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Is having a scale beneficial

Here's the big question
Is it key to have a scale in your home or destructive to your health journey ?

Is having a scale beneficial 70 votes

67% 47 votes
11% 8 votes
21% 15 votes


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    Neither. Personally I go by how my cloths fit and how I look in the mirror. I do have a scale and do weight myself periodically, put it is in no way a fundamental tool for weight loss for me, for others it will, so there you go. :)
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,499 Member
    It is helpful for me because I seem to have fun house mirrors in my bathroom. :lol: I spent a few years thinking I wasn't as big as I was and since I lost the weight I keep thinking I'm bigger.
  • nolongergordo
    nolongergordo Posts: 37 Member
    Honestly, depending on your goal it maybe helpful.

    If your goal is to lose weight then the answer is obvious. But, of you want to replace the fat with some muscle in a body recomposition effort then you may be better off using a measuring tape and having a good look in the mirror.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,220 Member
    Food scale? Absolutely, without a doubt. Scale for a person's weight? Depends on the person.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,224 Member
    That all depends on the individual. I find it beneficial, but numbers going up and down or staying the same for periods of time doesn't particularly bother me. The scale is only one way I measure progress, and now that I am down to the last 20 pounds to lose, it is a less important one than whether my clothing is getting looser, how I am looking in the mirror, or for me the most important is how well I am adhering to my eating goals. If a person get de-motivated by the weight the scale gives them, having one at home might not be the best. You decide for you.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I truly know that if i weighed myself everyday... i would have never regained my losses over the years. Yet, I can't take the emotinal ups and downs while i'm losing. I use clothes as a way to determine if I'm losing. After i reach my goal.. i will weigh myself weekly .. so i know when to cap the madness.
  • NotGvnUp_EJ
    NotGvnUp_EJ Posts: 64 Member
    I think it depends on where you're at in reaching your goals. Lots of weight to lose it could be more motivating cause the lbs may drop easier at first. Little weight to lose it could, for some, be more stressful and discouraging.

    Then too it depends on the person's personality and tendencies.

    I only like the scale when l, first, can feel that I may have lost some, then to see the number has actually dropped keeps me going for awhile. :)
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    I have an impedance scale that I step on every day. Data is data.

  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    Some people are afraid of the bathroom scale, I don't envy those people, if they want to lose or maintain weight. I guess one solution is to get a bathroom scale without a display. Yes, these scales exist. Hopefully they use it daily and can chat with a bot which tells them in a vague way how they're doing.

    I have been using measuring tape for a long time, maybe 2 years. Multiple measurements, daily. Do people get scared of measuring themselves?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,067 Member
    edited January 3
    threewins wrote: »
    Some people are afraid of the bathroom scale, I don't envy those people, if they want to lose or maintain weight. I guess one solution is to get a bathroom scale without a display. Yes, these scales exist. Hopefully they use it daily and can chat with a bot which tells them in a vague way how they're doing.

    I have been using measuring tape for a long time, maybe 2 years. Multiple measurements, daily. Do people get scared of measuring themselves?

    No, not scared. But also not obsessed.

    I only weighed in weekly - I could probably do that without having my own scale (the original question) - use one at work or at somebody else's house for example

    Multiple measurements every day, either with a tape or a scale, seems OTT to me.
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,545 Member

    However, you cannot let daily weigh-ins affect your life the way I see it with some people here. "All I had different yesterday was this one little snack and I'm two pounds heavier today, how long will it take to burn all this fat off? I'm so distraught, I don't think I can do this."

    I weigh weekly, and I'm well aware that the snapshot is not necessarily representative due to water weight etc.
  • gwmjaz
    gwmjaz Posts: 9 Member
    I lost my excess weight before the pandemic. Went to gym regularly and got into pretty good shape and felt healthy. However I did become obsessed with counting calories and macros and also weighing myself daily, sometimes more than once a day. I almost felt like I was developing an eating disorder.
    Then during the stress and inactivity of the pandemic I gained the weight back plus extra weight.
    I am now logging my food, watching calories and macros again, but I gave away my scale. I won't let myself become that obsessed again. I can tell as my clothes get looser that I'm making progress. I just don't want to make myself crazy over this. Slowly and surely I will arrive where I want to be.