FEELING really bad!

I am still trying to make sense to WHY I did it!

I am talking about last night’s dinner. As usual, my husband, daughter and I find our self walking about 3.5 - 4 miles every night and while we go walking we have dinner, which is usually subway and I always get a sandwich that has at least 300 calories, never get the chips and drink water.

Anyhow, yesterday we came across this Italian restaurant and I presumed I would be good! Which I wasn't! :frown: And I am really hating myself.

So my husband order a turkey sandwich and a small pizza which he was sharing with my daughter. As for me, well...I ended up ordering a capicola with provolone hoagie! UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! :embarassed: Which to say I only had half of the sandwich, but ended up having two slices of that damn pepperoni pizza that my husband and daughter where having.

I HATE MYSELF! I know better! I should of just had the damn turkey sandwich. I am not even aware how much a Capicola w/Provolone sandwich has in calories, which I assume is a lot! And those PIZZA'S (curse you pizza, wish you never existed :grumble: )

Anyone out there with this similar problem I have, cause trust me this is the worse one yet of the days I find myself eating like a damn pig?


  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Getting down on yourself will only make you feel worse. Today is a new day and you can make the most of it! You are human Lady, we all fall sometimes:heart:
  • Aussie4870
    do not dwell on this...its done and you cant change it...

    just do better next time...that is all that you can do...

    but i repeat...do not dwell on this, dont give it another thought...

    you are human, you will make mistakes...just do better next time...
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I am right there with you today. I feel huge. I feel swollen and I feel like I'm not making the best choices. BUT!!!!!!! I get to choose. That's what is important. Today, you get a new set of choices. Your past can only define you for so long... then you move on. Friend me if youd like :)
  • JIsh09
    JIsh09 Posts: 158
    Don't feel so down. I'm sure everyone slips up now and then cause I have myself,but that just puts you in the mind frame to want to do better. Cheer up! See it as you treated yourself to a lil snack :tongue:
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Maybe don't stop for food on your walks. Have something ready for when you get home. You can make better than subway or the italian place at home.
  • jeepwidow01
    Getting down on yourself will only make you feel worse. Today is a new day and you can make the most of it! You are human Lady, we all fall sometimes:heart:

    Agree! Today is a new day. Just use it as a learning tool for the next time you go out to eat. :happy:
  • inspiration345
    inspiration345 Posts: 218 Member
    You can eat a lot and still lose weight. You can see my food diary I eat a lot but I am losing weight by exercising. I know this 90 yrs old lady that is handicapped and she eats 2000 calories a day every day and is sitting pretty at 156lbs without gaining any weight. She is my inspiration. I want to teach my body to eat enough food without gaining weight. I think we mess it for ourselves by eating too little because then we have to discipline ourselves to keep eating too little for life.
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    Don't feel bad. You will get discouraged and get off track. It happens. I'm sure you loved your dinner last night and just take enjoyment in that and get back on the horse today. Keep up the great work! :flowerforyou:
  • witheredorchid
    witheredorchid Posts: 164 Member
    It happens to me often. My fiancee and my kids can eat whatever they want and never gain a lb. so they are often eating yummy (non healthy) foods. Eating meals with thems sometimes causes me to throw all my calorie counting out the window and splurge. It's kind of hard to do but what worked for me was no longer eating meals with them. I eat before they do and depending on what they are eating I don't sit with them while they eat. I know it cuts down on family bonding but I had to choose between 30 minutes of bonding or them losing their mother early?
  • GFreg
    GFreg Posts: 404
    Don't be so hard on yourself. One day isn't going to undo the hard work you have been putting in. Just focus on today and the future because there is nothing you can do about the past. I can't sit here and be angry for letting myself get to 385lbs. I have to look to the future and keep working hard to accomplish my goals.

    You will be able to overcome a "pig out" dinner. Hang in there, think about what you ate and log it so you can see what calories you put in. You may realize that what you ate wasn't really all that horrible but just has the illusion of being bad.

    Good luck!
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Please don't feel badly. I did even worse. I ordered fried chicken! And the next day I was literally six pounds heavier on the scale.

    It happens. The important thing is not to beat yourself up over it. Do a great workout and that will definitely make you feel better. :) And the workout is kind of like giving yourself a kick in the butt for what you did.
  • greg24bailey
    greg24bailey Posts: 13 Member
    It is ok to splurge every now and then, just don't make a habit of it. It is actually good for your body to do, so it doesn't get used to the same ole same ole all the time. I have a craving at least once every 2 weeks for BBQ, and being originally from TEXAS it is hard to find any decent in Ohio; but when I do. Whoa Nelly, we're puttin' away some BBQ.

    Don't beat yourself up over it, it is good to shock your body on occassion but not too often.
  • megarooni
    megarooni Posts: 50 Member
    Don't be down on yourself and don't deprive yourself! Every now and then it is ok to treat yourself to something a little different and maybe what is more of an indulgence. If you were doing this on a daily basis the story might be different. All dinner was last night was an extra little treat for your discapline and hard work. Getting down on yourself is only going to cause stress, which can lead to other issues. Just know that it was just a special treat and it is not something that is a problem. If you tell yourself you won't eat italian, etc it is just going to make you crave and want it more. You are doing wonderfully and there is really no reason to feel bad and get down on yourself. When you treat yourself maybe do a little more intense of a workout to burn off a few extra calories. But I do not feel this situation is something you need to worry about. I think it's just being human! You are doing wonderful and you didn't fall off the wagon! Take a deep breath! Today is a new day! Good luck on your continued journey! :)
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    This is NOT A REASON TO HATE YOURSELF!!! It is life, things happen, did you enjoy dinner with your husband and daughter? Was it fun? Did you have good conversation? Did you enjoy the food while you were eating it? I bet the answer is yes. These are all good reasons to NOT HATE YOURSELF. i know i have been there, i have made conscious decisions to eat food that was horrible over and over again. Do i regret it? usually. do i do it again? sometimes. but sometimes i learn from my mistakes. There was probably a lot of sodium in the meal, start chugging the water, i bet if you return to your normal ways today you will not even notice this on the scale. It happens. You will be fine. Now you know how the aftermath makes you feel, but please don't try to live in a cave. There will be other times when you make bad decisions, learn from them.
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Relax..it happens to the best of us..haha..things happen..as long as you know to hit it hard the next day..and not keep on eating bad the next day or so...stay strong...its about moderation and its all hard for us..but just gotta give it time to actually become a habit to stay strong and moderate those things we love the most..:wink: I have my hardest heaviest meals at lunch and when I know I'm going to tear it up in exercise that day..

    And I know you guys love to go for walks, why not eat prior to that..eat at home.. and burn off the food you ate? That way you know what calories you actually ate..
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    It's not a failure. It's sparking your metabolism with a high calorie intake for a meal. =D
  • MadPanda75
    MadPanda75 Posts: 73 Member
    I can definitely relate to cheating and gorging myself. But its important to remember that today is a new day. Have faith!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    One of my mfp friends told me to me to hate my actions not myself. She is so right, sometimes there is no explaining why we do these things to ourselves but when we do we should forgive but not forget.

    Forgive yourself for doing it but don't forget how you feel right now the next time you feel like eating ???? (I am british and have no idea what you it was you ate) :happy:
  • MeAgain2011
    MeAgain2011 Posts: 66 Member
    Not only do I sometimes have this problem, I had the same problem last night. And I feel bad, too! I am getting better about dusting myself off and starting over, though. It's not so much those "bad" nights that determine our course but what happens the day after. Today I am drinking lots of water and eating carefully. Best I can do, since I dont have a magic wand.

    I did realize how uncomfortable I felt after eating as much as I used to (completely sick feeling, kept me awake), so I may have actually learned something as a result. :)
  • narenn
    As already said, today is a new day! Also if you have a splurge day (like every friday for me), just skip it for the week... no harm done!