Upset because the scale does not change? read this

We all get frustrated when we do not see a 'scale" weight change.

And its true, that is a truly a POOR way to judge if your new lifestyle is actually making change because so many things can make the scale read heavy - when you are actually improving. Scales are not really a good gage, accept in a rough sense.

Water holding because of extra sodium, water retention from exercise increase that has caused muscle to tear and repair (and hold water) hormonal changes, food, liquids, and non voided body wastes in the system, stress etc. All can make scale read that you have gained weight, when in fact you may be loosing fat.

But sometimes it does also help to see "proof", we all like that feedback. I understand, and am the same way.

My History: I have lost 60 lbs before, and gained some back, in the past two years.

Started using MFP, changed workout to a more intense program (though I have been working out steady, and intensely, for a few years now - but let things slip), gotten more disciplined on diet and workout. Worked harder to really increase my protein levels higher. Worked hard at using even heavier weights.

After first starting MFP, I lost 10 lbs first month.
Then the next month I lost 1 lb. Just one - sniff.

However, in the no weight loss month - I have also been measuring with tape, and have lost two inches off my waist, one inch off my hips. And I am down to a smaller clothing size. And I look much smaller then my weight would suggest.

I also can see visually that my torso is leaner, and I am starting to see more muscle definition in abs, and ribs, as well as other body areas. My spouse noticed and commented.

I am actually in a smaller size then I was before when I weighed 10-15 lbs less then I do now. So scale weight is NOT my final goal really. Size and look are.

My weight lifting sets have improved, and I am lifting heavier weights. I can do pullups MUCH better, and even do a few without any chair assistance. This is a first in 5 years of working out, and one of my mini goals.

I just wanted to offer a bit of encouragement. Change WILL come, not always on the scale, or as fast as we wish - but stick with it. Know what you know to do, and keep learning, so you can finetune what works best for YOUR body and needs.

Its a journey, but we can all reach our goal, you just have to decide to keep moving forward, and know each day brings you one step closer, then you were the day before. Even if it was just a day to learn what does and does not work out best for you personally.

Don't give up. :)


  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
  • ritas
    ritas Posts: 12
    Thank you for the encouragement! I wish you the best on your goals!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I'm currently struggling with this the scales is moving up and down by same pounds each month but I've lost 8" from around widest part of my tummy and 4 " off my waist.

    My size 20 jeans are too big and I'm always having to pull them up.. even with bloat form monthlies I can get them up and down without unfastening... impossible before!.

    My size 18's are comfier and I can just about get in my size 16 smart suit trousers. . till a bit tight around the tummy but can get them up and fasten them and I couldn't before. I'm hoping to lose another few inches before xmas so they will be comfy to wear all day xmas day... (need more wiggle room to fit xmas dinner in! :laugh: )

    My tummy at the minute is much softer and usually during my monthlies it goes rock hard and swells.. I don't know if thats cos I have actually managed to get rid of some of the fat around my tummy?... and its currently been replaced by water). I usually weight a week after my monthlies end as thats when I tend to my my lowest weight of the month.

    I'm also going gluten free and low carb from tomorrow (when food shop arrives!) for a month to see if that well help me to drop some more weight.
  • lisa_lotte

  • krackertw
    krackertw Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement!
    I'm actually a scale addict too! And sometimes it is frustrating when the scale is just showing the same everyday.
    But I do get to find improvement on my body.
    I don't use tapes, but I seem to fit better in my clothes.

    So I still use the scale everyday (can't resist!), but only record weigh-in once a week.
    I know my body is improving, and I'm proud of that.
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    Thank you!!! People rely sooo much on that scale to tell them how well they are doing that if nothing happens or they gain "inexplicably" they give up before they even start. The human body is a crazy thing and we shouldn't expect that scale to be the be all end all of our progress. Thanks again for posting!
  • rhi_jones
    Brilliant info! thank you for the encouragement!
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    Thanks so much for this, as it's perfect timing for me! I know I tend to get frustrated if I don't see the scale move like I'm expecting it to... I have a goal, dammit! LOL - however, thank goodness I have been measuring myself all along and noticed yesterday that even thought last month was a whopping 3 lbs total, I did lose another 5" - 2 of them coming from my hips alone. So.. thank you - it is extremely helpful and good to know that it's not just me! I know there are tons of factors that go into weight and water retention, etc.. so I am going to keep on trucking. I am also feeling that my body is holding on to fluid for muscle healing... but that should be temporary... good luck to you also with your workouts, you rock!! Dani :flowerforyou:
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    thanks for this.
    we all need to remember this.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Thank you for posting this. :flowerforyou:

    I only found out for myself last week that the scales don't always give you the full story - my weight had stayed the same, but I'd lost inches from all over.

    And it makes a difference seeing some change, even if it's not the scales.
  • TainaLeirmoe10
    TainaLeirmoe10 Posts: 41 Member
    This is good stuff, thanks!

    I think I was needing to read this right about now!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Thanks for the post.... I already tell myself most of this already.... but it's good seeing it in black & white...
  • sashalarue
    sashalarue Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you for this reminder....i don't do the scale and have been trying to get this very point across to my friends and family that depend on it. I looks smaller than i did when i was on weight watchers and weighed less. I see tone in my arms coming back, in my thighs that are forming/toning my posture....neck and my belly is very stubborn and must love me so much since i'm unable to get it to go down....I too have increased my weight and brought down my far this is working well for me, i haven't been on the scale in more than 6months but i'm able to put on my fat jeans that turned into my skinny jeans now...
  • FrayedKnot
    Thanks very much. I was sent this as I am stuck at the minute, and it makes a lot of sense.
  • wendybird2
    wendybird2 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for the reminders! The scale can be very deceiving, especially for women without much weight to lose. I just posted a blog about how to track your 10-day weight average instead of your daily weight, in order to minimize freak-outs over (usually harmless) water weight fluctuations. Check it out here: