Want to reduce my lower body


I want to reduce my lower body weight. especially my hips, thighs and my back.. can you suggest any specific workout. The more I workout, the more slimmer I tend to become on my upper regions and lower regions seems to be stubborn.

I performed the 30 day shred workout of Jillian and lost 12 lbs.. Any other advises to have that tone lower body is appreciated.


  • mww12
    mww12 Posts: 7 Member
    Squats and deadlifts :)
  • scriehl
    scriehl Posts: 94 Member
    I love deadlifts! Lunges suck but they really work when done regularly and when done right.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    My husband has the most amazing legs and butt from running. I personally hate it but I might have to resort to it to slim my own down.
  • kaylalayla12
    The stairmaster!!!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    can't spot reduce. Calorie deficit is required to lower body fat.

    In saying that, squats and deadlifts are some of the best compound movements you can do. Do whatever cardio exercises you enjoy and will continue doing :smile:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    A lot of us are getting good results with Jillian's new DVD, killer buns and thighs (there is a challenge thread on here too). While it's true you can't spot reduce, the program helps you build lean muscle and burn fat to improve the look of the lower body. If you liked the shred definitely check it out
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    Yoga can help with that too. There's a LOT of muscle building in certain types of yoga, and the stretches will help the muscles keep from bulking up, and keep them lean.
  • manjingirl
    manjingirl Posts: 188 Member
    You cannot spot reduce to change the general shape of your body.

    However, if you choose to run or cycle often you will keep the butt/thigh area nice and strong and toned AND if you lift weights and concentrate on strengthen up your shoulders/arms and back, you'll possibly even things up abit, but remember muscle development is very slow, in the order of 10 weeks weight lifting with good nutrition before the stimulated muscles will show a response. Yes, 10 weeks, there's no quick fix.

    You'll feel good in the meantime though.
  • jazzybean1
    If you are working out, the lean muscle you develop doing deadlifts, squats, lunges, kickbacks will definitely make you look leaner specifically in the that area. I have trained a lot of pear shaped clients and combining cardio & a leg workout for sure leaned out the lower half.