New and about to start diet chef!

I've looked at all the diets going recently and decided that diet chef is the way to go, has anyone else had any sucess on this?

Would be great to have a friends on here that can really help motivate me!



  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    It's great that you want to do something to improve health etc, but although diet chef might work (and I'm sure it will since it's a calorie controlled plan and probably healthily balanced), it wont necessarily teach you anything - and without learning about food and nutrition, you may end up regaining the weight afterwards.

    Although you'll find people on here that follow various "diet" plans, the majority just try and eat better and healthier whilst sticking to their calories allowances etc - this teaches you about balancing macro nutrients (protein, fat, carbs etc), and how much calories different food contain, meaning it's less a "diet", and more a life lesson and hopefully a life changing experience leading to a long term stable weight and an understanding of what foods you are putting into your body, without needing someone to tell you which meals are suitable.
  • ZoayZoay
    ZoayZoay Posts: 60 Member
    I'm on the third month of it. I think it's a good and healthy way to get going. I'm starting to substitute more and more with "normal" food as time goes on. It's good for busy days and packed lunches. Hope you get on well with it.
  • I dont think Diet chef will work because as soon as you stop using it the weight will come back as you wont have learnt how to eat foods the right way, although it might be a good way to start to lose weight. I joined Slimming World and find it great, its real food and theres no guilt for having a bar of chocolate if you want you, it thought me to go back to basics with my cooking and what ingredients to use. So far i have lost 21lbs with it.
  • Maagrie
    Maagrie Posts: 49 Member
    I haven't tried diet chef. But, if it motivates you to get started, then go for it. I do agree with other posts that MFP is a great site to really teach you how to NOT diet and just eat well and live a healthy lifestyle. I'm not a hyper workout person, but this site has allowed me to figure out what works for me. I log my food and my activity and it doesn't even seem like dieting.

    I'm sure you will do well with the motivation you seem to have. Best of luck to you!
  • Diet Chef is real food though - so I think what it does is show you how making healthy choices, such as the meals you eat on Diet Chef, really make weight loss achievable so when you start to eat 'normal' food you will stick to similar - and not binge like you might on a milkshake / drink diet.

    Good luck! My mum is on diet chef and it's really working - and I like to have Diet Chef for quick lunches and work / lazy dinners. Yummy :)
  • veidtmeister
    veidtmeister Posts: 16 Member
    Kirsty had the right of it, I think. Any diet will "work"....adkins, scarsdale, grapefruit...etc..etc...but if you dont change your way of living, youre just going to fall right back off, and gain all the weight back.

    I mean, unless youre going to buy someone elses packaged, frozen, mail order crap for the rest of your life....

    If youre just trying to lose weight fast, short term for a wedding, or something....fine..but if you want to lose it and KEEP it off, you need to change your mindset, and learn better eating habits. (god knows my parents didnt teach me any....)
  • Hi Zoe im new on here too and Im really looking at starting Diet Chef too :)

    good luck :happy:

    Jenny x