
Hi all

I need to start lifting but have no idea where to start, any ideas ???


  • EternaT
    EternaT Posts: 14 Member
    I'm sure others have better ideas but if it's an at home workout, you could try getting adjustable dumbbells and starting at a low number like 5lbs- reps- 3 sets of 10 with bicep curls, tricep extensions, shoulder presses and chest presses. Then work up from there when it starts to feel light. This is just an idea, though. Hope it helps.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,488 Member
    If you are starting from scratch start with a programme that is a challenge but doable.

    For me it was bodyweight. Once I was comfortable with that I moved on to a progressive dumbbell programme and from there to a beginner barbell programme.

    Here is a link to a number of good programmes.

    There are also a number of good programmes you can follow on you tube.

    Cheers, h.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,055 Member
    I see so much bad form at that gym...I think it's really useful to have a few sessions with a personal trainer to introduce you to the basics.

    Every gym I've ever joined has included 1-3 free sessions with a personal trainer with membership and many have had free or very inexpensive small group classes.

    After that, by all means strike out on your own. You will have the best results with a progressive overload program (something a trainer can advise you on.)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,231 Member
    I second the "get a trainer" advice, if that's possible. A few sessions to learn form can go a long way to avoiding injury.

    Group classes can be good, but if your goal is lifting, I'd suggest avoiding the kind where a whole big group of people are doing fast-paced lifting exercises in sync with an instructor. It's hard for the instructor to correct form in that setting, and some of those kinds of instructors are not ideally attentive to form in the first place.

    I was lucky to find a different style of class, one that was intended to teach regular strength training. At the start, the instructor would demo a couple of exercises, then we'd do those exercises under close supervision. He'd go around and correct form individually, plus kept an eye on the whole group so that if anyone was slipping into really risky form he could intervene quickly.

    Short of that, if you're going to a gym, weight machines may be a little safer to start. Usually, there are instructions/diagrams on the machine about how to set them up and use them: Follow that carefully. Machines are not as beneficial - they don't recruit all the nice little stabilizer muscles, for example - but they may have somewhat less risky, if used carefully.

    I agree with middlehaitch that a program is superior to just making up exercise routines yourself, and endorse the link she gave if you don't have access to a trainer. If you do that, look for "how to" form videos on YouTube from people with good credentials, and use mirrors or video yourself with your phone to do form checks. Don't go all out with weight at first, but rather start at a manageable weight and learn the form first. I'm not remotely an expert, but that would be my advice.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,055 Member
    Thanks for clarifying, Ann! Yes, when I mentioned “small group classes“ above, I was referring to teaching classes, not large group exercise classes 😊