What's the last thing you didn't buy?



  • itchmyTwitch
    itchmyTwitch Posts: 4,019 Member
    I passed on the double bottle of ketchup. Too rich for my blood. A single is good enough for me.
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I did not by a bracelet and some clothes I had in my cart from January sales.. tried to persuade myself it wouldn't count as I am returning some pjs that didn't fit.
  • jbs116
    jbs116 Posts: 758 Member
    I passed on the double bottle of ketchup. Too rich for my blood. A single is good enough for me.

    The Costco life makes me by double. The more stuff I buy the more money I save. Not sure how the math works on that, but we can always trust Big Corporations.
  • itchmyTwitch
    itchmyTwitch Posts: 4,019 Member
    jbs116 wrote: »
    I passed on the double bottle of ketchup. Too rich for my blood. A single is good enough for me.

    The Costco life makes me by double. The more stuff I buy the more money I save. Not sure how the math works on that, but we can always trust Big Corporations.

    I knew I needed to commit to a big life change when I started storing toilet paper under my bed
  • ElMeroKeeQue
    ElMeroKeeQue Posts: 546 Member
    A yacht is way out of my league...

    Me too.
  • pisces_rising_2
    pisces_rising_2 Posts: 1 Member
    I was going to buy more clothes, online, but changed my mind since I'm trying to lose weight. I need to focus more on fitting into the clothes I want to wear rather than continuously buying sizes I don't want to wear.
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I was just about to pick up a cute Keychain for one of my side job's key..and then I remembered I have to wait til 2025..so just some squishmellows for my daughter.
  • piggy_smalls
    piggy_smalls Posts: 1,706 Member
    A pair of winter cycling shoes. I just can't seem to keep my toes warm on rides. Comfort side, I still hesitate to justify the price tag
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Some neon shirts that say "Please Do Not Litter" to wear and hopefully make people feel guilty while picking up all the garbage along the side of the road where I live..
  • HungryCatapilar2024
    HungryCatapilar2024 Posts: 44 Member
    Music festival tickets for this summer.. incl Glastonbury.. don’t really wanna go alone, but there’s time yet ! 😂
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Bob Dylan concert tickets 🥲
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I really need a new refrigerator.
  • TamraLynn78
    TamraLynn78 Posts: 307 Member
    An ugly Christmas sweater that was Elf themed with sequined embellished sleeves… I kind of regret not buying it actually. Would have been great for Christmas this year
  • ExerciseExtraFries
    ExerciseExtraFries Posts: 114 Member
    I wanted to buy some stuff on HALARA and then didn’t.. 😂 I filled a cart and everything and then closed the tab.
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,264 Member
    A lazy susan made from a slice of a pine tree
  • Alinouveau2
    Alinouveau2 Posts: 6,324 Member
    A book.
  • E43V15C
    E43V15C Posts: 8 Member
    edited February 7
    I was doing really well/was ahead of myself w/ saving etc until.. Monday/Tuesday I think? Money has been slipping through my hands like water over the last few days :( I'm dipping into funds I usually budget/salvage for the fortnight- I still have some food/clothing items I want to buy between now and early next week- I'm going to try and cap it/distract myself afterwards so it doesn't get out of control- when I'm busier/more functional etc I don't feel as tempted to spend on stuff I don't need- but I did some spring cleaning recently and found out I had some unclaimed money/tax refund- I also had disputed some card/acct transactions and was reimbursed last week/didn't expect it- I always feel shaky/insecure about my finances regardless of whether I have enough money coming in. I hold off on buying stuff if I'm not in the right frame/headspace or if I'm time poor- at least keep the receipts/check the exchange/refund policy, check if it's available online/is there a time frame etc
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,794 Member
    edited February 7
    I love vintage handmade needlework.

    The antiques shop up the street has a mind blowing set of very old napkins, coasters and a table runner. Vintage handmade bobbin and pulled thread lace with mythological creatures worked into each medallion: phoenix. Griffon, Medusa, Pan, Cupid and more.

    The workmanship is museum quality. The price is ridiculously cheap for the quality and artful design.

    What would I do with them? Store them in a drawer to take out and fondle once in a while. But the pleasure of having and preserving them….

    I’ve been thinking about them for over a month now. I can’t justify it because we have a couple of trips coming up….to places that are famed for textiles and handcrafted needlework. 😬
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,632 Member
    At the grocery store yesterday on my way to the register to check out, passed the magazine rack where an article caught my eye. Only that one article in the entire magazine, but was curious how much to buy and read it. Fifteen dollars??? For something which would take me 30 seconds to read??? That's like $1800 per hour!

    Note to self: avoid walking down that aisle in the future...
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,264 Member
    edited February 8
    A beautiful green tweed blazer to go with the shirt/shoes that I am going to return... 😬