Torn Muscles and Strains

I've came back to the weight loss journey and to improve myself - before I attended the gym 3x a week and did healthy eating and everything had been fine.

I have taken a few months off after the loss of a couple of friends and stress in life and now feeling ready to get back on it.
However, I have since had a torn muscle in my side and regularly pulling muscles in my neck and shoulder and wondered if anyone could give any advice how to get back Into a fitness routine after a few months off and very little exercise x


  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    Don't expect to be at your previous fitness level any time soon. If you try to push yourself too hard in order to get back where you are, you will get injured. Consider yourself a beginner and build up your strength slowly. Be really cautious not to do too much too soon.
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,061 Member
    Don't expect to be at your previous fitness level any time soon. If you try to push yourself too hard in order to get back where you are, you will get injured. Consider yourself a beginner and build up your strength slowly. Be really cautious not to do too much too soon.

    this x 1000!

    if you lay off for months, you'll keep hurting yourself - or even cause some long-term harm - if you try to work out at or anywhere near your old level. your body seems to be telling you you're working out too hard, but if you have no medical issues, perhaps your side and neck are indicating poor form during exercise. that being said, you could be working muscles in those areas that haven't recovered from some kind of injury.

    if you keep having issues, perhaps a sports medicine specialist can be of assistance to help you with a new workout routine to help those areas.
  • Seansamz
    Seansamz Posts: 25 Member
    Have you tried something simple like walking every day? After you have walked for at least 30 minutes, perhaps try some stretching and core strengthening exercise. Stay hydrated and eat plenty of the right things. It will come back to you. Your body will respond.