
Hi , I’m new here. My goal is to make new healthy habits that will last and lead to a healthier lifestyle… no more yo yo dieting.


  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    I wish you much success - recently recommitted myself. 2024 will be the year !
  • Ckilpat44
    Ckilpat44 Posts: 2 Member
    Keep it up! Establishing healthy eating habits are challenging at the start, I am in the same boat, wish you luck and if you need an accountability buddy feel free to add me
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,929 Member

    Developing good habits is a great way to start. That's the only way to make it stick. You have to commit to the long term.

    What specific goals are you setting for the first six months?
  • MindfulMisfitt
    MindfulMisfitt Posts: 24 Member
    you've got this! That is a great broad goal! Now you can refine it down into smaller actionable steps you can take every day - that is a big part of what will bring you success! 💪