WHY WHY WHY do I do that?!?

So, I woke up sick yesterday morning. I had been so excited about really ramping up my workouts this week, and was really frustrated. So what do I do? I have a pity party for myself and I invited the box of cheezits and the bag of hershey's nuggets. Why do I always do that? I really need to get out of the all or nothing mindset. GRRRRRRRRRRRR:mad:


  • annie41977
    I encourage you to move past these choices and choose to do some sort of moving today. You can stretch, walk a little, and do light exercises.

    Don't stay focused on the mistake. Focus on fixing it!
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    Empty out all of the junk from your house.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Better choices take awareness and practice. Learn to write down how you are feeling BEFORE you indulge and really weight the benefits vs desires. All you can do is keep at it, life is a learning process, don't beat yourself up.
  • Brannock8
    Brannock8 Posts: 170 Member
    Ugh I know just what you mean. Just remember 1 week of workouts in the long run will be nothing, but making the long term changes that will carry with you are everything. Feel free to add me if you want some friendly motivation.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    turn that anger inward!! you made a mistake, but now you have to push to recover!! let's got off the forums and go to the gym!!!
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    I also got sick this week, and it was a bad time of month to get sick as well- so it was like a double whammy! Add in to that, my support system decreased substantially and I was prepared to pity party as well.

    I have decided its ok to half-*kitten* it this week. By that I mean, I can still watch those calories closely... but if I only have a walk or meander through my workout thats ok. Whats not ok is sitting sround on my butt whining into a glass of soda. :)

    Chin up! You can do this!
  • trotpop27
    I know what you mean about all or nothing. I've been slowly getting my mind around the fact that if I make a mistake, if I order pizza or I have a milkshake, that it's not the end of the world. That I haven't completely blown the diet so it's free range for me to eat anything.
    All we can do is think about weight loss on a day-to-day basis: If I drink that milkshake then I need to have lots of fresh veggies for dinner OR I need to add 30 minutes to my daily cardio or something.

    Just take it day by day!
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    So, I woke up sick yesterday morning. I had been so excited about really ramping up my workouts this week, and was really frustrated. So what do I do? I have a pity party for myself and I invited the box of cheezits and the bag of hershey's nuggets. Why do I always do that? I really need to get out of the all or nothing mindset. GRRRRRRRRRRRR:mad:

    I do the exact same thing. when I get sick i just stop everything and eat crap. I don't gain but I don't keep myself healthy either. I was out of commission for 3 weeks recently. Now it's hard to get back full throttle. You can do it. We can do it. Do just the diet if you must but don't let it all go.
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    We all have days like that just don't make it a regular part of your lifestyle.

    I am a snacker. I've tried every trick out there to control snacking. The only thing that works for me is not having those types of food in my house. So when I do feel like eating a bag of chips or a sleeve of cookies I can't. I end up settling for carrot sticks or working out.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Empty out all of the junk from your house.

    i've heard this a million times over. i wish it worked for me! people always say if you're at home in your jammies, you won't go to the trouble of getting dressed and leaving the house to go to the store to buy a dr. pepper or some doritos. i will totally roll up in the store in my jammies to get my snack on. if i don't have it in the house, i'll go buy it and eat a whole box. if i do have it at my house, i'll eat a little nibble every couple of days. best of luck with your snack attack demon!
  • mare91467
    mare91467 Posts: 91 Member
    I think that you are looking at this the wrong way. You wake up sick. When you are sick, you need all of your energy to fight the illness. Your body is working hard and efficiently by generating blood cells to fight the virus and get yourself well. That is calorie expenditure. Your body also needs fuel to make this happen. It needs fuel filled with proteins and nutrients.

    The next time you wake up sick, look at is as an opportunity to burn more calories while resting. Your body is working hard, right from your couch! :sick: Instead of feeling bad about not exercising, feed your body healthy foods (rely on those comfort sick foods, which I know we all have, lol) But, stay away from the processed sugar and empty calorie foods.

    My go to food? Grilled cheese and Tomato soup. Gotta have it when I am sick.

    Hope you feel better!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Eh, one day of being sick and eating a box of Cheez-its won't ruin you. You were sick and needed some salty and sugary junk to feel better. I always eat a bunch of junk when sick, too. Just write it off and get back on the wagon.
  • mmgrahamm
    mmgrahamm Posts: 10 Member
    Better choices take awareness and practice. Learn to write down how you are feeling BEFORE you indulge and really weight the benefits vs desires. All you can do is keep at it, life is a learning process, don't beat yourself up.

    Oh I LOVE this! What a great idea!
  • meaganstokes1
    meaganstokes1 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for all the kind words guys. I am feeling much better (mentally at least, physically I'm pretty sure I have strep throat). But that doesn't matter! I have made healthy choices today and will workout when I can. I'm on it!
    I might friend some of you, I could always use the motivation!