
Does anyone have any good smoothie recipies for weight loss & energy boosts!


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,566 Member
    Hi there,

    Smoothies don't cause weightloss. Eating less calories than your body needs causes weightloss. Actually, many people find liquid food doesn't fill them up properly and they get hungry quicker again compared to solid food. Also, many smoothies are full of sugar. Not a problem as such, but again some people get hungry quickly after eating lots of sugar. Why not set up the app/website properly and eat real food at the right calorie amount? Adjust your food if you find something doesn't fill you properly. But certainly stick around and ask any questions you have.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,566 Member
    RhysL5982 wrote: »
    200-300ml of milk or water (whatever you prefer?
    1 banana
    1 scoop of chocolate protein powder
    30g peanut butter

    Taste amazing and good for a quick breakfast shake

    Just as a note, with milk this would be roughly 500 calories, which might be a lot for a not so tall, not very active woman. Especially if breakfast turns out to be a minor meal normally. But it shows how important it is to weight and track everything, and then re-evaluate whether it's filling enough.
  • lizsilveira333
    lizsilveira333 Posts: 1 Member
    This was my breakfast shake

    1 scoop Isoject protein powder
    ½ cup egg whites
    1 handful spinach
    6 oz almond milk
    1 banana
    16 oz of water
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,615 Member
    For energy: Black coffee.
    For weight loss: Black coffee.
    To make it into a smoothie... blend with ice.
    Better to just make a nice pour-over and enjoy it and then maybe another.

    Then eat nutritious food in moderation and enjoy every day!
  • jessicatolman13
    jessicatolman13 Posts: 1 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    RhysL5982 wrote: »
    200-300ml of milk or water (whatever you prefer?
    1 banana
    1 scoop of chocolate protein powder
    30g peanut butter

    Taste amazing and good for a quick breakfast shake

    Just as a note, with milk this would be roughly 500 calories, which might be a lot for a not so tall, not very active woman. Especially if breakfast turns out to be a minor meal normally. But it shows how important it is to weight and track everything, and then re-evaluate whether it's filling enough.

    She could do almond milk instead!
  • SeraBlvd
    SeraBlvd Posts: 5 Member
    Have you considered trying juicing? Smoothies to me I felt have too much non processed sugar (from the fruit choice).

    I personally prefer juicing, and I do notice weight slips off when I do it and I'm consistent.

    My go to: By Ms. ABI on youtube. Just putting it out there I was skeptical at first. Then I stopped and somehow I noticed an immediate difference. I'll be going back on it this week.


    1 LEMON
    1LIME 1/2 grated
    GINGER (handful)
    1/2 Large CUCUMBER
    16-20oz OF WATER

    I do about 3 days worth and make it again. I use a Joes Juicer. Perhaps I'll try the full recipe on her youtube and see if I can stick to it myself. Good Luck on your weight loss journey. -SR 😃
  • Hobartlemagne
    Hobartlemagne Posts: 277 Member
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    For energy: Black coffee.
    For weight loss: Black coffee.
    To make it into a smoothie... blend with ice.
    Better to just make a nice pour-over and enjoy it and then maybe another.

    Then eat nutritious food in moderation and enjoy every day!

    I was thinking more like raw egg and coffee blended together
  • Traquette
    Traquette Posts: 80 Member
    I don't know about weight loss or energy but I like the milk + oats + banana + peanut butter combo !
  • SarahGoehler
    SarahGoehler Posts: 1 Member
    oikos protein yogurt (vanilla is my favorite)
    Sugar free almond milk
    Chia seeds
    Any frozen berries (try to stay away from bananas mango cause of all the sugar
    And enjoy!
  • mbinaz2019
    mbinaz2019 Posts: 26 Member
    I make smoothies with 1 cup Fage 0% fat free plain Greek yogurt, 1 medium frozen banana, 1 cup blueberries or strawberries (or other fruit). I use water to thin it down if necessary. I like it really thick, like a milkshake.

    I freeze overripe bananas, they're sweeter and the smoothie usually doesn't need sweetener. But you can add honey or other sweetener - will affect calories.

    Made with banana & blueberries, no sweetener - 309 calories (depending on size of banana) 26 grams protein, 7 grams of fiber, 0 fat.
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 327 Member
    RhysL5982 wrote: »
    200-300ml of milk or water (whatever you prefer?
    1 banana
    1 scoop of chocolate protein powder
    30g peanut butter

    Taste amazing and good for a quick breakfast shake

    This is a smoothie with a nice balance of protein, fat, and carbs. I drink such a smoothie once in a while for breakfast. I like natural, no sugar PB and Terras Whey chocolate protein powder. Like mbinaz above I like to freeze overripe bananas and use them in my shake - no need to add ice.
  • deskduckie
    deskduckie Posts: 1 Member
    I keep it simple:

    5 oz frozen, unsweetened raspberries
    6 oz plain, whole milk yogurt
    2 Tbsp Lakanto golden monkfruit sweetener
    + a splash of water to get things to blend to a nice consistency

    Depending on your goals or dietary restrictions, you might need or want to make substitutions. The above combination makes a tart, fruity smoothie without a ton of calories, and macros that fit pretty easily within my boundaries.