Does tea count as water

DONG38 Posts: 1 Member
Hi guys, my name is Donna and I'm 49. Back here again. I don't drink water but I drink without any milk or sugar. I Waa wondering if that counted as water?

Best Answers

  • seraphimjustice
    seraphimjustice Posts: 2 Member
    Answer ✓
    I always scan the barcode for the teabags and log it separately, but that’s because I drink it with a lot of sugar. I don’t think there would be any harm in counting it either way if it’s just plain! ❤️
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,882 Member
    Answer ✓
    It's hydrating, yes.

    Back in the olden times (when I was already an adult ;) ), it was thought that coffee and tea weren't hydrating, because the caffeine was diuretic. More recent research says that's not so, that while there is some diuretic effect, we do get the benefit from that fluid.

    So, coffee and tea count toward hydration, as does the fluid content of fruits, soups, soda pop, and even the non-alcohol content of some alcoholic beverages (not that I'm encouraging increased alcohol intake!).

    If your urine is pale yellow, not dark, you're almost certainly sufficiently hydrated. (Bright fluorescent yellow, not dark, can also be OK - that happens if a person gets more than the required amount of certain B vitamins, and it isn't dangerous. Some medications or conditions can cause other colors - look those up if they occur. For hydration in a healthy person, the pale to dark spectrum is a reasonable, practical.


  • Hach8214
    Hach8214 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi there,

    I log everything separately, so when I have a tea or coffee I log the teabag, milk, coffee and water.
    I measure my semi skimmed milk for 25ml per tea or coffee as that's 13 calories, I don't have sugar.
    I've allocated myself 150mls a day for milk, so I can have 2 cups of coffee and 4 cups of tea a day, then its just water and a coke zero when I eat as I do OMAD so need minor calories through the 24hours.

    Been doing OMAD for a year now, it's a lifestyle change.

    Myfitnesspal is something I am doing because I have maintained my weight for a year, and needed to lower my calories to a max of 1200, I'm active and have had a 1lb loss in 10 days. Finally some progress!

    I'm 5ft 8 and weigh 159lbs, want to be 140lbs.

    19 more to go.

    I wish you all the best.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,568 Member
    I always scan the barcode for the teabags and log it separately, but that’s because I drink it with a lot of sugar. I don’t think there would be any harm in counting it either way if it’s just plain! ❤️

    But you do log the sugar as well, right?
  • Hach8214
    Hach8214 Posts: 53 Member
    Absolutely you should log the sugar, it is calorific.

    Perhaps change to stevia as that's keto friendly.