Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 244



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,411 Member
    Thank you, @quiltingjaine !
    73 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 148.0
    UGW: 140.0
    12/06 - 149.0 at 8:30 a.m. ...sick
    12/07 - 150.4 at 8:30 a.m. ...sick
    12/08 - 148.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...sick
    12/09 - 147.5 at 9:00 a.m. ...sick
    12/10 - 147.1 at 7:30 a.m. ...sick...I am going to see my trainer tomorrow...can't wait!!!
    12/11 - 146.8 at 7:45 a.m. ...30 min workout w/trainer
    12/12 - 146.9 at 8:00 a.m. ...nothing...still sneezing and coughing
    12/13 - 148.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty and trainer for 60 min workout
    12/14 - 148.1 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty and nothing
    12/15 - 148.5 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty and nothing...trainer sick now
    12/16 - 147.0 at 9:00 a.m. ...nothing...still runny and coughing
    12/17 -
    Good luck everyone!
  • GregoryStaley
    GregoryStaley Posts: 58 Member
    My third round! Still excited and seeing some early results! *Note to self: over the past twenty years you have ably demonstrated that you know absolutely nothing about weight loss or exercise other than you need to do both. Don't convince yourself that you know ANYTHING, having lost a pound or two. Read other peoples struggles and successes. Glean what you can! LISTEN! Be patient! Nothing changes if nothing changes. I can't change unless I am willing to do things completely foreign to me. Do'em anyway!

    12/08-199 Starting weight this round
    *When I skip a meal for whatever reason, I put myself in a bad situation. Around the holidays
    all sorts of crap food is left out on the staff lunch table. Deadly combo for me. Just for me: I
    gotta start training myself to see Carbs as rat poison, just for me!
    *When motivation runs low, and it will, I'd better have a routine established. Big Mo is great, but
    routine is a better friend to me.
    12/16-197 Would be nice to get off my *kitten* on a nice day like today and go for a hike to town. Start getting use to my new backpack!
    12/17- 197 Happy to have kept going in the right direction for this round. Time to add in a little hiking.
    See you on the next challenge!

  • Sgomes16
    Sgomes16 Posts: 136 Member
    SW 152.4 RND 244
    GW 135

    12/8 152.4 🧘‍♀️📝
    12/9 152.3 🧘‍♀️📝
    12/10 152.6 📝
    12/11 152.6 Birthday dinner out, tracked food but salt always gets me. I expect to be up tomorrow but back at it and hoping to be back down on 12/13
    12/12 152.2 Nice! Tracking worked
    12/13 151.6 🧘‍♀️📝
    12/14 151.6 🧘‍♀️📝
    12/15 152.4 went out to happy hour with friends. Enjoyed myself but will pay with tomorrow’s weight. No worries, back at it tomorrow
    12/16 151.6 🧘‍♀️📝
    12/17 151.6 🧘‍♀️📝 yay!
  • jlwalker6
    jlwalker6 Posts: 77 Member
    edited December 2023
    About me: 5'7/F/41

    HW: 327 in 2010
    HW on MFP: 301
    CW: 265ish
    GW: 260 by 2/7/24
    GW2: 240 by 8/1/24
    UGW: 185

    12/8: 265ish. Had to rush out this morning and forgot to weigh so that's what i weighed yesterday. Lunch will be a protein bar and an apple so tonight might be another whole bag of salad and chicken for dinner. Again, could be worse things.

    12/9: 263.6! Almost to the 250s, land of nearly not-uncomfortable plane seats. On certain airlines 😂 Sneaky Xmas shopping today under the guise of grocery shopping.

    12/10: 263.4. Hubby made a delicious chicken stir fry with gochujang last night. I could drink gochujang in a shotglass. The kind i bought was pretty low in calories so that might be a possibility. I'm thinking about everything else i could put it on--maybe make beef jerky with it in the Ninja Foodi?

    12/11: Holiday party 🍪🥧🥖🧀⛄️🎄 262.8 this morning. (Raging hormones) Tl;dr: I have decided not to overextend myself for people who do not do the same for me/do not take my feelings into consideration (this is related to food because, at least for this party, I am not being driven to make food decisions based on emotional ties to food. Merry Xmas to me 🎄🎉🎁).

    12/12: 262.2. Very exciting! This is the goal weight i need to be at the beginning of February to win my Healthy Wage pot. I'm going to keep working at it because I know the holidays are going to have the scale up and down over the next few weeks.

    12/13: 264.2, and that makes sense because i feel so incredibly bloated today, like the little girl that turned into a blueberry in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory kind. I haven't even been eating at maintenance as far as calories go so i know it's not fat gain.
    I'm tired and cranky like a toddler today so I'm going to be nice and go to bed early--if i could sleep for 12 hours straight i would be soooo happy 🥹

    12/14: 262.2. Much better mood today! I got plenty of sleep for the first time in at least a week. Made some Xmas treats and will send them to work with my husband tomorrow. I did test them under varying conditions--standing, sitting--for safety, of course.

    12/15: 263
    12/16: 263
    12/17: 263.8. Crazy PMS. Feeling starved. But also guts feeling yucky today. Ate a bunch of crackers for lunch 🙃 Going to bed earlyish; still down a pound from day one of the challenge so I'm calling it a win :)
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    Jen; 47; 5'4"

    About Me:
    This is my sixteenth round and really appreciate having someplace to stay accountable.
    Thanks to a medication I'm on for my mental health and an overeating habit, I managed to gain a lot of weight in the last year or so. On July 4, I stepped on the scale for the first time since I started the med (that is known to cause weight gain) and decided enough was enough. I buckled down and started actually recording my food for the first time in over five years and started walking every day. Now I need motivation to keep going. I'm a mom of five and grandma of one 4yo that I babysit during the week when my daughter is working. We live in the Pacific Northwest where we're entering the rainy season which makes walking a lot harder, and it's my main form of exercise right now. I do have access to gym equipment at our HOA clubhouse, but I still have to walk there and back (takes about 9 minutes). I recently started working full-time (after over 23 years as a SAHM) so my time to exercise is now limited.

    Previous Rounds:
    RND 229 - SW: 287.8; EW: 280.4 (-7.4)
    RND 230 - SW: 280.4; EW: 276.0 (-4.4)
    RND 231 - SW: 276.0; EW: 267.2 (-8.8)
    RND 232 - SW: 267.2; EW: 262.0 (-5.2)
    RND 233 - SW: 262.0; EW: 252.8 (-9.2)
    RND 234 - SW: 252.8; EW: 248.2 (-4.6)
    RND 235 - SW: 248.2; EW: 243.4 (-4.8)
    RND 236 - SW: 243.4; EW: 243.0 (-0.4) :'(
    RND 237 - SW: 243.0; EW: 237.4 (-5.6) !
    RND 238 - SW: 237.4; EW: 232.8 (-4.6)
    RND 239 - SW: 232.8; EW: 226.4 (-6.4)
    RND 240 - SW: 226.4; EW: 220.6 (-5.8)
    RND 241 - SW: 220.6; EW: 217.2 (-3.4)
    RND 242 - SW: 217.2; EW: 214.0 (-3.2)
    RND 243 - SW: 214.0; EW: 213.6 (-0.4) :(
    Total Lost: 74.2lbs

    * track food every day
    * walk or go to the HOA gym on my days off (Wed/Thur)

    Round 243
    heaviest: 294 (7/4/23)
    SW: 213.6
    GW (short term): 200
    RGW: 211.0

    UGH, I had filled all of these out but hadn't posted it yet and then my computer restarted so I lost all of my comments. It's been a long few days.

    12/8 - 211.2 - 9526 steps

    12/9 - 212.4 - 8652 steps

    12/10 - 213.0 - 8633 steps

    12/11 - 212.6 - 8365 steps - This week has been ugh. I think part of the reason my weight keeps fluctuating so much during my work weeks is my legs--especially my knee--get very sore and swelled up from being on my feet all day. So I start retaining water. On top of that, I'm just super hungry when I get home so I just munch on anything I can find which has been screwing everything up. I know I'll eventually figure out something that works with my new schedule, but it's hard. I feel like I'm doing so much more during the day, but I'm not really doing much more steps than I did walking for an hour and a half each day. But I'm on my feet for 7.5 hours/day now. Today was absolute chaos at work. I was on my own starting at 3:30 and I did not slow down at all, not even for a moment to catch my breath or get a drink--until my co-worker called me at 5:30 (a half hour past my lunch break) to say she probably wasn't going to make it in. I told her I would close early and get to lunch at 5:45. That did not happen because as soon as I hung up, there were people waiting at the counter. It was 6:21 when I finally closed the department and clocked out for lunch. And even after I closed, people kept coming up to the counter wanting stuff despite seeing the lights off and that I'm cleaning. Ugh. At least I ate all the Veggie Straws yesterday so I was not tempted to stuff my face from the stress when I got home.

    12/12 - 212.6 - 8243 steps - I finally gave into my cravings for chips and dip as an early birthday gift to myself. It was a stressful week already and I was tired of counting calories and always ignoring my cravings. It tasted so good, I don't even care what my weight is tomorrow. It's probably going to be up and all over the place the next few weeks as I start baking before Christmas but then I should get back on track. If I can figure out how to get my calories in while working and not feel so hungry when I get home at the end of the day.

    12/13 - 214.6 - no exercise - Happy Birthday to me! I ate all of my dip I made and most of the two bags of Ruffles I bought. I also made steak and mashed potatoes for my dinner (after making burgers, fries and mac & cheese for everyone else). Then my husband brought home these cupcakes and a piece of carrot cake for me. Each cupcake was different and I just needed to try the raspberry one which had raspberry filling and also the icing (which was taller than the cupcake itself) was raspberry flavored. It was delicious. I only ate a quarter of it then the my carrot cake. I didn't care my weight was up 2lbs from yesterday and I don't care that it will be up tomorrow. It's my birthday so I get to eat whatever I want.

    12/14 - 216.4 - no exercise - And my weight was up 2lbs again. Oh well. I enjoyed my pig-out days. I finished off the chips I bought and had a bit of cupcake earlier. Then I made meatloaf for dinner and had half a meatloaf sandwich and another slice of it with mashed potatoes, gravy and a bunch of veggies. I also finished off the bits of fries leftover from last night. I didn't really measure anything the last few days. I just don't care right now. But it's back to work tomorrow. I'm going to experiment with having a very light lunch before work. Just enough to hold me over until dinner time then I can eat something more substantial when I get home since I'm always so hungry at 9. We'll see how it goes.

    12/15 - 213.6 - 9875 steps - Aaaand I'm back at my start weight for this round. This last week has been very crazy with food. And I know it's going to continue into this next week. I plan to do a bunch of baking on my next day off which means the house will be full of cookies through the new year. But, I tried something new with my meals today. I had a very small salad of mostly lettuce and grape tomatoes for lunch before work. Then had a dinner of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and veggies at work. And then I had 3oz of steak, mashed potatoes and broccoli after work since I always seem to be famished when I get off and want to eat anything I see. I still appeared to be under my calories for the day so hopefully this doesn't mess things up too much. I normally only eat 2 meals a day so redistributing those calories to 3 meals is going to be a pain I think, but I'm going to try to stick with it for a week. We'll see how it goes.

    12/16 - 213.0 - 8411 steps - Okay, eating a very small lunch before I leave for work then leaving a bigger meal for when I get home at 9 something feels much better. I don't actually feel hungry the first 3 1/2 hours I'm there and then when I do start feeling hungry, it's just 30 minutes until lunch. Then my lunch (dinner) isn't super big otherwise I feel way too full and sleepy after eating when I have another 4 hours to go. So eating my big meal when I get home makes more sense even though it's a bit too close to bedtime. But I feel less likely to munch on other stuff when I'm eating a full meal at night. I guess I'll give it some time. I don't think I'll really be able to judge in the next week because of the holidays so I'll reevaluate after Christmas to see how it's working.

    12/17 - 211.2 - 7629 steps - Eating these three meals a day seems to be working, although I might have eaten a bit too much tonight. Oh well. I definitely feel fuller and less likely to snack. I don't like working when I'm overly full so eating a small meal just before work seems to be the way to go. Next week, I start baking, though, so it's all out the window anyway, lol.
  • antiderivative
    antiderivative Posts: 258 Member
    edited December 2023
    Round 244
    Jillian Age 38 and 5'1"

    HSW: 179.8 (2020)
    CSW: 155.6

    GW: 130 (From an Overweight BMI to Normal)
    UGW: 116 (Optimal BMI)

    Mini GW: 158(From an Obese BMI to Overweight BMI)
    Mini GW 2: 148

    RGW: 153
    Previous Rounds:
    Round 228 : 166.8 to 165 (-1.8) (July 2023)
    Round 229 : 165 to 164.6 (-0.4)
    Round 230 : 164.6 to 163 (-1.6)
    Round 231 : 163 to 161.6 (-1.4)
    Round 232 : 161.6 to 160.4 (-1.2)
    Round 233-235 : I took three weeks off and gained 3 pounds.
    Round 236 : 163.4 to 161.8 (-1.6)
    Round 238 : 162 to 161.2 (-0.8)
    Round 239 : 161.2 to 158.4 (-2.8)
    Round 240 : 158.4 to 159.7 (+1.3)
    Round 241 : 159.7 to 157.2 (-2.5)
    Round 242 : 157.2 to 156.2 (-1.0)
    Round 243 : 156.2 to 155.6 (-0.6)
    Round 244 : 155.6 to 156.1 (+0.5)

    Overall: Rounds 228-244: 166.8 to 156.1 (-10.7)

    Round Goal: 153
    🏃‍♀️ 12/08: 155.1
    🏃‍♀️ 12/09: 154.5 There's the goal for the last round! Awesome!
    🏃‍♀️ 12/10: 155 It's my birthday, and as such it is required for me to go over my calorie goal by about 500. For cheesecake. 🥳🍰
    🏃‍♀️ 12/11: 154.8
    🏃‍♀️ 12/12:
    🏃‍♀️ 12/13:
    🏃‍♀️ 12/14:
    🏃‍♀️ 12/15:
    🏃‍♀️ 12/16:
    🏃‍♀️ 12/17: 156.1 I'd gone on a small vacation to a family friend's house and had a little fun! Birthday Week Complete.

  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,025 Member
    End Round 244 Fri Dec 08 2023 ~ Sun Dec 17 2023 ~

    Round 244
    Dec 8 2023 ~ Dec 17 2023

    My name is Tish.
    Age: 67
    Height: 5'7.5"
    USW: 260
    2023 Start Wgt:Don't know(Jan1)

    CW: 199
    RG: 80ozs to 96ozs water


    ▪︎Day1▪Fr•Dec 08-¤199

    (Th•57g Prot; 60ozs water)
    Well, I'm going to be here until I let "keto friendly" bread and cookies alone.

    ▪︎Day2▪Sa•Nov 09-DNW

    (Fr•87g Prot; 60ozs water)

    ▪︎Day3•Su•Nov 10- ¤DNW

    (Sa•60g Prot; 48ozs water)

    ▪︎Day4•Mo•Dec 11-¤

    (Su•80g Prot; 64ozs water)

    ▪︎Day5•Tu•Dec 12-

    (Mo•64g Prot; 64ozs water)

    ▪︎Day6▪We•Dec 13- ¤

    (Tu•43g Prot; 48ozs water)

    ▪︎Day7▪Th•Dec 14-¤

    (We•71g Prot; 48ozs water)

    ▪︎Day8▪Fr•Dec 15-¤

    (Th•71g Prot; 32ozs water)

    ▪︎Day9▪Sa•Dec 16-¤

    (Fr•99g Prot; 64ozs water)

    ■Day10▪Su•Dec 17-¤DNW

    (Sa•68g Prot; 48ozs water)
    I have not been weighing myself. Mainly because I don't think about it until after I've eaten. When I do step on the scale, I won't be surprised if it reads over 200lbs again and I wont be angry with myself. I still have some underlying stress, but it is subsiding now and my appetite is moving away from eating "foods" that are detrimental to me.

    Intermittent Fasting

    *Round End Weights*
    {Mar 19~Round 34- lost 2.8 lbs~215.8}
    {Mar 28~Round 35 - lost 2.4 lbs~214}
    {Apr 7~Round 36 - lost 1 lb~212}
    {Apr 17~Round 37 - lost 5.6 lbs~206.4}
    {Apr 27~ Round 38 - lost 1 lb~205.4}
    {May 6~ Round 39 - lost 3.4 lbs~202}
    •••Transition Round⬇•••
    {May 17~Round 40 - lost 3 lbs~199}
    {May 27~Round 41 - lost .8 lbs~198.2}
    {Jun 6~Round 42 - lost 2.6 lbs~195.6}
    {Jun 16~Round 43 - lost 1.4 lbs~194.2}
    {Jun 26~Round 44 - lost 1 lb~193.2}
    {Jul 6~Round 45 - no loss~193.2}
    {Jul 16~Round 46 - lost 3.6 lbs~189.6}
    {Jul 26~Round 47 - lost 1.4 lbs~188.2}
    {Aug 5~Round 48 - lost 1.8 lbs~ 186.4}
    {Aug 15~ Round 49 - lost .8 lb~ 185.6}
    {Aug 25~Round 50 - lost 3 lbs~ 182.6}
    {Sep 4~Round 51 - .4 lb gain~ 183}
    {Sep 14~Round 52 - lost 2 lbs~ 180.8}
    {Sep 24~Round 53 - lost 1 lb~ 179.8}
    {Oct 4~Round 54 - lost .8 lb~ 179}
    {Oct 14~ Round 55 - gain .8 lb~ 179.8}
    {Oct 24~Round 56 -lost 3.2 lbs~176.6}
    {Nov 3~Round 57 - gain 1.6 ~178.2}
    {Nov 13~Round 58 - gain .2 ~178.4}
    {Nov 23~Round 59 -lost1.2 lbs~177.2}
    {Dec 3~Round 60 -gain 3.4lb~180.6}
    {Dec 13~Round 61 -lost 3.4 lbs~177.2}
    {Dec 23~Round 62 - lost 2.8lbs~174.4}▪2019▪

    {Jan 2~Round 63 - gain 2.8 lbs~177.2}
    {Jan 12~Round 64 -lost 1.2 lbs~ 173.2}
    {Jan 22~Round 65 - gain 1 lb ~174.2}
    {Feb 1~Round 66 - loss 1.4 lb~ 172.8}
    {Feb 11~Round 67 -gain 2.4 lbs~175.2}
    {Feb 21~Round 68 - loss .6 lb~174.6}
    {Mar 3~Round 69 - gain .4 lb~175}
    {Mar 13~Round 70 - lost 3.2 lb~171.8}
    (Lowest weight 171.2~March 17, 2019)▪RETROSPECT▪This is the point when I looked too bony to myself. I purposely wanted to gain back 10lbs. I'd lost 89lbs in a little over a year, but I thought it was too fast, even though it didn't seem fast during the process!

    {Mar23~Round 71 - gain .4 lb ~172.2}
    {Apr 2~Round 72 - gain 2.6 lbs~ 174.6}
    {Apr12~Round 73 - gain 3.6 lbs~178.2}
    {Apr 22~Round 74 - lost 2.8 lbs~175.4}
    {May 2~Round 75 - gain 1.8 lbs 177.2}
    {May 12~Round 76 - lost 3.2 lbs~ 174}
    {May 22~Round 77 - gain 4 lbs~ 178}
    {Jun 1~Round 78 - lost 2 lbs~176}
    {Jun 11~Round 79 - lost .2lbs 175.8}
    {Jun 21~ Round 80 - gain .2 lbs~ 176}
    {Jul 1~Round 81 - gain 1.4 lbs -177.4}
    {Jul 11~Round 82 -gain .8 lbs -178.2}
    (*Round 82 • LIFE STRESS ROUND* gains begin)

    {Jul 21~Round 83 - gain 2.8 lbs-181}
    {Jul 31~Round 84 -loss 1 lbs - 182}
    {Aug 10~Round 85-gain 1.6 lbs-183.6}
    {Aug 20~Round 86 - gain .6 lbs - 183}
    {Aug 30~Round 87- gain .6 lbs -183.6}7 1.2 lbs -184}
    {Sep 29~Round 90 - lost .8 lbs -183.2}
    {Oct 9~Round 91 - gain .4lbs~183.6}
    {Oct 19~Round 92-lost 1.8 lbs 181.4}
    {Oct 28~Round 93 -gain 1.6 lbs~183}
    {Nov 8~Round 94 -lost .4lbs~182.6}
    {Nov 18~Round 95 - gain 1 lbs~183.6}
    {Nov 27~Round 96 -lost lbs~183.4}
    {Dec 8~Round 97 - gain 1.8 lbs -185.6}
    {Dec 18~Round 98 - 185.6}
    {Dec 25~Round 99 -185.6}

    {Round 136 - 215 EW}Dec 31 2020(1/01)
    {Round 137-209.8 EW}Jan 11 2021
    {Round 138- 209.5 EW}Jan 21 2021
    {Round 139- DNW EW}Jan 31 2021
    {Round 140- EW}Feb 10 2021
    {Round 141- 211 EW}Feb 20 2021
    {Round 142- 215 EW}Mar 2 2021
    {Round 143- 215 EW}Mar 12 2021
    {Round 144- 215 EW}Mar 22 2021
    {Round 145- 214.3 EW}April 2 2021
    {Round 146- DNW EW}April 11 2021
    {Round 147 - 216 EW}April 21 2021
    {Round 148 - 216.3 EW}May 01 2021
    {Round 149 - DNW EW}May 11 2021
    {Round 150 - 216.7 EW}May 21 2021
    {Round 151 - DNW EW}May 31 2021
    {Round 152 - 216.2 EW}June 10 2021
    Round 153 - 215.6 EW}June 20 2021
    Round 154 - 216 EW}June 30 2021⬅
    Round 155 - 212.6 EW}July 10 2021
    Round 156 - 209.4 EW}July 20 2021
    Round 157 - 208.8 EW}July 30 2021
    (???? is diet break)
    Round 158 - 206.6 EW}Aug 9 2021
    Round 159 - 204.6 EW}Aug 19 2021
    ????Round 160 - 202.6 EW}Aug 29 2021
    Round 161 - 200 EW}Sep 8 2021
    Round 162 -196.8 EW}Sep 18 2021
    Round 163 - 198 EW}Sep 28 2021
    Round 164 - 197.6 EW}Oct 8 2021
    Round 165 - 195.2 EW}Oct 18 2021
    Round 166 - 197.6 EW}Oct 28 2021
    Round 167 - 197.4 EW}Nov 7 2021
    Round 168 - 198 EW}Nov 17 2021
    ~illness spanning next 4 rounds~
    Round 169 - DNW EW}Nov 27 2021
    Round 170 - 188.2 EW}Dec 7 2021
    Round 171 - 189 EW}Dec 17 2021
    Round 172 - 191 EW}Dec 27 2021
    Round 173 - 193.6 EW}Jan 6 2022
    Round 174 - 194 EW}Jan 16 2022
    Round 175 - 196 EW}Jan 26 2022
    Round 176 - 197.8 EW}Feb 5 2022
    Round 177 - 199 EW}Feb 15 2022
    Round 178 - 199 EW}Feb 25 2022
    Round 179- 205 EW}Mar 7 2022
    •March 15, 2002- 202.5lbs
    Round 180- 203 EW}Mar 17 2022
    Round 210- 210.4 EW}Jan 11 2023
    Round 211- 211.7 EW} Jan 21 2023
    Round 212- 212.5 EW} Jan 31 2023
    Round 213- 215 EW} Feb 10 2023
    Round 214- 212 EW} Feb 20 2023
    Round 215- 211.8 EW} Mar 2 2023
    Round 216- 212.6 EW} Mar 12 2023
    Round 217- 209.3EW} Mar 22 2023
    Round 218- 208 EW} Apr 1 2023
    Round 219- 206.8 EW} Apr 11 2023
    Round 220- 202.9 EW} Apr 21 2023
    Round 221- 203.7 EW} May 1 2023
    Round 222- 203 EW} May 11 2023
    Round 223- 202 EW} May 21 2023
    Round 224- 201.6 EW} May 31 2023
    Round 225- 200.3 EW} Jun 10 2023
    Round 226- 199.6 EW} Jun 20 2023
    Round 227- 199 EW} Jun 30 2023
    Round 228- 198.1 EW} Jul 10 2023
    Round 229- 196 EW} Jul 20 2023
    Round 230- 195 EW} Jul 30 2023
    Round 231- 195 EW} Aug 9 2023
    Round 232- 196 EW} Aug 19 2023
    Round 233- 193.5 EW} Aug 29 2023
    Round 234- 195.5 EW} Sep 8 2023
    Round 235- 196.8 EW} Sep 18 2023
    Round 236- 196 EW} Sep 28 2023
    Round 237- DNW EW} Oct 8 2023
    Round 238- 196 EW} Oct 18 2023
    Round 239- 198 EW} Oct 28 2023
    Round 240- 198 EW} Nov 7 2023
    Round 241- 199.5 EW} Nov 17 2023
    Round 242- 199 EW} Nov 27 2023
    Round 243- 199 EW} Dec 7 2023
    Round 244- DNW EW} Dec 17 2023
    Round 245- EW} Dec 27 2023
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,411 Member
    Thank you, @quiltingjaine !
    73 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 148.0
    UGW: 140.0
    12/06 - 149.0 at 8:30 a.m. ...sick
    12/07 - 150.4 at 8:30 a.m. ...sick
    12/08 - 148.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...sick
    12/09 - 147.5 at 9:00 a.m. ...sick
    12/10 - 147.1 at 7:30 a.m. ...sick...I am going to see my trainer tomorrow...can't wait!!!
    12/11 - 146.8 at 7:45 a.m. ...30 min workout w/trainer
    12/12 - 146.9 at 8:00 a.m. ...nothing...still sneezing and coughing
    12/13 - 148.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty and trainer for 60 min workout
    12/14 - 148.1 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty and nothing
    12/15 - 148.5 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty and nothing...trainer sick now
    12/16 - 147.0 at 9:00 a.m. ...nothing...still runny and coughing
    12/17 - 146.8 at 9:15 a.m. ...nothing
    Good luck everyone!