Social life ruining my diet!

I don't know how to eat well when there is always something going on. I constantly finding myself joining my boyfriend when friends invite us out for pints....or we're traveling and tempted to try different foods/restaurants....or we're at his parents' house and his mom is a wonderful cook (of heavy, calorie rich foods!)...or we have friends visiting and have to take them out for dinner. It makes me want to go on a seclusive two month trek in the woods where I can only eat food I prepare myself. Even if I eat smaller portions or choose the most healthy dishes I can find on the menu, I'm still going to struggle to lose the pounds that way. Does anyone else have this problem? How can I just say no??


  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    It's called self control and discipline.
  • tiffph
    Is adding in some exercise to increase some of your calorie intake an option?
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    It takes a lot of will power and strength on your part. Very hard and easier said than done.
  • Texas501
    Going out always guarantees me going over my calories. ALWAYS. I try to combat that with working out before I go out. I put in about an hour on the elliptical and going by my current weight, I burn about 1,000 calories, which gives me a cushion when I go out with friends and drink and eat. I love beer. Sometimes I will find the lowest cal beer and stick with it for the night, or just drink less of the better brand beer. Hope this helps.
  • jesigiro
    Don't say no, its just about being organised.
    Have friends over and cook for them. I've had many a dinner party when my friends dont know they are eating diet friendly food. When eating out somewhere new get the healthier option, grilled chicken, salads(dressing on the side) etc and just try a bit of his. not as much fun as a big plate of something tasty but what is it they say "no pain, no gain"
    Only thing i cant help you with is the mother in law. Mine is terrible, i tell her i'm on a diet and she makes extra cheesy macaroni and crusty bread dripping with garlic butter or mega creamy curry etc
  • sidddiq
    hi there,

    I alos have the same problem. would appreciate any advice

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  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT - there is ALWAYS healthier option unless you are taking your friends out to mcdonalds :)

    My BF and I have started SHARING a meal. So, If we want a philly cheese steak sandwich, we share it, and get two side salads. If we want to go grab some beers, we have to work out before.

    Instead of going to happy hour, skip it once and a while for the gym. Research healthier restraunts before going out. It can be done :)
  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    It is really tough to find a balance! When you go out for pints, can you stick to one? Or have something a bit lower-cal? (You don't want your diet to ruin your social life, either!) but try to stay home and cook for yourself at least one or two times extra a week. You don't have to give up going out all the time, but probably some of the time, especially if finding yourself at a bar or restaurant is a trigger for eating/drinking a lot.

    Make sure you track your calories so you know approximately how much you have left when you go out, and try to work out a bit more on those days. Also, try drinking lots of water to fill you up and keep your hands and mouth busy so you're not snacking on fries or whatever else. Good luck!
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I LOVE and I do mean LOVE food. All kinds...the richer the better!! I have a hard time saying no to seconds.

    Start off slow. Cut your portions in half. Eat off of smaller plates.

    When you are in a restaurant order an app as a meal. They are usually smaller. Order a diet soda with rum instead of beer. Alternate with water.

    When you are at your BF's mom's house start with a sald or soup. Talk a walk after dinner.

    Make small changes & your body will adjust with you. Tell your BF how important this is to you & ask for his support. Instead of meeting friends out for dinner perhaps you two can cook a healthly meal for everyone at home.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Sure a two month solitary trek would help you lo lose weight. But what happens when you come back to your life?

    Yes, it is hard to stick to your plan when eating out and whatnot. Yes, it's frustrating.

    Personally, I decided that I am going to enjoy my life, even when I'm "dieting." When my boyfriend and I go out for dinner, I try to choose the foods that seem like they would be best. I only order water. I skip cheese and dressing on my salads. I'm not eating what I used to, but I'm still getting to enjoy a meal with my BF.

    It's football season, and our friends rotate hosting the game. When it is at our house, I choose a veggie and fruit tray, snacks that are healthier but still delicious. I still have a brat or two every Saturday. They aren't diet food, and they are high in sodium. I almost always put on water weight on the weekend. But I'm okay with that because it's gone by Tuesday. Again, I'm getting to enjoy food and fellowship with my friends.

    Do what you can to make smart decisions while you're out. If your friends are going out for drinks, volunteer to be the designated driver and sip water all night. If your boyfriend's mom cooks something amazing, have a little bit but not a lot.

    Indulging like this can slow your weight loss, but if you're smart about it and only do it occasionally, then it's not that big of a deal. Ya gotta live, man!
  • Scoobies87
    I know exactly how you feel!! It is SO frustrating! There is always something that gets in the way, luckily for me it is just weekends but even that is enough to ruin a weeks work for me!

    Hmmm, tips. When you go to the pub, just order diet coke or if you really really want to drink then vodka diet coke is around 60 calories.

    As far as the high in fat meals at your bf's house go, I think you are going to have to say no to more of those. If you go, it would be seen as rude to say no to the food (One of my exes mum's was exactly like this, piling the plate high and telling me I need to eat more!!). If you live with your parents use the excuse you want to spend some more time with them and have dinner at home. If you don't live with them then suggest your bf comes to your house and cook for him.

    It sounds like your social life is centered by food, which is why you are struggling. When your friends visit, you don't have to go out for dinner, although it is nice. Shop around for some restaurants that display calories or lower fat ones (like Thai)

    Otherwise I can't think of what else to suggest. Good luck!
  • irishseven
    irishseven Posts: 35 Member
    Sometimes you get more satisfaction with just saying least for a few dinners out...your health is more important than a few dinners out...but we also need to change our life-style patterns too!!! good luck!
  • 2chubby4now
    2chubby4now Posts: 93 Member
    Yup. It is a common problem. All you can do is choose carefully. Small portions even if you think it is a healthy dish. (Restaurant dishes usually have more calories/fat/sodium than you think. Half whatever they give you. Take the rest home for another day if possible.) Politely refuse extras (cake, desserts) or eat tiny amounts. Exercise. As much as you can. Drink water and try, try again. Don't give up. It may be tricky but you can do it. Good luck!