Need to lose 2 stones, please join me 40s Jan 2024



  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    yecal23000 wrote: »
    How did you get 12000 steps in one day?

    If you can get out and walk, even short multiple walks then it's a good way to get the step count up

    Alternatively I do the walk at home videos on YouTube as we've had a storm here, I did the 5k video yesterday and plan to do one today too
  • Lildarlinz
    Lildarlinz Posts: 276 Member
    yecal23000 wrote: »
    How did you get 12000 steps in one day?

    I got 19000 in today :) but I work in a hospital :) so I get my steps in 3 times a week :) xx

    Take a walk :) I used to do about 10,000 walking to my local park and walking around it :) as long as u get 10,000 steps in a day it’s pretty good :) x

  • MFP1984
    MFP1984 Posts: 48 Member
    Hello. Same weight and I work in the West Mids (Bham) :)
  • mollyfinnegan
    mollyfinnegan Posts: 4 Member
    I’d love to join you, manage to gain 3.5 stone over the last 18 months after being at my goal weight for about the same amount of time (the longest in my adult life).

    I started yesterday at 14st 2, target is 10st 10. I know when I’m there I feel great, I can move my body the way I want and don’t worry about how I hold myself or what I wear.

    I have hit peri menopause and lack of motivation, aches and pains and cravings have meant my weight has been creeping up all last year. I now have patches and the motivation to do something about it!

    I’m hoping to post a weekly update in the group, is that what it’s for?

    I’ve previously done a weekly slimming class, but can’t fit the meetings in my schedule, so I’m logging my food here and also doing IF for the first time!
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    edited January 4
    I'm in, I have 2 stone to lose and I turn 40 this year! I lost 2st4 before Xmas, gained a stone over xmas (probably some of that water weight). Pls send friend request for motivating!
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    edited January 10
    Hello everyone! Just turned 40 last month. Looking to lose 35 pounds (not sure what that is in stones). I am doing 16:8 IF, 1200 calories/day and low carbs/sugar. I'm doing modified keto, so I can still have plenty of carbs but I just try and stick with 70 or less/day. Met my goal weight 5 years ago and gained it back. Really started getting serious again in October of last year. Lost 12 lbs in about 8 weeks and gained some back over the holidays. I feel so much better since I made this change in my diet. I had horrible brain fog and very low energy before, and just felt really bad. Once I get to goal weight, I plan to keep this lifestyle but I'd like to add in more fruit. Good luck everyone!
  • carley_marie83
    carley_marie83 Posts: 59 Member
    I am 40, I have 3.9 stone to lose, lets do it together ❤️
  • shawks3645
    shawks3645 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in, I have 2 stone to lose and I turn 40 this year! I lost 2st4 before Xmas, gained a stone over xmas (probably some of that water weight). Pls send friend request for motivating!

    How do i send friend request 🤦‍♀️Can’t see the option on a member’s profile?
  • shawks3645
    shawks3645 Posts: 18 Member
    How’s everyone doing? Ive been walking everyday in my lunch break 2-3 miles.Cut back alcohol and counting calories . Did eat chocolate twice and crisps once grrr. Not braving the scales until another 2 days.
  • myjwjbg9xg
    myjwjbg9xg Posts: 1 Member
    It’s tough after Christmas but I think I have defeated my motivation in the past by being perfectionist. So forgive yourself and do your best.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,615 Member
    edited January 10
    myjwjbg9xg wrote: »
    It’s tough after Christmas but I think I have defeated my motivation in the past by being perfectionist. So forgive yourself and do your best.

    "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good."
  • OnTheRoad24
    OnTheRoad24 Posts: 217 Member
    shawks3645 wrote: »
    I'm in, I have 2 stone to lose and I turn 40 this year! I lost 2st4 before Xmas, gained a stone over xmas (probably some of that water weight). Pls send friend request for motivating!

    How do i send friend request 🤦‍♀️Can’t see the option on a member’s profile?

    @shawks3645 You can click their name, - click View Profile - click MyFitnessPal Profile - click the People Group icon Voila! Add me if you'd like! 🙂
  • shawks3645
    shawks3645 Posts: 18 Member
    jopa17 wrote: »
    shawks3645 wrote: »
    I'm in, I have 2 stone to lose and I turn 40 this year! I lost 2st4 before Xmas, gained a stone over xmas (probably some of that water weight). Pls send friend request for motivating!

    How do i send friend request 🤦‍♀️Can’t see the option on a member’s profile?

    @shawks3645 You can click their name, - click View Profile - click MyFitnessPal Profile - click the People Group icon Voila! Add me if you'd like! 🙂

    what’s the People Group icon? duh 🙄
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    shawks3645 wrote: »
    I'm in, I have 2 stone to lose and I turn 40 this year! I lost 2st4 before Xmas, gained a stone over xmas (probably some of that water weight). Pls send friend request for motivating!

    How do i send friend request 🤦‍♀️Can’t see the option on a member’s profile?

    I'm not sure! I can never seem to be able to send friend requests in the app, that's why I ask others!!
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    So I got sick, don't recommend this as a weight loss strategy! But it has helped with the massive amount of Christmas weight (water weight) I gained. I'm doing Adrienne's 30 days of yoga which I think helps mentally and with a positive bodily feeling. I have a work away day tomorrow which is always tricky, hopefully I will arrive after they take the breakfast pastries away!
  • ee2000
    ee2000 Posts: 1 Member
    44 Female here.. I just need to lose about 10 pounds. Medication for my blood pressure has made me balloon up.

    I'm tracking what I eat, coming in under my goals. Started exercising a bit. I hope to be down those pounds by summer. It's hard to put in the effort but not seeing anything and I know I need to be patient with it, but man. Losing the weight when you are older is for the birds.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    41f 5'1 (155cm) SW: 165 lbs CW: 157 lbs GW: 115-120 lbs

    I'm in the US so I used lbs. I started early Nov and I've lost 8 lbs. I am tracking my cals and walking 1-2hrs on my walking pad 5 days a week. I feel like I'm losing slow, but I suppose that's due to being in my 40s IDK. Either way, proud I'm losing again rather than gaining like I've done the last year and a half:(
  • OnTheRoad24
    OnTheRoad24 Posts: 217 Member
    shawks3645 wrote: »
    jopa17 wrote: »
    shawks3645 wrote: »
    I'm in, I have 2 stone to lose and I turn 40 this year! I lost 2st4 before Xmas, gained a stone over xmas (probably some of that water weight). Pls send friend request for motivating!

    How do i send friend request 🤦‍♀️Can’t see the option on a member’s profile?

    @shawks3645 You can click their name, - click View Profile - click MyFitnessPal Profile - click the People Group icon Voila! Add me if you'd like! 🙂

    what’s the People Group icon? duh 🙄


  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 844 Member
    Sweetzyd wrote: »
    Hello everyone! Just turned 40 last month. Looking to lose 35 pounds (not sure what that is in stones). I am doing 16:8 IF, 1200 calories/day and low carbs/sugar. I'm doing modified keto, so I can still have plenty of carbs but I just try and stick with 70 or less/day. Met my goal weight 5 years ago and gained it back. Really started getting serious again in October of last year. Lost 12 lbs in about 8 weeks and gained some back over the holidays. I feel so much better since I made this change in my diet. I had horrible brain fog and very low energy before, and just felt really bad. Once I get to goal weight, I plan to keep this lifestyle but I'd like to add in more fruit. Good luck everyone!

    Just curious, if it didn’t work as a lifestyle for you before why do it again? 16/8, 1200 calories, low carbs/sugar, would be impossible for me for the rest of my life personally. Why not do something much easier and enjoyable for the rest of your life? Genuine question. I hope you reach every goal and then some 😊