Lose Stomach Fat Challenge



  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Sounds interesting...I'm in, I need to find a bread substitute since I usually have a 100 cal whole wheat bread round with turkey breast for lunch...any ideas? I want to start today since I have not had any wheat at this point....will post measurements tomorrow.
  • Bump
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Sounds interesting...I'm in, I need to find a bread substitute since I usually have a 100 cal whole wheat bread round with turkey breast for lunch...any ideas? I want to start today since I have not had any wheat at this point....will post measurements tomorrow.

    Just look for bread labelled "gluten free". If it doesn't have gluten then it won't have wheat.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    simple enough...thank you!
  • ive said on many a post that my stomach flab is my problem area.

    since joining MFP around a month ago i have signifcantly cut down on Bread & Pasta only having them very rarely (Rice i struggle with cutting out of my meals so i just have less when i do eat it)

    I have noticed that i dont feel as bloated and that i am losing weight -- and that it IS coming off my tummy for a change! Normally its the first place it goes on & the last place it comes off.

    I have considered a gluten free diet before i may have to seriously consider it. will watch this thread with interest
  • I'm reducing my wheat consumption (as per the article in Maclean's Magazine). Not sure I can manage without any. But am very interested in weight loss results of those who do give it up
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Picked up some quinoa today, and I am impressed by the nutritional values. Going to try it as a pasta substitute!


    I love quinoa. My local grocery only has the white kind but a local health food store also carries red and black. The only problem i have with it is I doubt much of the nutrition is absorbed because, like most seeds, it comes out pretty much exactly as it went in (if you get my drift). This likely means that it would need to be ground in order to digest the nutrition, much like flax seeds. I haven't seen ground quinoa, but I guess the pasta would have be made from ground (though I think it is a mix of rice and quinoa).

    And it gets stuck between my teeth.

    The quinoa I bought yesterday puffed up nicely after cooking. One cup yielded something like 4 cups cooked. Mine was yellowish before I cooked it, and white now. Nutty in flavour, and quite delicious on its own. Now that we know what it tastes like, we know what to add to enhance it. Today, I ate some in a salad for lunch. It is very filling.

    It would seem that what I found isn't what you found. There was no hard seed coating, and it resembled a disc that was thicker in the middle. After cooking, there was a fiber that looked like a tiny curly tail coming out of each grain.

    The pasta I found was prepared, and looked like any kind of pasta, except it was not as white. I'll be trying that later this week and will post the results.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Sounds interesting...I'm in, I need to find a bread substitute since I usually have a 100 cal whole wheat bread round with turkey breast for lunch...any ideas? I want to start today since I have not had any wheat at this point....will post measurements tomorrow.

    Corn tortillas. I usually have a flat bread sandwich for lunch. Now, I will make it with a corn tortilla instead.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    inadvertently began this challenge today :) I didn't eat anything with gluten in it to my knowledge. I will try to make it two weeks. I just listened to the doctor who wrote Wheat Belly on the Robb Wolf podcast and it was very convincing.

    Current weight: 184
    Current waist: ??? (i'll get back to you on that one)
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I would like to add that I had quinoa tonight for dinner instead of pasta. It was yummy as always. I love to make a cold tex-mex salad out of it that could easily be adjusted for your tastes.

  • I'm joining in, I have given up wheat before... mostly bread and pasta and had awesome results, just need some motivation this time! Here I go! :)
  • kaittx13
    kaittx13 Posts: 88 Member
    I did this at the beginning of summer :) it has definitely helped me. bread without wheat is sprouted grain.. found in the organic section usually..

    food for life is the brand i get either types of these
    Ezekiel 4:9®
    Genesis 1:29®

    if you go to the foodforlife website there is a lot more info.

    they have more products than bread.. i have gotten their english muffins and tortillas before.

    good luck everyone!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I did this at the beginning of summer :) it has definitely helped me. bread without wheat is sprouted grain.. found in the organic section usually..

    food for life is the brand i get either types of these
    Ezekiel 4:9®
    Genesis 1:29®

    if you go to the foodforlife website there is a lot more info.

    they have more products than bread.. i have gotten their english muffins and tortillas before.

    good luck everyone!

    There is also rice and oat bread.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Picked up some quinoa today, and I am impressed by the nutritional values. Going to try it as a pasta substitute!


    I love quinoa. My local grocery only has the white kind but a local health food store also carries red and black. The only problem i have with it is I doubt much of the nutrition is absorbed because, like most seeds, it comes out pretty much exactly as it went in (if you get my drift). This likely means that it would need to be ground in order to digest the nutrition, much like flax seeds. I haven't seen ground quinoa, but I guess the pasta would have be made from ground (though I think it is a mix of rice and quinoa).

    And it gets stuck between my teeth.

    The quinoa I bought yesterday puffed up nicely after cooking. One cup yielded something like 4 cups cooked. Mine was yellowish before I cooked it, and white now. Nutty in flavour, and quite delicious on its own. Now that we know what it tastes like, we know what to add to enhance it. Today, I ate some in a salad for lunch. It is very filling.

    It would seem that what I found isn't what you found. There was no hard seed coating, and it resembled a disc that was thicker in the middle. After cooking, there was a fiber that looked like a tiny curly tail coming out of each grain.

    Yeah, that's the same as what I found when cooking it. What I meant was that it comes out in your stool looking the same as when you eat it, which is why I wonder how much of the nutrition is absorbed. This is much more noticable when you eat the black quinoa, and maybe more true of the red and black than the white as the red and black have a heavier flavor.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I don't know if this has anything to do with no gluten yesterday, but between yesterday morning and this morning I lost 2.2 pounds. I weighed myself 3 times just because I couldn't believe it. Lets see if the rest of the week progresses in a similar fashion!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Another potential alternative to wheat is Farro, and italian specialty. The latin name is Triticum dicoccum. This grain was used in ancient times, and forgotten because of its low yields. It grows on marginal land, and continued as an Italian regional specialty until the gourmets discovered it. It is a primitive wheat, which seems to have escaped the hybridizing of the past 70 years described in the article that motivated this challenge.

    I'm not going to rush out and buy it now, but I will keep it in mind as something to try as a wheat alternative once this challenge is over. I certainly want to do more research on it.

    More info here: http://www.farro.ca/
    and here: http://italianfood.about.com/library/rec/blr0002.htm
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Sounds interesting...I'm in, I need to find a bread substitute since I usually have a 100 cal whole wheat bread round with turkey breast for lunch...any ideas? I want to start today since I have not had any wheat at this point....will post measurements tomorrow.

    I have been totally wheat/gluten free since yesterday....feel great so far!

    CW - 145
    waste 2in above belly button - 34"

    so excited about this!! :happy:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I was about to post that I had decided not to do this. I thought we were supposed to do it for 2 months! I'm glad I checked the OP. I guess I can stick it out for 2 weeks, but I REALLY miss my daily Kashi bar. :frown:

    I'm not sure of the point, because I eat a lot of Kashi products and don't plan to give them up permanently but I'll hang tough for 12 more days.
  • joyoungolivia
    joyoungolivia Posts: 85 Member
    I bought some protein powder today to replace my cereal in the morning, I'm trying out low carb to go with this wheat free thing, hoping it works cos this 2 month plateau is really starting to piss me off!! lol x
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I was about to post that I had decided not to do this. I thought we were supposed to do it for 2 months! I'm glad I checked the OP. I guess I can stick it out for 2 weeks, but I REALLY miss my daily Kashi bar. :frown:

    I'm not sure of the point, because I eat a lot of Kashi products and don't plan to give them up permanently but I'll hang tough for 12 more days.

    I'm not sure I could eat without wheat forever either, but two weeks is long enough for a good try. I don't know if this is the placebo effect--my waist measurement hasn't changed, but I see less bloat than usual.

    If this seems to be a good thing with all of us trying it, I may start to treat wheat like Belgian chocolate. Who wants to live without it, but on the other hand, a special treat is something that you have only on special occasions.

    I dropped by Louise, a gluten free store. I came out only with a pound of rice flour. Some of the alternatives were so high in calories that they were not diet-compatible. Expensive too. I'm going to check out the ethnic grocery stores, where prices are likely to be cheaper.