new member :-)

gor this web site from a keep it off for good class . am impressed so far.
I need to lose a couple of stone and am motivated at the moment.hope it keeps up .


  • Hello! I am a new member as well, and like you I have a very nice pair of jeans, waiting. In the past I have found that writing everything down is the only way for me to stay motivated. I hope it works well this time. (2 kids later).
  • Just remember to keep reaching out to us for encouragement to keep yourself motivated, do fun exercises, and fill out as much of your profile as you can, make a post once a day, to make it more real, and keep you on track of your progress!! This is my first day too, and I already didnt eat something because I didnt want to go through the hassle of writing it down YAY!! lol
    To your success friend!
  • darkcowboy
    darkcowboy Posts: 59 Member
    welcome feel free to add me if you'd like
  • me too :-) havent worn them for a couple of years now .
    Ive only got one son and he is 23 so I have no excuse really for being this way .just lazy with bad habits I need to get out of
  • My name is Patti and my husband and I joined MFP a week ago and it is the only thing that has really ispired us to lose weight. We have each lost three pounds, and are exercising almost everyday, sometimes because we just need to add the calories to our ticker! We each need to lose at least 50 pounds.
  • Thanks guys xxxx
  • rebsaganes
    rebsaganes Posts: 112 Member
    Welcome! This site is great! I peeked at your wall and saw we have a lot in common. Age, back issues, etc. I have had great success here & you can too. Get friends for encouragement though. It really helps! Good luck on your goals:flowerforyou: