Quick Rescue meals



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Village Pizza
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    Eggs and toast or tuna sandwiches
  • foreverhealthy3
    foreverhealthy3 Posts: 111 Member
    bagged cesar salad, grilled chicken and garlic bread
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 834 Member
    Right now I'm trying to avoid takeout so some quick rescue meals are:

    Ramen with tofu/edamame and veggies
    Instant mac n' cheese with frozen broccoli
    Snack plate with sliced apples, crispy tofu or sausage, hummus, and veggies
    Sandwich with fruit
    Peanut butter and banana toast (add hemp seeds for more protein!)
    A smoothie or popsicle (same ingredients as smoothie, but frozen in delicious popsicle form)
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    Two packs of instant ramen, just bread with cheese, get sushi. That's it at the moment.
  • liwo81
    liwo81 Posts: 17 Member
    I will literally just see what’s in the fridge and pantry and put things in my plate until I have the calories and macros I need. Today that was the last of some leftover meatloaf with raw carrots and some cherry tomatoes. May be string cheese, and egg or two and some fruit. I usually have makings for a salad and can find some kind of protein to toss on top. Breakfast may be cottage cheese and pineapple with a piece or string cheese or a couple of eggs with some deli turkey on a whole grain english muffin with a slice of cheese. As time has gone on, it’s been easier to come up with quick things. A smoothie is always a winner too.
  • jessieknh
    jessieknh Posts: 52 Member
    A can of chicken, wedge of laughing cow and spoonful of greek yogurt mixed with ranch seasoning and buffalo sauce make a really quick and filling veggie dip or wrap filling. I've also done quesadillas with it and my teenage son loves it.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,226 Member
    All my meals are quick "cooking". I rely on frozen food for just about every meal prepared at home. I put frozen vegetables of one sort or another into a bowl with frozen roasted chicken, meatballs, shrimp...whatever sounds good. Add a dollop of some kind of sauce (Asian, BBQ, buffalo, etc.) and heat in the microwave. You can add pasta or rice as well. I make those from the 90-second ready packs and get a couple of meals from each packet.
  • ma2007pmc
    ma2007pmc Posts: 58 Member
    Greek yogurt with berries, cheerios with sliced bananas, if I want something warm, soft boiled eggs over multigrain toast
  • no1racefan2
    no1racefan2 Posts: 84 Member
    English muffin pizzas
    Peanut butter & honey sandwich on sourdough
    Fried egg sandwich
    Frozen pizza (which also means leftovers for another meal)
    Frozen chicken patty w/ bag of frozen veggies

    I don't consider any of these super healthy but I can generally get them to fit in my calorie goals and they are fast.