nuts.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I have a bit of a strange history. I met a guy on a soccer manager website (shut up) and we dated for almost 3 years. He's still my best friend. After I broke up with him I met a guy on an MMO. He lives in Washington, I live in Virginia. He visited for 2 weeks and decided it wasn't going to work out. Those are my only two relationships so far... So, done it, just not in your traditional way. Would do it again. You never know.
  • i met my current bf through okcupid, as have two of my best friends and two other people I know. I'm happy and i love :)... though dated a few to quick to fall in love guys, like saying i love you within two weeks of meeting in person too soon...
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I met my current girlfriend on Zoosk. Got lucky and only took 2 days.
  • That's how I met my wife. Yes, its true. I gotta tell you though, I had to wade through a lot of..well... unbalanced?...not ready to date?...OK Freaky messed up women before I met her. I actually had my finger on the delete account button when she responded to me.

    Truthfully, it is a good place to make contact with other singles. You still need to be attracted to each other, find out if you have anything in common, and go through all the steps. But if you are a busy person, single parent, or just don't like to go out to bars and such, it can be a good thing.

    You have to be discerning!

    I tried, singlesnet(crappy), Yahoo, and eHarmony(did not care for it).
  • broken_star1134
    broken_star1134 Posts: 65 Member
    I met my boyfriend online when I was in HS. Had a class that I could surf the net pretty much whenever I wanted and met him in a chat room :o) We talked online for a couple years (He lived in California and I in Washington State) and then I went down there after graduation and met him. In fact, I decided to stay there lol October 16th, will be 11 years! We also have two boys. One just turned 3 last month and the other will be 8 next month :o) Couldn't imagine my life without him.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    My ex, who for some reason God himself only knows I dated for 2 years, and I met on PlentyOfFish. That place is SKEEZY. And they have these classy, sweet little commercials now -- too bad the actual site is a complete contrast.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I just posted this in my hotel thread, no word of a lie

    Just got back from a date with a girl I met online.

    She left after one drink and showed up dressed as a snake.

    I'm so serious right now.

    Mind = Blown
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    I actually met my hubby online. But not through a site. We have been together for 13 years and married for almost 10. So it can work out. :love:
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    I just posted this in my hotel thread, no word of a lie

    Just got back from a date with a girl I met online.

    She left after one drink and showed up dressed as a snake.

    I'm so serious right now.

    Mind = Blown

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I was trying to type my little note and saw this and bust a gut laughing!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • sarahkova
    sarahkova Posts: 245 Member
    met my husband on yahoo personals...talked to him for hours each night on the phone before I met him. We have been married for 5 years, but have been together for 9 on the 1st of October, and 2 is great! Now if I could just lose all this weight! :)
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    You have no idea how weird this night has been.

    I'm currently tryin to find another girl to go out with right now..

    It's tough cause I don't live here, so we'll see.