What wellness type things do you do?



  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    I walk outside and enjoy nature, I read the Bible, I work on things out in the garage (dirtbikes, cars, etc.)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I just had a free lovely 90 minutes self care workshop with Om Practice. If you're a veteran or work at a vet center, see if your center is a member: https://app.ompractice.com/veteransaffairs (And if they're not, you could contact Om Practice and see if they can get your center signed up.) A few corporations also have plans: https://www.ompractice.com/?page_id=14316 And you can also do a free trial or paid membership: https://app.ompractice.com/memberships

    Regular exercise is part of my self care. Some kinds have more impact than others. For me, pretty much anything outside is better than anything inside (except for yoga.) I'm looking forward to the cooler weather, which means more trail time and a new gardening project. I get out there all winter long.
  • northbounder4
    northbounder4 Posts: 38 Member
    Sleep is a priority for me so making sure I go to bed when I'd like and wake when I like, no alarms.

    I do yoga.

    I have a cleanser, moisturizer and sun block for my face.

    I learn new things like chess.

    Every day off I visit the library and the park for a walk and bird watching.
  • bubbeE787
    bubbeE787 Posts: 34 Member
    edited October 2023
    I like getting up in the morning before my husband, having the place to myself, enjoying the quiet while sipping my coffee.
    Since I’m retired now, I don’t rush anymore.
    I do like to keep busy though. I’m always planning or have projects I’m working on.
    I walk everyday. I try to exercise and do stretches. I’m listening to a great podcast that inspires me. I try to practice more tolerance and kindness. And I’m trying to eat better and cleaner.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,561 Member
    All the typical wellness things mean nothing to me. I exercise, have lazy evenings on the sofa with my nose in my laptop or play a stupid, but relaxing game on my phone (happy color). During weekends I do absolutely nothing or do sightseeing or hiking. So... basically I try to balance work and free time, and it overall works very well, especially when working in home office.
  • kbrown1527
    kbrown1527 Posts: 65 Member
    Get plenty of sleep
    10-15min stretch every morning
    Yoga.. or try buti yoga!!
    Skin care routine every night
    Epsom salt or bubble baths
  • TxDesertFox
    TxDesertFox Posts: 53 Member
    Being outside in nature. Remembering to take actual rest days. I have a habit of having things planned for every day that I I don't have time to just "be." I do this when I'm on vacation, too. lol I do better when I go camping, though, since I tend to go off-grid and I'm forced to slow down.
  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 347 Member
    Like many others, walking every day is important to my overall wellbeing. Low stress is another important factor.
  • MujerVieja72
    MujerVieja72 Posts: 12 Member
    I try to keep up with a vitamin regimin as well as just staying active all day long. The main exercise I do all day, every day is indoor walking. But I do also try to get to basic passive static stretch routine I do once every morning as well.