my accountability thread Day one



  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Hi All! Last day of November and I am ready for it to be over. It was great but my eating habits were not the best. It always feels good to start a new month! Its a fresh start, a new beginning. I'm grilling steaks for my father in law this afternoon so as long as I measure the condiments on the potatoe I will be ok.
    Going for a short run on the dreaded treadmill this morning because it should be raining soon :#
    @Marla86336, you are such an inspiration!
    I hope everyone has a nice Thursday. Wow I just realized Thanksgiving was a week ago. How time flies!!!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Good Morning!
    I got on the scale this morning and to my surprise I got off of it smiling. No loss, but if I do good this week, I should hit my before Thanksgiving weight on Friday (my weigh in day)! Oh my, Sugar, dirty 5 letter word! I don't get headaches very often but if I eat a lot of sugar, which I usually do if I have the first bite then bam! I try to put it in my mind that I will not have 1 or 2 cookies but a dozen and do I really want to eat a dozen cookies! Ok, then don't have the first one. So it's that first cookie that does all the damage.
    I'm going for a long run this morning. My training has suffered tremendously this training cycle. I hope I can do as well as my last half marathon, but if I don't it's ok, being with family was worth a slow race <3
    I hope everyone has a nice day!
    Hi All: Just checking in. I could have written your post Beverly! I sometimes think I am a sugar addict so I try to avoid at all cost but dang it is hard around this time of year. I am pretty much at my goal and it will be hard to maintain through the holidays but hoping I can do it. I have been babysitting granddaughter full time so I have not had much time to get online. I am able to walk her in the stroller for exercise on the nice days. I hope you all have a great day and thanks for checking in.
  • MamaBear5445
    MamaBear5445 Posts: 61 Member
    edited December 2023
    Thanks everyone for your sugar comments. I looked for a group in regards to this, and it is very sparse. I have been reading the thread "If I could have anything to eat right now without calories, I would have...", and I'm on page 44. Literally not a SINGLE person posted something that is 100% sweet & no fat. Like a big box of Jelly Beans. You'd think in 1000s of posts, a single person would post something that is just straight sugar. I feel alone in my sugar addiction crisis.

    On a different note, I'm going to be vulnerable here with a progress photo, but it should keep me accountable for next month. I'm slowly but steady working on my mama pouch disappearing. Hoping to post an updated photo in 1 month. Having abs show as a woman is hard! Anyways, I'm happy with my progress for having 4 children under 10yrs, working part time, and only doing home workouts with an exercise mat.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @MamaBear5445 - don't have much of a mama pouch at all. Four kids under think you are doing really great! You should be very proud! I'm not sure what you meant about the sugar addiction comment and straight sugar (100% sugar and no fat)? Please don't feel alone in your sugar addiction as I think there are many of us out there. My issue is not so much sugar but carb sand sugar. I am all or nothing. Fortunately I am in the "nothing" category the last week! I am at back to my goal and hoping to get through the holidays feeling better. Best to you mamabear and keep up the good work. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Monday Morning!
    My half marathon went as expected, not good, but not bad either. I came home with a stomach virus and that has kept me from overeating! I'm a little concerned that in Sept my liver enzymes were elevated, I went back 11/29 and they are still elevated, but a lot lower. I had an ultrasound last week and am still waiting on the results.
    Each year I pick a word to encourage me through the year. I can't decide between two for 2024. Discipline or Grace. Probably go with both. Dag nab it, I can't remember last year's word! Blame that on age! Does anyone else pick a word? I do write down my goals for the year in my notes on my phone. I made some goals and didn't make some. I'm happy with what I accomplished.
    Going for a short run this morning as it is literally freezing outside.
    I hope everyone has a Good Monday and a Good Week to follow!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi Beverly! Wow...just that you completed a half marathon is just amazing!! Way to go! Gosh, that is scary about your liver enzymes being elevated. Did you do anything to change your diet between September and November for the results to be lower? I hope it all goes well with you. I myself have been battling a cold (chronic) cough for 6 weeks now. I just don't feel myself. Hoping it ends soon. I love that idea of picking a word to encourage you through the year. I may have to use that idea. I like the idea of writing it in your notes as well. That way you can look back as a reminder what your goals are and to stay focused. I will have to think of some words....Lord know I can make improvements in my life. It is very cold here as well. Starting to feel like winter. My whole family will be together next week and I am so excited about that.
    I am still at my goal despite eating lots of pizza on Saturday (well I was up 2lbs on Sunday but came back down today). I'm just going to do my best through the holidays. Really thinking of giving up sugar for the month of January. My blood sugar is running a little high (prediabetic) and want to keep it in check. Thanks for checking in and hoping things go well with you Beverly.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Morning!
    Sarah, you are amazing. I looked back to when you first posted. March 20 and wanted to lose 10 pounds.
    Now you are at maintenance!!! It takes time and patience and you have had those this year!. I bet a new outfit would feel good! How did your kitchen remodel go? As expected? Post some pics if available!
    Anyway, I had an abdominal ultrasound last week and the doctor said everything looks good and we will just keep monitoring my liver enzymes. BTW, I quit drinking alcohol in 2001, so that is not it. I think, with no help from the 30 something doctor, that it is because I took iron supplements for 2 years. I quit taking the supplements and also my multi vitamin the first time the enzymes were high. Since they fell drastically but not enough, I think as we age (yuk 66 now) our bodies take longer to repair themselves and eventually they will be back to normal range. I feel so blessed that I do not have serious medical issues.
    @MamaBear5445 I hear what you are saying about your sugar addiction. You got me thinking about how everyone says they have the problem, but you are right, and the sugar is usually combined with carbs. Sorry, I have no helpful words for you.
    I am eating and exercising surprising well this month. I think the stomach virus helped kick start my calorie cutting. Hubby and I are planning to go out to dinner this week so I know I will go over my calorie goal, but I'm ok with it for one night.

    I hope everyone has a good week!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    edited December 2023
    @BeverlyW1108 kitchen remodel went well -it is a galley kitchen. My home is 100 years old!
    Let’s see if I can post a picuz5jdm3hqn6g.jpeg
  • MamaBear5445
    MamaBear5445 Posts: 61 Member
    @sarah7591 That is gorgeous!!!! Is that a warming oven underneath the clock?
    I love the double oven too!!!!!!!

    On another note, thank you for all your support ladies. I don't always log, or make time for home exercise, but I do read the community :)
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Morning All!
    @sarah7591 Your new kitchen is beautiful! My son and his wife have a house that was built in 1905! She definitely needs a remodeled kitchen because I don't think she will ever leave her grandma's home. But with 3 kids they just can't afford it right now. We've been there, huh!!!
    @mamabear5445 Join the club :) There are definitely lapses in my posting, but I always come back and usually read posts daily. It helps me to know y'all are out here!
    I'm going for my Thursday long run this morning. Wish me well!!!
    Have a marvelous day!
  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    Back at it. I hit my goal weight of 172 (I'm 5' 11") and this is about right for me. Then, as soon as I let up on the tracking, the extra "rewards" after dinner resumed. Keeping weight off is like holding a beach ball under water. With the slightest letup, the thing will get loose. So, goddamn it, back to tracking. An extra six inches or so on my gut again. One of the YouTube fitness instructors says it's a lifelong daily battle to give the body what it needs and to stay out of the extra carbs and bars of chocolate. Some of it has to do with up and down dopamine levels, related to having ADHD. I wish there was a pill I could take that would eliminate the cravings at night, or better yet some sort of engagement that would make me too busy to think about it. But, this is where we're at. A bright spot is my fitness level is ok. I've had a decent amount of cardio and also strength training, although this has almost zero to do with my BMI. 95% or more of my actual weight, and percent body fat is food intake. Exercise is a separate category that stands alone. It would take several hours a day of physical exertion to show up on the scales. So, a little discouraged but if I step back and gain some objectivity, I'm thankful for a strong and capable body. I turn 69 in a couple of weeks, shocking.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Morning!
    @greghopkins I like that analogy of the beach ball and keeping weight off! I always enjoy your insights. I too must track and focus on my eating and health or my weight goes up up up and away!!! I wish I didn't but hey, there are so many worse conditions that could affect me. I'm grateful all my gripes are first world gripes!
    Going for an easy run today, not because I have to to stay in shape but because I enjoy running.

    I hope everyone has a blessed day!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Everyone is quiet lately. I'm guessing it is because we are all overeating, not just me! I don't like that a lot of my enjoyment comes from food. I am still logging and exercising so hopefully the damage won't be too great.
    Merry Christmas to All!
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 31 Member
    It has been a while since connecting…I have been discouraged since my surgery in September. I thought that I would start up again in the New Year, but decided with Christmas here tomorrow, I ought not to put it off. I am staying within a range- few pounds up and not as much down. I am still trying to walk regularly. I have gotten away from logging my food, which was helpful. I get so mad at myself because my willpower is so weak. I think I’m a food addict and whether I’m happy, sad or bored I am filling my mouth.

    I think this has turned into a real downer and apologize for the venting.


    Coming back and reading everyone’s posts is encouraging and has been helpful. I will check in next week.
  • MamaBear5445
    MamaBear5445 Posts: 61 Member
    @BeverlyW1108 yes, definitely indulging, but enjoying the time with family. Merry Christmas everyone!!!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Yes, Merry Christmas everyone. Definitely indulging! Oh well. Every year I have a tradition of making homemade cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning. Thank goodness I only do that once a year! Amazing. Back on wagon today!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Ours was quiet as the kids had strep throat :s. We probably won't see them until it goes through the whole family. Hubby and I enjoyed our peaceful, non-stressful time together. We did buy a half gallon of ice cream and fixin's before we knew they couldn't make it so; well, I think you all know what happened! In one day!!! B)

    Have a Nice Day !
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Morning!

    I'm going to do the activities on the Action for Happiness calendar in January. (I googled January Action for happiness calendar) I know there are a lot of days I will be leaving my comfort zone. "They" say us seniors need to do that!!! I also started the 30 day plank challenge. I've done 2 versions in the past. This one is the same straight arm plank increasing the time each day from 20 seconds to 5 minutes. The version with different planks didn't work for me, some of the movements seemed to pull the wrong muscles and I got discouraged and quit. We've started attending church 2 weeks ago and really feel like this is the one we have been looking for. Related to this group: I've always found church gatherings to include a lot of good home cooked food, so wish me luck!!!

    I'm going for a run in this frigid weather this morning!

    Have Nice Thursday!

  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 31 Member
    Happy New Year!🥳 a new year with new opportunities…. I made Christmas cookies and gave them away, which was good for me and my husband. Having the cookies around are a tradition for me but wondering about whether it is time to change that tradition?

    I don’t like resolutions because I know they are already broken, however one that comes to mind is being more positive.

    Blessings everyone for this coming New Year!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Good Morning!

    I'm going to do the activities on the Action for Happiness calendar in January. (I googled January Action for happiness calendar) I know there are a lot of days I will be leaving my comfort zone. "They" say us seniors need to do that!!! I also started the 30 day plank challenge. I've done 2 versions in the past. This one is the same straight arm plank increasing the time each day from 20 seconds to 5 minutes. The version with different planks didn't work for me, some of the movements seemed to pull the wrong muscles and I got discouraged and quit. We've started attending church 2 weeks ago and really feel like this is the one we have been looking for. Related to this group: I've always found church gatherings to include a lot of good home cooked food, so wish me luck!!!

    I'm going for a run in this frigid weather this morning!

    Have Nice Thursday!

    Hi All! I have to check into your Action on Happiness calendar. Sounds like something that may be good for me. I'm impressed with your plank challenge. Dang...that is hard stuff. I am hoping to stretch and do some yoga every morning to help with my sciatica. I am still at my goal weight even after Christmas. I have had a chronic cold/cough so I have not had a big appetite. Trying to continue to eat healthy this year and try for low/no sugar. Also doing dry January. Happy New Year to all of you!