No More Excuses

I’ve decided it’s time to get back to my health and wellness journey. And I need help! I am hoping someone reads this somewhat long post and understands my struggles.

I am FULL of excuses: woke up late, have to clean the house, errands to run. You name it, I’ve used it as an excuse. I HAVE A GYM MEMBERSHIP!!! And I don’t use it. My excuse? Too far (15 minute drive). I have a treadmill, rower, and weights, in my basement. I have videos, journals, program materials at my disposal. Do I use any of it? Nope! I’ve paid for personal training at my gym.

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s about a year ago. I was taking medication but stopped because I didn’t feel any better. I have gained 30+ pounds in about 18 months. I changed jobs ( I was on my feet 8 hours a day and didn’t eat well) and since then, have been packing on the weight. I’ve gained about 6 pounds since August.

So I guess I am looking for someone to help keep me motivated and I can do the same for them. I am 54 year old female in Illinois. I want to feel strong and I have 40 pounds to loose before my 55th birthday in July.


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,608 Member
    I promise you it's not motivation. You NEED to create a routine you'll do day in and day out. Even if it's just a 10 minute workout a day to start. Once something becomes a habitual behavior, then you don't need motivation. Think of brushing your teeth. You do it to just do it. No motivation needed.
    Start with no weights exercise. 20 jumping jacks, 20 mountain climbers, 20 lunges, 20 pushups. If you're unfit, this may take you 10 minutes to complete. Once you master it and it takes less time you change the routine. Slow progression many times is what people need to create new habits.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 35+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • antonyshow
    antonyshow Posts: 8 Member
    Don't try to change everything at once. Start with one or two small goals that you can achieve.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    If you're turning over a new leaf and throwing those excuses out the window, then don't mention them anymore and get going. If you don't like exercising--fine. Losing weight is purely a caloric deficit. Get your daily goal from MFP and stay within it everyday.

    If you say you want to build strength and are serious, then time to use the gym or equipment you've got. However, the gym isn't right for everyone and there are lots of options to get moving. It's important that you do something you like so you'll stick with it. This is stuff you should do for the rest of your life, so choose wisely. That's why setting up habits is better than "motivation". Eating correct portions and daily movement are just something you do on a daily basis, like brushing your teeth or combing your hair. No drama, just do it.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,459 Member
    What they said.

    And for gosh sakes, if you're hypothyroid, take your thyroid meds. Not doing so can indirectly contribute to weight gain (through fatigue - even subtle fatigue - and appetite).

    Untreated underactive thyroid can have long term major health consequences: Heart problems, nerve damage, goiter, and more.

    It's not just about how you feel in the moment.
  • momebutter
    momebutter Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the wise words! I will try to figure out the workouts that I truly like create a routine.

    I am finally seeing an endocrinologist for my thyroid in December. It’s taken 6 months to get in so I’m looking forward to getting that in check.

    I appreciate the support.