Why so HUNGRY??

I started this mission 11 weeks ago, I think I have done pretty good so far. I am down 20lbs, 14inches off, and have stuck to my 1300cals. I work out 4-5 days a week and love it...Question is why have I been feeling so hungry lately? My stomach actually is aching and this is not the first time. Does anyone have an idea as to why? :frown:


  • lc504
    lc504 Posts: 130 Member
    I think a lot of people might say be sure to eat your exercise cals (or half of them), if you're not already.
  • cxmoore
    I'm hungry too. I think I've been saving calories throughout the day - as if I could live on less than 1290. I need to stop fooling myself and have at the calories at every meal. tonight I had a salmon burger at 8:30 I was so hungry.

    tomorrow is a new day - I'm going to make sure I eat all 400 calories at 8 a.m., noon and 5 p.m. and then have some fruit at other times if I'm hungry.
  • frugalmomsrock
    I experienced the same thing. I had to start eating more. I am still hungrier than I was even before I started dieting and losing weight, but I'm still losing. I exercise enough that I can eat enough to satiate my hunger, and still lose. Win-Win. :)
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I can't see your food diary so I can't see if you're eating lots of protein or carbs, or whether you eat 6 times a day vs 3 times a day, but here's my suggestions.

    If you eat carbs you will feel hungry much sooner. It's how your body turns carbs into sugar. Having more protein, or protein snacks will help keep your hunger down. So, if you can have it, peanut butter, cheese, jerky, turkey breast meat, turkey bacon, anything like that can be your morning or afternoon snack.

    Also, eat breakfast, (so important), and have a mid-morning snack, an afternoon snack and an evening snack. Eat every 3 hours or so. Lots of small meals to stoke your metabolism and keep your hunger down.

    Sometimes your body mistakes thirst for hunger, so drink a glass of water with your snacks.

    Also, you can get past the hunger. Just wait a little while and the hunger will go away.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Someone asked the same thing just a couple of hours ago. I've noticed that certain foods actually make me hungry. I still eat them, because they are nutritious, but I just know that I will feel hungry later. People say that fibrous veggies fill one up, but I can eat a whole plate of broccoli and 45 min. later I will feel like I'm starving to death. Maybe try paying attention to when you are really hungry, and look back at the type of foods you had last (and how long ago). You may learn a little bit about yourself and how your body reacts to different types of foods and macro nutrients, then adjust accordingly.
  • lauehorn
    I started this mission 11 weeks ago, I think I have done pretty good so far. I am down 20lbs, 14inches off, and have stuck to my 1300cals. I work out 4-5 days a week and love it...Question is why have I been feeling so hungry lately? My stomach actually is aching and this is not the first time. Does anyone have an idea as to why? :frown:

    Your metabolism is up and, esp if you've been building muscle, that may explain why you are hungry. Try listening to your body, not just counting calories. When your stomach is rumbling, eat something! A good mix of carbs and protein will help you stay full. Keep healthful snacks nearby at all times for when you might feel hungrier than normal and eat a hundred calories or two with a glass of water. Check your calorie distribution through out the day, too. You may need to shrink your meals a tad to allow for small snacks through out the day.