New need motivation

Hi. Getting back into the fitness and health program. Looking for ideas for training and food ideas.

Also looking for groups and friends to keep the motivation going


  • williamsonmj1
    williamsonmj1 Posts: 85 Member
    For food, I recommend Felu on YouTube. He has a lot of low-carb/calorie, high protein recipes. He also has a cookbook.

    It's hard to give training ideas without knowing your interests. Do you want to get strong? Do you want to get muscular? How do you feel about gyms and lifting in general? Do you have a particular sport or other physical activity you want to do- e.g. soccer, marathons, swimming? Do you like exercising on your own in groups?

    Also a bit of info about your training history. How much training you have done before and at what level, relevant major injuries or physical constraints.

    Absent this sort of information I will generally say to people "Presuming you are a beginner (i) start a beginners' strength program and do it exactly as written (e.g Greyskull LP or Stronglifts), (ii) do a Couch 25k program", (iii) start tracking your macros with MFP and try to hit the calorie and protein targets. Check in again when you have been doing it for six months."
  • kiteflyer105
    kiteflyer105 Posts: 137 Member
    Try Body for Life. It is a book. It is for shedding fat and getting leaner. It is a good start for any beginner. If you need it, use modifications.

    Pintrest and You Tube are good sources. Look at recipes by nutritionists. Healthy Meal prep is always good, I don't know what pan you want to follow. There is OMAD, Weight Watchers, Dash Diet, Keto, Paleo, Whole 30, Plant Based, Vegetarianism, and Pesacatarian, etc.

    I would recommend hiring a nutritionist. They will tell you how many calories you should be aiming for a day. They focus on moderation and quality eating. Something that is not a quick fix and keeps your health in the forefront.

    For exercising, start with walking. "Physical activity is anything that gets your body moving. Each week adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and 2 days of muscle strengthening activity, according to the current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans."

    Good luck on your research! Take care

  • kiteflyer105
    kiteflyer105 Posts: 137 Member
    I forgot to mention This website has a ton of recipes you can choose from. Don't ever go under 1200 calories a day.
  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 694 Member
    My top tip: find some kind of fitness event in a few months that looks fun. Convince some pals to do it with you and enter it. At this time of year I'd be looking at Christmas fun runs, community charity events that include children and dogs, so nice and relaxed.

    Then train for it, always find the hard work easier if there's a goal. Then go do it, have a blast, and feel great.

    Then find the next one, it's addictive :)