Is breakfast REALLY necessary?



  • awilson2010
    It has definitely helped me! In my first attempt at changing my lifestyle I changed what foods I ate and how often I ate, but still couldn't do breakfast.. however, when I started eating breakfast I lost almost10lbs in 2 weeks.

    The reason you get hungry quicker & more often is because your body is burning better, its a good thing! stock up on raw veggies & fruit so you can eat when you're hungry. I used to be the same way (going all day without eating as long as I didn't eat breakfast, I only used to eat one meal a day and be fine with it) and it was my problem. I wasn't eating often or enough to keep my body burning the fat. It just held on to what I already had & what it could get from the food I ate when I finally did eat.

    I don't eat as soon as I get up, but since I am an early riser a few hours can pass before I eat and its still very much morning so I am still eating breakfast.

    I don't eat a meal. I have one package of reduced sugar Quaker oatmeal, a protein shake, toast with peanut butter or a bowl of cereal. Something small, but enough to kickstart my matoblism and give me the energy to start my day.

    What works for me doesn't work for everyone, and what works for you may not either :) My advice would be to push yourself for a week or two and see if it makes a difference at all - if its going to, you'll notice since its something you don't do often, and if it doesn't you know its not detrimental to keep going without it.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Most obese folks skip breakfast because when they wake up they are still stuffed from their over consumption of everything under the sun the night before.

    Eating a little something when you wake up does nothing to your metabolism and increases blood sugar and insulin, and blunts growth hormone and your adrenal hormones, all of which are bad for someone trying to lose fat. Your body has a great source for energy already in place, and most people have plenty of fat to spare. The mindset that you have to eat every three hours and as soon as you wake up, to have energy, is the exact reason most of us are fat in the first place. Glad I no longer think this way. Feeling hunger pains sometimes is a good thing.
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    It's my favorite meal of the day. I do think it is the most important, but apparently that's just me. I also don't put restrictions on how late I eat either.
  • Lakerlady5747
    Lakerlady5747 Posts: 77 Member
    I never used to be a breakfast eater. However, I have found that when I do eat breakfast, I have more energy to start my day (which means I am more likely to get moving and doing things, which is good) and I can solve problems easier when I'm at work. I try to think of what I eat (aka the calories I consume) as "fuel" for my body. I need to make sure I have "fuel" in my body when I start my day! Plus, I have found that if I skip breakfast, I eat a TON later in the day.

    My typical breakfast is about 1.5 cups of Special K with 1/2 cup of fat-free milk and a cup of orange juice (I love orange juice and can't give it up!). Sometimes I'll have Cheerios instead of Special K or oatmeal instead of cold cereal. I find that this usually holds me over until lunch. If it doesn't, I snack on a piece of fruit.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    you wouldnt be able to start a car without food but you expect your body to work without fuel ?
    If you skip breakfast your more likely to eat more next time you eat.
    If your hungry after 2 hours after having breakfast have a snack or some water.
    Good luck with weight loss :-)

    But we are fat and our bodies are covered with extra fuel.

    This. I would expect my car to dip into its reserve fuel tank and take what it needs.