Anyone doing the Jamie Eason's LiveFit 12-week Trainer?

I will be starting this workout plan this week. I have always admired Jamie Eason and of course wanted a body like hers. The plan focuses mainly on clean eating which I already do. The first month you only focus on strength training, which will be hard for me cause I like cardio much much more! Anyways, I just wanted to know if anyone was doing this workout plan or was interested in doing it. It is completely free also. Here's the link!


  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member
    No but I'm going to now!!
    I've been following another one of the 12 weeks plans on which just gives you a weekly workout schedule, not something different each week. I;ve been doing it now for 12 or so weeks so I think I will start this today!
    Thanks for the tip!!
    Shall we friend each other and compare notes?
  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member
    Argh... been reading more on it. NO CARDIO!! Argh... really?? And WOW thats alot of food. Are you going to follow this strictly?
  • tmaksparkie
    I am also doing it starting my 2nd week, the weekend did not go so good as for eating not terrible but not to good either. How is everyone else doing?
  • sassypants088
    It is alot of food, but I'm not very strict with the types of food she puts on there. I pretty eat all the stuff I like. I just make sure I combine proteins and carbs in each meal. I just eat six small meals. Breakfast and Lunch is my biggest meal of the day. No cardio does suck cause I hate strength training. But that's partly why I chose this challenge, cause it will be a challenge for me. Once you get into the 2nd phase you will start doing cardio with strength.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm doing her 12 week fat loss body building routine. I'm not doing the diet plan, I'm losing inches on my own
  • Jessicapages
    I am on my 2nd day of week 1 I am following the nutrition to a T and just ahve a much are you guys lifting?I am lifting 8 pounds and was told that I need to lift MORE weight! how much do you tink I should start with??
  • napanda69
    I want to do the workouts, but the diet plan isn't for me...anyone just doing the workouts? I agree about the no cardio, but I think its better for me. I'm 50, and the knees just aren't what they used to be!
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    I started Jamie's Livefit program yesterday. It will be hard to do no cardio. Love spin class! My diet pretty much follows her program anyway. (when I do it that is) That's why I decided to try her program. I just seem to be spinning my wheels. I love weight training and cardio mix. I was working with a personal trainer at the first of the year, but $$$$ had to let him go.

    Jessica - depends on what you're doing. Example - triceps I do 10 lbs on once exercise, 15 on another. Other exercises I can go up to 25 lbs. Start a little light, make sure form is spot on and then add weight if it seems too easy.
  • jayjaxjaq
    I moved 900 miles away from my job, gym, and therefore daily workout regimen in July and have been halfheartedly working out, usually only when my fiance wants to. My old work outs consisted of a lot of lifting, usually 2 weeks heavy, 2 weeks light to build and then tone out. I also did cardio about 4 times a week because it's "what I'm supposed to do." Jaime's program appealed to me largely due to the fact that when I tend to stray from cardio though, I never gain weight and sometimes look as though I've lost. I know that this mentality isn't a safe one though! I talked to my fiance who has been on all sorts of training programs for the Marine Corps about the fact she wanted to look at 4 weeks without cardio and was surprised to hear him say it was an okay plan of attack, especially for women since they tend to avoid purposefully building muscle. He said a lot of men he knows spend very little time on cardio because they opt to use their body's energy to build muscle rather than as the fuel for cardio. When I thought about it, it made a lot of sense. So many girls do cardio and no strength training, so their bodies absolutely require them to continue this means of exercise to burn calories. And unfortunately, running 6.0 on a treadmill for 3 miles at 0 incline 4 times a week isn't going to continue to build muscle after your body becomes accustomed to it (which I've been told can happen in as little as two weeks!).

    Jessica: I think women lift a lot less than they should because they think it'll make them bulky. But, women just don't have the hormones to; we have far too much estrogen! Unfortunately, it's a mentality girls have to get over because doing bicep curls with 3 lb weights isn't going to build muscle because it's not actually challenging your muscle and ultimately was just a waste of a work out! I've always lifted so I may be a bit skewed from other women but I usually do: 20 lbs dumbbells for chest, 30-40 for triceps, 50-60 lbs for back, 20 lb for bicep curls unless it's preacher which I use 10. This is the first few weeks though, 60% of my max so I'll get to the point where I lift muuuuuch more than I ever have!
  • Jessicapages
    OMG I must be WEAK!!! I had a hard time with the 13 pound weight today (day2) wow you girls ROCK!!
  • jayjaxjaq
    Haha, I'm sure 13 lbs for plenty of women would be more than a "hard time"! A lot of Jaime's exercises are designed to isolate a specific muscle, a lot of the cable exercises do this. For me, when I did the cable tricep extension, my fiance had to come correct my form because I was throwing so much of my back, shoulders, and momentum into it as well. Well, once he did that I had to shave off 10 lbs and was pulling a lot less than I thought I would! This may be why you think you're weak. Just remember some people just naturally have more muscle than others and 13 lbs for you may be comparable to 20 for me! Considering you had said earlier you were using 8 but can actually manage 50% more, chances are you're a lot stronger than you think!

    Are you keeping up with the no cardio plan? I hate cardio, but just last night allowed myself to get dragged into a run because I can't imagine not burning some extra calories with a jog or two! I think I might take one or two of the rest days to walk the dog a little further than usual or take a couple mile run :)
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    jayjaxjaq - You're right, we are all probably in a different place - on weights. Most women tend too go light though. They either don't realize how strong they really are or have always been taught to lift light weights. Form is so important! It does make a difference. I tend to go a little slower on some exercises to make sure I have the form down right. Especially triceps!

    Cardio - well...... really, I was going to follow the no cardio for the first 4 weeks, but.... can't do it. Feel like something is missing. I have cut it down though. I do 10 minutes before I lift, to warm up, then 20 -30 mins after. Depends on how I feel. Last night after legs, it was all I could do to do 20 min on the stair climber.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I lift 7.5 lb god I couldn't imagine lifting 13...I'll be grunting like the dudes behind me lol
  • tmaksparkie
    For how much weight you should lift, really I don't do only 60% of what I can lift for jamies phase 1 but I have been lifting weights for 9 months also. I use the weight that by the time I get to 12 reps I can barley do the last one so I lift to exhaustion every time every set then take my 1min recovery in between and do it again. As for how much to lift that depends on the person for me here is a few
    Bicep curls 25lbs
    Wide lat pull downs 90lbs
    Cable rows 90ibs
    Standing calf raises 140lbs
    Dumbbell tricept 25lbs
    Those are just a few of the things from phase one on the plan.

    Now if I could just get my eating under control, my problem is I am a carb sensitive person so if I follow jamies plan to a T it is too many carbs for my body so I try to lower it by eating my clean carbs in the morning and non other then veggies for supper. That seems to help for me.
  • Nancymcgregor
    Nancymcgregor Posts: 150 Member
    Hiya I restarted this again this Friday after flu knocking me out for two weeks. I'm muck weaker than I was and my fatigue is bad but I'm pushing through.

    I don't follow her eating plan because I follow Tosca Reno's Eat Clean diet which is pretty much the same.

    I'm on week 1 day 3 and I'm looking forward to my rest days as I'm really sore.
  • jayjaxjaq
    @tmaksparkle: Doesn't the plan advise 85% of the maximum at the start of week three? Also, congrats on losing over 100 lbs!

    @Nancy: That's a bummer you were out with the flu! I can only imagine after being so achy and tired the last thing you want is to purposefully make your body even more sore!
  • tmaksparkie
    Yes it does say 85% for week 3 I was still on week 2, I just started week 3 Monday sept. 19. So far love it and no I do not use her meal plans I use for my meals because I feel better with less carb. Although I am not 100% paleo( I like cheese) I do only have dairy about once a week along with my once a week dark chocolate mocha from caribou other then that on plan and strict about it.I have spent the las t9months working out my abs and I WANT TO SEE THEM!!!!!!!!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I'm starting next week, great that there's others to compare notes with!
  • TotalLibra
    TotalLibra Posts: 2 Member
    I am on P1W3
  • jayjaxjaq
    I just wrapped up week 3 of phase one. OMG did my legs hurt the day after Day 1 of this week! It felt great though except for the fact I hated the thought of getting up, walking up steps, and sitting down. I've definitely noticed difference in my hamstring and my abs have smoothed out quite a bit. When will you phase 3 come? I really really want to check out what's in store?!