Finally on track again after a 6-year 70+ weight gain!

I'm not new to the MFP, but just haven't had much time to look at the forum. I've lost 48 pounds since joining this site on June 2, just under four months. I had some success with Atkins in the past, but wasn't able to continue it long-term. I just love my fruits which is a no-no on Atkins.

My back was injured in a car accident in 2005. At the time, I was walking two miles a day and had lost 35 pounds. I had to stop for 9 months while my back healed and now live with chronic back pain from arthritis that set in after the injury resolved. During those 9 months and the 5+ years since then, I slowly gained over 70 pounds. Along with that came high blood pressure and borderline diabetes. At the time of the wreck, I was also going through menopause, so lack of sleep was also an issue. I had zero energy and couldn't sleep more than 2 hours straight.

In July 2010 I had a sleep study done and was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I began using a C-pap machine, but didn't sleep any better. I tried every generic sleep medicine out there before my insurance would finally pay for the name brand Ambien CR. Suddenly, I was sleeping but had no more energy during the day.

Then a new symptom started - depression. It crept up on me slowly at first. Then one day it was like someone turned a switch off in me, and I couldn't get up off the couch. I missed my daughter's baby shower. Then one night after I had taken my sleep medicine, it occured to me it might be a side effect of Ambien. As soon as I stopped it, I began to feel better. The depression was gone, but I was back where I had started almost a year before. No sleep = no energy = no will power to diet or exercise.

Finally a few weeks later my doctor did a saliva hormone test. I started using a progesterone cream and immediately started feeling better. I also learned that when you aren't getting enough sleep, you're tired all the time and your body craves carbohydrates and then stores them as fat.

On May 28, my second beautiful grandson was born. On that same day I learned about My Fitness Pal from my daughter's doctor. He had lost weight using it, so I thought I'd give it a try.

I quickly learned that to stay under 1200 calories, I'd have to cut out the fats, mostly meats. I had never been successful with low fat in the past, so I doubted it would work for me. I was a meat eater. Meat-lover's pizza was my favorite. Now I can't stand the thoughts of putting all that grease in my stomach.

It was difficult at first, but My Fitness Pal given me all the tools I needed to be successful. I learned to read labels and control portions. I also learned that eating lots of fruit (something I had been depriving myself of or feeling guilty about indulging in since Atkins) gave me the fullness I needed for little calories.

I've now lost 48 pounds and gone from a size 20 to a 12. I hope that by Christmas I'll be in a 10. When I started in June, I could barely walk 3 mph for 20 minutes. On September 2, I walk/ran a 5K in 47.01 minutes. I may have only been number 992 in the race, but I beat 47 other people!

Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools


  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Hey there!
    It sounds like you have learned a LOT through your journey.
    The one thing that caught my attention is you said "to stay below 1200 calories". You NEVER want to be BELOW 1200 calories, at least, not intentionally and NOT on a regular basis.
    That is the bare minimum that any female NEEDS for their body to function.
    I am only 4'9" and don't weigh much (I am maintaining at this point) and for ME, 1200 is the minimum.
    SO, for a "regular" size person, you definitely need more.

    Congratulations on the weigh loss so far and on learning so much about your body and becoming healthier.
    Enjoy the site!
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    Good for you! Congratulations on your life changing accomplishments :)
  • KMSForLife
    What an amazing story! Thanks so much for sharing with the rest of us. It is these types of stories that keep me going from day to day!
  • ErinShannon
    ErinShannon Posts: 158 Member
    Congratulations on the weight loss so far! I did want to say though, Atkins isn't no fruits. I think many people are misinformed about Atkins. You can have fruits once you get into a maintenance stage - it's only the first two weeks that fruits are restricted.
  • LadyG33
    How WONDERFUL! Thank you for sharing your motivation and success story! This is definitely a pick me up I needed to read today.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Welcome back to your life.

    I understand the depression and the slow-creeping... but mine was naturally there and then exacerbated by Chantix. I didn't recognize it until more than a year after I stopped taking the Chantix though... maybe it was all naturally induced and exacerbated by life... whatever brought it on, exercise, eating right, and therapy have curbed it for me.

    I believe that we can all beat ourselves up (and end up making ourselves sick and fat and near to death) over the silly things we believe are important... until we're really faced with something important... our life.

    Your situation was something that couldn't be avoided but you overcame it... right there is where you became the hero in your own life.

    Great going. Great success so far. And continued success!
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story thus far. I'll enjoy reading your final success story! Way to go!
  • reneetollison
    reneetollison Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for clearing that up for me. Most days I do get some exercise, so I am going over 1200. However, on days that I don't get to exercise, I have been trying to stay under 1200. So if 1200 is a minimum, what should be my maximum (on a no-exercise day) to continue losing weight? Thanks for the input.