encouragment needed, fell off the wagon

So I did great for a week and lost almost 7 pounds as a result. As for today...AWFUL. I need a pep talk...here's a little back history. I have always been fat, never been thin and always had love of food. Not an eating problem, I'm just not picky and eat for flavor more than not. I am afraid I will discourage my gf who's doing this with me by letting myself do so horrid for 2 days in a row and not getting out and doing our walking. How can I fix that, for those easily discouraged? And how do I get back into the swing of things? I feel like I failed already and my friend, who was my motivation, well, I am embarrassed to even tell her. Tho my diary is public..and I am sure she will see...ugh.


  • kristyemilia
    kristyemilia Posts: 32 Member
    If today is awful always remember, tomorrow is another day. It is not the end of the world if you eat something bad, just don't let it blow your confidence or drive!! Are you giving yourself a free day or some treats here and there? it might stop you from have a 'bad day'

    There is no FAIL, unless you give up! and we're not giving up are we? :)
  • jessashcher
    don't be embarrassed to tell your friend, I know I have made slips in the past, don't be so hard on yourself, just wake up tomorrow and tell yourself it's a brand new day and start again. Best of luck to you.
  • LilPnMeSkinnyFeet
    Hey Ma its all good. At the beginning I had a rough time and faught my way through it. You just have to stay focused on what's best for you and your health. Not giving into the temptation is the hardest part. I have learned in almost 4 months that if I give to it I will be fat forever. I'm tired of giving in and failing. You did it once before and looked banging. You can do it again. I have faith in you.. Love you XOXO
  • likeaphoenix
    likeaphoenix Posts: 54 Member
    Try to be realistic about what you can do. You don't need to be PERFECT right out of the gate. For most of us, almost ANY attempt to eat a little less/eat a little healthier is better than what we were doing.

    Keep it simple, by making a conscious effort to cut out soda, candy, chips. Those are NO NOs, except ONCE in awhile as a little cheat (and you may be surprised, you might not enjoy as much once you reach that point). Instead of our old bugaboos -- JUNK FOOD -- start to substitute unprocessed, or minimally processed foods: yogurt, salads, fruits, veggies, whole grain bread, lean proteins, avoid deep-fried or breaded foods.

    You'l do great. You go off to a great start and you are interested in becoming a healthier person. The nice thing about healthier is it also means slimmer. Try to walk or exercise moderately (no need to kill yourself) 5 days a week.

    Go get 'em, kiddo. :wink:
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    We are all here for the same reason, some to lose weight, some to gain weight, and yet some others, to maintain. We all fall off the wagom sooner or later. Either we go on a binge, we have a celebration, a party, whatever the reason.. even if u were just plain starving!!
    The most important thing is that u know that u overate and you shrug it off and start completely new the following day!
    Don't give up.. one of my favourite quotes on here from a friend is "Losing weight is not a sprint"..We all gotta think.." Hey, I didn't gain my weight overnight, so I'm not gonna lose it overnight!"
    Slow but surely, u can do this!! Take one day at a time.. add some friends Read the forums, lots of motivation, support and inspiration. :smile:
  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    Thank you to those who jumped in already, and to u Chele...I just got bummed cuz I blew it 2 days in a row. But yay for my gf, who's not getting discouraged. I don't want to let either of us down..tomorrow, back to the routine that came quite natural. And, back to our walks which were an enjoyable part of our day. It's not the end of the world, just the end of today. Thanak u all again!
  • nirebelldandy
    set small goals for yourself. say, after 10 lbs gone get a mini non-food reward, like a new book, or workout clothes, or something you've wanted to awhile but couldn't justify purchasing :) or get something you and your gf can enjoy together!
  • jensway
    The fact that you feel bad about the choices you made means that you are a new person, would you have felt bad before?.......no, way to go and tomorrow is a new day.....you can do this, you want this.......more power to you for tomorrow!!!!