my husband thinks I am getting addicted to loosing weight, w



  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Without judging your use of HCG, I'll just say this - my wife says often "you're obsessed!". Well maybe I am, but I am going to see, just how healthy I can get!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I am 30 years old, and I started dieting on 08/ 23/ 2010 with HCG, I was a size 24 and 277 lbs, I Just finished my third round of HCG and I am 182 lbs and a size 10. I want to keep going till I am at least 130 lbs and I should be a size 6-8, I am 5'4 but have a large build and come from a muscular family.

    I can start the 4 round of HCG in about 2 weeks, he wasn't me to wait and exercise for about 6 months. But I read online if I lower my BMI, now it is 31, to around 20 to 25 my skin will be able to adjust easier to m y new size.

    He is also concerned that I am getting addicted to loosing weight because I keep going even though I am a size 10 pant.
    I don't think I am, I just know that it is possible now and I don't want to stop till I reach my goal because this is very hard and I don't know if I am going to have the motivation later on.

    please tell me if you think I am being unreasonable?

    Just as a note: my husband is a wonderful man who really expresses concern and would support me no matter what, so please don't bad mouth him. ty

    Please do not do HCG, it is a starvation diet while taking pregnancy hormones. I bet you would lose just as much on the 500 cal diet and no hormones, that being said you should never eat that little, that is not even enough for a 2 year old to live on. Doing 1 round to jump start your weight loss maybe, but if you are going into a forth round you are doing some serious damage to your body.

    With so few cals your body will be burning lean muscle, not just fat, to use as fuel which in turn will slow your metabolism down making it easier to gain weight when you eat "normal" again.

    The best secret to weight loss is ....
    Create a caloric deficit that is right for you and exercise so you don't lose muscle mass.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose a weight loss of 2 lbs/week is ideal (1000 cal deficit)
    If you have 40-75 a 1.5 lb/week weight loss goal is ideal (750 cal deficit)
    If you have 15-40 to lose a 1.0 lb/week loss goal is ideal (500 cal deficit)
    If you have 15 lbs or less to lose a goal of 0.5 lbs/week is ideal (250 cal deficit)

    Please stop hurting yourself, I agree with your husband you are taking it too far the way you are going about it. Just try changing your diet and exercising (this will work for over 99% of the population, it just takes some will power)
  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member
    I think your goal is absolutely reasonable. Have you given any thought to just diet and exercise though? I know you have had success with HCG but maybe doing it a healthier way for that last 50 pounds would actually teach you how to maintain your goal once you get there? Learning healthy food choices and daily exercises and actually applying them to your daily life are vital in maintaining overall health in the long term. Good luck!!

    After reading on HCG website - I think your husband is right - and so is the above comment. Time to figure out how to work and maintain and change your lifestyle for better
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I don't know what HCG is, either.

    HCG is a diet were you eat 500 cals/day and take injections of pregnancy hormone which supposed to help control appetite. Not to mention while on HCG you are not encouraged to workout as you cannot spare any energy out of the 500 cals. This has to be one of the least healthy way to lose weight other than not eating.
  • SportySpiceVT
    SportySpiceVT Posts: 59 Member
    I think you should lay off the HCG. You are at a much healthier weight and you should learn healthy ways to change your life so you don't have to rely on an outside source. You need to diet and exercise and change your life in order to maintain your weight loss. If you are dieting and exercising it will take longer and your skin will have time to firm up (especially with exercise to tone). If you are extremely overweight, then I guess it is ok to use an outside source to get healthy, but now you are at a reasonable weight and pant size. All of us are changing our lives day by day by learning to manage our addition to food, or laziness, or whatever caused us to get overweight in the first place. It is a journey and you have to commit. I think six months, or even a year of using this site and exercising will get you to where you need to be, safely.

    Edit: reading more about HCG I agree with the rest, lay off! That is a horrible thing to do to your body. Your husband is right to be concerned. You are committed to this, now do it in a healthy way.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I know that I am not ready to stop because I see too much fat on my body even though I am a size 10. the reason a size 10 is a big deal for me is the smallest size I have ever been even is high school is a 12. I feel that doing any other method of weight loss takes too long, and I am afraid of getting comfortable with this size over the next six months.
    Also keep in mind I haven't had sugar in over a year, if I eat sugar again I may not want to stop for this diet again. It is very hard to stop eating sugar but once you stop eating sugar it is easy to stay stopped. once I am done with HCG I do plan on eating sugary items with moderation.

    all in all I remember how hard it was to start the HCG diet, I did take a 5 month break before I started my third round. but still stayed away from sugary items. I am getting tiered of being restricted to certain foods or from foods. and I know it will be very difficult for me to do this again.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I know that I am not ready to stop because I see too much fat on my body even though I am a size 10. the reason a size 10 is a big deal for me is the smallest size I have ever been even is high school is a 12. I feel that doing any other method of weight loss takes too long, and I am afraid of getting comfortable with this size over the next six months.
    Also keep in mind I haven't had sugar in over a year, if I eat sugar again I may not want to stop for this diet again. It is very hard to stop eating sugar but once you stop eating sugar it is easy to stay stopped. once I am done with HCG I do plan on eating sugary items with moderation.

    all in all I remember how hard it was to start the HCG diet, I did take a 5 month break before I started my third round. but still stayed away from sugary items. I am getting tiered of being restricted to certain foods or from foods. and I know it will be very difficult for me to do this again.

    Just exercise and eat health with the occational treat, as long as you eat below maintenance cals you will lose weight.

    You are still seeing fat as a lot of the weight you are losing is muscle, not just fat. dieting this way will only have you be skinny fat, when you get to your goal weight (thin with a high BF%), the smaller your deficit is the longer it will take to get to your goal but you will be a low BF% once you are there.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    HCG aside. . since you don't have much left to lose. . . I think it would be better as some of the other posters said to go with a healthy diet and exercise now to lose the rest. . .

    This will allow you to get used to a normal caloric intake for your body and any adjustments that you have to make along the way to work for you personally. . . This is a great site to be on for doing exactly that. . as they take into account your height weight and activity level. . . so it will naturally adjust your intake with a deficit included. . . I am sure that you knew all that. . With that said I would recommend eating as naturally as possible when it comes to foods. . clean eating. ..Good luck on the remainder of your journey~
  • dianaskin
    I feel that doing any other method of weight loss takes too long, and I am afraid of getting comfortable with this size over the next six months.

    I read the website on HCG and it really doesn't seem to be a healthy approach. I also worry about your statement above "any other method of weight loss takes too long..." You have a choice to make, you can severely restrict yourself to a 500 cal/day diet and sure, lose weight pretty quickly OR you can make healthier choices overall and lose weight slowly but for the long-term. I simply respect my body too much to go for the quick and dirty - I'd rather go slow and steady. Just my opinion. ANYONE eating 500 cal/day is bound to lose weight...but for how long will that last? I think you might need to rethink your strategy here - is it more important to LOSE WEIGHT or BE HEALTHY? Because right just seems that your losing weight.

    And this is "myfitnesspal" - so if you are on HCG which restricts exercise...where is your fitness?
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I do understand your concerns with loosing muscle instead of fat, but I am going to my Dr regularly and did undergo a fat test with some machine and I am not loosing muscle and I am loosing fat, I am very healthy, my hair is actually thicker and my nails are stronger and my metabolism is much better now after HCG and I can maintain my weight by eating calories according to my BMR chart.

    so if are concerned about health, as per my Dr. I am much healthier now and my metabolism is actually matching my weight.
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    I can start the 4 round of HCG in about 2 weeks, he wasn't me to wait and exercise for about 6 months. But I read online if I lower my BMI, now it is 31, to around 20 to 25 my skin will be able to adjust easier to m y new size.

    Ok. For starters no, I don't think you are addicted to losing weight. I am 5'4" have a muscular build (sturdy German legs) and am sitting comfortably at 140. I started at the weight you are now. 130 is a healthy weight for us. Now, I am not attacking your choice of weight loss method, however, I'm not a huge fan of fad diets, especially HCG. From what I've read, losing weight this way is fast but could (and from testimonials from others I've read it does) result in a quick gain back once you stop using it. Your body needs fuel and once you start giving it the amount it needs once you hit your goal weight, you may find that without changing the eating and exercise habits that got you overweight in the first place you will be right back where you started.

    My other concern is that by losing weight quickly with HCG doesn't give your skin enough time to adapt. You can't expect it to just "adjust" to your new size once you get there. It took me about 6 months of good old fashioned working out and calorie counting to go from the upper 180's/lower 190's but it was completely worth it. I gave my skin time to adapt and did the weight loss slow and steady and added muscle tone to give the look of my skin a nice boost. With the exception of my "mommy" tummy, my skin has had plenty of time to adapt/shrink/regain it's elasticity and though it's not perfect yet, I will get to where I want to be and stay there.

    Congrats on the weight loss so far but I do urge you to take at least some of your husbands advice and take a few months break from HCG to see how your body can maintain or lose on it's own.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I know that I am not ready to stop because I see too much fat on my body even though I am a size 10. the reason a size 10 is a big deal for me is the smallest size I have ever been even is high school is a 12. I feel that doing any other method of weight loss takes too long, and I am afraid of getting comfortable with this size over the next six months.
    Also keep in mind I haven't had sugar in over a year, if I eat sugar again I may not want to stop for this diet again. It is very hard to stop eating sugar but once you stop eating sugar it is easy to stay stopped. once I am done with HCG I do plan on eating sugary items with moderation.

    all in all I remember how hard it was to start the HCG diet, I did take a 5 month break before I started my third round. but still stayed away from sugary items. I am getting tiered of being restricted to certain foods or from foods. and I know it will be very difficult for me to do this again.

    Healthy Diet and Exercise for 6 months is NOT stopping weight loss. Your husband should be concerned. Lay off the HCG. You are afraid if you eat sugar you won't be able to stop? Don't eat sugar then. Plus, what will you do when you get to that magic number? Become anorexic because you are afraid of putting any weight back on?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I know that I am not ready to stop because I see too much fat on my body even though I am a size 10. the reason a size 10 is a big deal for me is the smallest size I have ever been even is high school is a 12. I feel that doing any other method of weight loss takes too long, and I am afraid of getting comfortable with this size over the next six months.
    Also keep in mind I haven't had sugar in over a year, if I eat sugar again I may not want to stop for this diet again. It is very hard to stop eating sugar but once you stop eating sugar it is easy to stay stopped. once I am done with HCG I do plan on eating sugary items with moderation.

    This post SCARES ME about you!

    You ADMIT to "seeing too much fat on my body even though I am a size 10." You DO have a situation here that definitely needs to be addressed more than you realize - and just as important as perhaps getting OFF of the HCG so you will truly learn about proper If you mentally see yourself as fat while being a size 10, you definitely have problems that need to be addressed.....

    You also said "I feel that doing any other method of weight loss takes too long, and I am afraid of getting comfortable with this size over the next six months"

    You are sadly mistaken - slow and steady weight loss IS the appropriate way to lose weight - this allows the body to adapt and stabilize appropriately. Getting comfortable in a size that is considered healthy is what you SHOULD be doing - in conjunction with learning how to eat foods appropriately, sans the HCG.

    Your husband is definitely right - Im sorry hun: in these posts, you do come off with a red flag legitimately - and I would SERIOUSLY suggest a call to your primary care physician.....
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    so my Q is do you think I am being unreasonable to want to keep going with the HCG drops not injections another 2 times one for 50 days with a loss of 30 lbs then again for 30 days with a loss of 20 lbs.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    so my Q is do you think I am being unreasonable to want to keep going with the HCG drops not injections another 2 times one for 50 days with a loss of 30 lbs then again for 30 days with a loss of 20 lbs.

  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Ugh, I had typed up this whole long thing and then my browser crashed.

    Anyway, first off, take a look at what you have already accomplished - you have lost a huge amount of weight which is wonderful! But I have to agree with many of the opinions already stated that maybe it's time to back off of the HCG and find your healthier lifestyle to continue on your journey. Yes weight loss is the finish line, but a healthier 'you' should be the ultimate goal. As long as you are on the HCG, it seems you are encourage to *not* exercise b/c you're eating so few calories, right? Well, if you go off of it, you can workout, build muscle mass, and that will help your skin adjust to your new size, too. Not to mention that working out and building muscle will help your size drop since muscle is more compact (dense) than fat.

    I am 5'4" and started out at 165 lbs. Following MFP's 1200 calorie per day plan (loosely, I might add), I have steadily been losing 1-2 lbs per week. You CAN do this. You already have a huge success to fuel your confidence, you have the determination, you can DO this. Realistically, you can't stay on the HCG plan forever, you have to learn to adjust your lifestyle for maintenance without added hormones or drugs. Please realize that you can still have success without having to limit yourself to 500 calories per day. It may seem scary to think about your weight loss slowing down but that is just reality - the smaller you get, the fewer calories your body actually needs to be healthy (although it still needs more than 500 regardless), and the slower your weightloss will be b/c you can only afford so much of a deficit to lose weight but keep your health. Slower weightloss is the kind you're more likely to be able to sustain and keep off when you get to maintenance, though. You're less likely to rebound back up and find yourself in the cycle of having to try and lose it again. Please think carefully about your longterm health and how you see yourself living at the end of this road. Lifestyle changes are what will get you at your goal weight and keep you there without doing harm to the body you are trying to improve.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Health wise... absolutely unreasonable... Your husband is 150% correct!

    Psychologically speaking - my dear, you need to get some help if you think youre still fat even at a size 10.... that is not healthy....
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    so my Q is do you think I am being unreasonable to want to keep going with the HCG drops not injections another 2 times one for 50 days with a loss of 30 lbs then again for 30 days with a loss of 20 lbs.

    Yes, try diet and exercise over the same period of time instead. If you have 50 lbs to lose you should set your goal to lose 1.5 lbs/week, then when you lose 10 of those switch to a 1 lb/week weight loss.

    If you lose 30 lbs in 50 days that would be very very very unhealthy, you should be trying to lose 1-1.5 lbs/week at the most, based on your stats and goal weight.
  • chocolattahottie
    I don't think your addicted. But I agree with him to let go of the HCG and try dieting and working out alone.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Because HCG is controversial and probably not all that safe, why not try just plain diet and exercise? Maybe he's worried that you're addicted to the hormone and would be more supportive if you lost weight the traditional way? It would also probably be better for you in the long run.