So... I"m top heavy. (girl specific)

Aka, I have huge boobs. Even before I gained all my weight i had big boobs. When was at 115lb I had Ds to DDs. I'm 144 now and have DDs to DDDs. It makes it really hard to do any kind of exercise because they bounce so much. The sports bras that I get at walmart, k-mart etc. just aren't cutting it. Do you guys have any suggestions on what won't make my boobs bounce?



  • mmhenry28
    mmhenry28 Posts: 163 Member
    My friend who has similar issues wear two sports bras, she says its the only way to get the support that she needs without having to buy custom made bras
  • SephirothsChild15
    Two? I've thought about a sports bra over my regular bras. THoughts?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,087 Member
    Yep. Do two at once. It works. . . . hey. Not like that . *madface*
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    You must be built like my daughter. Try two sports bras at once. You can also try two minimizer bras too. I have a friend whose daughter is tall, lean and large busted. she wears two sports bras and then binds them with an ace bandage if she is running. Good luck.
  • RJSuperMan
    RJSuperMan Posts: 52 Member
    This may be the greatest topic ever posted...just sayin.... :D
  • chnkydnknmomma
    I also have a friend who wears 2 bras while working out and she says it works wonders...not sure what type.
  • rogar28
    rogar28 Posts: 12 Member
    My ex-girlfriend had the same problem. She couldn't find the right bra and just settled on wearing two at once. Try that out.
  • stargazgal
    stargazgal Posts: 93 Member
    I too am a size DD. I wear a champion high impact bra with a compression sports bra overtop and recently I just purchased an Enell Sports bra. Check out the website. They are expensive (I paid close to 100)..but you can get them on the website cheaper. They are soooo worth it! Not the prettiest but man do they keep the girls in place! :)
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    I have to double-bag my girls as well.

    I would recommend two sports bras, as regular bras have more hooks, wires, etc. that can irritate the skin.

    I use a good, more costly sports bra (I like Marika) on the bottom, then use a Champion or Hanes bra over that.
  • shesblossoming
    Yes on the two bras. I did that all the time, and it made running so much easier.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Go to a specialist underwear store and invest in a high quality sports bra. I would recommend one with an option of crossing the back straps. It might take a while to work out how to get in and out of it, but I find this makes a huge difference. I have several bras like this and the cross over reduces bounce significantly. I just wear one at a time as I find that suffices (plus I'm not convinced of the comfort of wearing two!). If I want additional support I opt for a tight fitting singlet but I mostly don't feel I need this.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Try a tank with a built-in shelf bra with a sports bra underneath.
    My tatas bouncing don't bug me unless I pay attention to it. Jumping jacks are strictly off limits though.
    Good luck.
  • speakz82
    Although I used to be a DDD pre-weight loss I'm now down to a C *cry* and used to use duct tape to tape me down. Most people think I'm joking but I'd put on my regular bra. Duct tape, then put the sports bra over it. Did the trick.
  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    I have the same problem, I use a sports bra, then over that I wear one of those athletic shirts with a built in bra, then over that I wear a regular shirt. It works great.
  • SephirothsChild15
    I have to double-bag my girls as well.

    That is the best way to put this... seriously.
  • chollingshed74
    chollingshed74 Posts: 57 Member
    man i wish i had big boobs....
  • fullofhope
    fullofhope Posts: 78 Member
    I was a DD. I hated it it, I had a terrible time exercising it hurt so bad. I finally went to a well known plastic surgeon in my town and had a consutation for a breast reduction. Insurance paid for it and I can't believe I waited so long to have it done. Recovery was a breeze, and I couldn't believe how much better I slept because I could BREATH. It was amazing. I wish I had done it 10 years ago. I never could find a bra that fit properly and that didn't dig into my shoulders. I am loving life. and button up shirts. Just an alternative to wearing two sport bras.
  • mstankowski
    mstankowski Posts: 32 Member
    I also have DDD. I wear a good supportive underwire bra that I wear everyday. Then I will put my sports bra on top. I HAVE to wear two bras, it's essential! The cheaper sports bras that I bought at walmart were not as good as the ones I got at target. Good luck! I know how hard it is.
  • Aussie4870
    im in the same boat as you...even when i was skinny i had D's...i was up to a DDD but now am back down to a DD..

    i do what everyone else has said...wear two is the only thing that i have found works for me aside from getting a really expensive sports bra, which seems pointless since im going down in sizes...
  • SephirothsChild15
    man i wish i had big boobs....

    Honestly, there not that great. I mean I DO like them. But it's better to be well proportioned. I'm a latina with a butt as flat as a wall...

    And I'm sure you can wear cuter clothes, run better, dance better, etc without giant boobs bouncing everywhere.

    On a related note... How much do you think these suckers weigh?