30 day shred

I keep hearing about people doing this but they are all in the middle of it or just starting.. Has anyone done it and finished it and would they recommend it?


  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member
    I'm one that didn't finish...At first it was great, and I was feeling good...but then I started gaining weight. I know it had nothing to do with my eating and it was just from the fluid retention from the strength training...but I was so frustrated and not motivated in the least to keep it up. I did 18 days, got bored and quit. I never quit anything, so this is hard to say, but honestly I was just sad that I hadn't lost any weight in almost three weeks.
  • alipowell1
    I bought it and did the first 10 days at level 1. Then two days at level 2 but found it way too hard and hurt my hip a bit because there are soooo many planks. So I just went back to level 1 for the rest of it. I didnt' lose any extra weight, but my husband noticed that I felt firmer and looked slimmer. I still really like it and do it a few times a week.
  • cherryObebe
    I think I just saw a thread post in the last 24 hours with people just starting it. I would jump in on that one! Otherwise, it seems they start up pretty frequently.

    I completed W1D8 today. This is not my 8th consecutive day, but instead my 8th day in 10 days. In the threads or challenges, you will find their goal is to do every single day for 30 days straight. At the advice of a physician, I am taking 1-2 days off a week.

    It is a great routine! It was tough for me at first, but it is definitely getting easier! Now, I am finishing up level 1 and getting ready to move into level 2 which I hear is even tougher than 3! I highly recommend it. I haven't lost much in terms of pounds yet, but I have already lost inches! I will take it!

    GOOD LUCK! :flowerforyou:
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    I finished it! and YES it was totally worth it! I just had my third child via c-sec and this tape helped me lose the pregnancy weight...then i moved to ripped in 30 and started toning up...and now her tapes got me ready for P90X! I'm now only 16 lbs away from being my size BEFORE i had kids! I love her! and this DVD i recommend to ALL my friends who are trying to lose weight and get into shape! Good Luck! :)
  • monkeyann
    It helps in congunction with other things. The dvds by s.w.a.t are pretty good to keep you moving. I found mine cheap at a used book store too. I always keep my eyes out for new cheap dvds to rotate. That way you don't get bored and your body gets a challenge.
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    I finished it and went 30 days straight thru (only missed one day while out of town). I didn't lose as many pounds either, but I lost INCHES and there was a DEFINITE difference in my body (more toned). So, I would recommend it. Just before I finished 30DS, I started c25k which I do three times a week. I still do the 30DS every morning, tho. I like level two the best. Level one is no longer a challenge and, like someone else said, there are too many plank moves in level three. I literally got rug burns on my elbows. No thanks. LOL. Hope that info helps. :smile:
  • Chelsea_Marinos
    Chelsea_Marinos Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I think I will try it and I will definetly try to find a group to keep me motivated or a friend I have a few friends doing this website with me. I just wanted to make sure it wasnt a waste of money.. I am so excited I will have to go out and buy it on wednesday! :heart:
  • aalcid07
    aalcid07 Posts: 1 Member
    Lets do it!!!! :)