Bento Lunches?

Does anyone else make bentos for lunch? I bought a box at the start of July and have used it for lunch at work almost every day since. I really like it and I feel like its taught me a lot about real portion sizes. I've also discovered that it's not at all limiting in what I'm able to have... I just have to make it fit in the box.

Normally for lunch I aim for 350-450 calories. Here are some pictures of a couple of lunches I've had in the past few weeks. I try to keep them 1:1:2. 1 part protein, 1 part carb, 2 parts fruit and veggie.

Greek burger, tzaziki (sp?) sauce, cherry tomatoes, cucumber onion salad.

Spanish rice with beans and turkey sausage, salad with cucumber and cheese flowers.

Egg with scallions, avocado, peach, and potatoes with parsley.

each of my little liners holds about half a cup of food, so the entire thing hold about 2 cups.
Last week my husband I went out to lunch (at Arbys which he loves... I had never been and was indifferent) and I ate half a sandwich and half a small fries and felt super full because volume-wise I was at my normal lunch capacity (though over my caloric goal...).

This is working for me! Anybody else using a bento/what do you do for healthy lunches at work?


  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Your lunches look beautiful!! I have a bento box, but I haven't been using it and I'm going to start immediately! That's one thing I've always had a problem with...portion size and I really need to change that. And I pack a lunch for work every day too.
    This idea rocks! I may start trying it here real soon!
  • svanhoecke
    I worked in an office that was 95% Japanese women this summer and they all had these bento boxes! I am so jealous you have one. Where did you buy it?
  • LittleFootHafner
    Have you looked on their website for ideas:
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    Great idea!! I use them for my kids, never occurred to me to use them for myself!!
  • ebonaskavi
    ebonaskavi Posts: 42 Member
    I worked in an office that was 95% Japanese women this summer and they all had these bento boxes! I am so jealous you have one. Where did you buy it?

    I actually got mine on (the real pretty ones are super expensive!)
  • RuthAne
    RuthAne Posts: 130
    I haven't used one before, but your combinations look so good!
  • JulieBoBoo
    your lunches are beautiful! I use a bento-like system for my daughters ( and they love it. I confess the lunches I pack for them aren't nearly as pretty as yours though! There are pics in my blog (linked on my profile) if you're interested. Since I eat at home I don't pack a lunch for me.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    My kid goes to school with her little bento box too. She loves it.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    What a great idea for portion control- I'm headed to Amazon right now to search for bento boxes!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    love this idea! I've seen these in specialty stores before, but never thought about using them for myself and for portion control. thanks for posting
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Love the bento box idea!
  • msDpenguin87
    does it come with the little liner things?
  • natika33
    natika33 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi Ebonaskavi!

    Your bento boxes are super cute and look delicious! The flower cut-outs really make the one example look Japanese. (^_^)

    I love bento boxes because I think the portion sizing is really good and really helps you visualize the proper amount.

    Incidentally, if you don't have a proper bento any normal Tupperware-type container can also be used. (Not as cute, I know). If you are aiming for 450 calories and you keep to the proper rules of making up a bento (the ratios you mentioned - 3 parts grains, 1 part protein, 2 parts vegetables), then a 400mL container is the right size. You can tell how many mLs your container holds by filling it with water, then measuring the amount of water.

    A really good website in English that explains a lot about bento boxes is I just paraphrased from the website in my above paragraph. (~_^)
  • natika33
    natika33 Posts: 154 Member
    P.S. You can use silicone cupcake tins for liners if you can't get the real ones. Wax paper tins also works if you aren't using anything too wet.
  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
    I love bento lunches! I bought a cheap alternative to a bento box called the Stay Fit Lunch To Go. It's awesome with a gel pack in the top to keep everything cool. I bought 3 other types including the soup, salad and cereal stay fit kits. Find on Amazon:
  • ebonaskavi
    ebonaskavi Posts: 42 Member
    does it come with the little liner things?

    no it doesn't, those are actually from the wilton pull-apart-puzzle cake set.

    You can use normal cupcake liners, but I like the silicone ones because they are reusable and mine are different shapes so they fit in the box nicely. In the greek burger one I have the sauce in a plastic dixie cup that I cut down to be the correct height.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I have loads of kiddy bento boxes at home (my husband is Japanese and my mil sent them for a party we had) and my son will use one for school, but I really must work on making his as pretty! Thanks for the inspiration :flowerforyou:
  • Silchi24
    :happy: :happy:
    Does anyone else make bentos for lunch? I bought a box at the start of July and have used it for lunch at work almost every day since. I really like it and I feel like its taught me a lot about real portion sizes. I've also discovered that it's not at all limiting in what I'm able to have... I just have to make it fit in the box.

    Normally for lunch I aim for 350-450 calories. Here are some pictures of a couple of lunches I've had in the past few weeks. I try to keep them 1:1:2. 1 part protein, 1 part carb, 2 parts fruit and veggie.

    Greek burger, tzaziki (sp?) sauce, cherry tomatoes, cucumber onion salad.

    Spanish rice with beans and turkey sausage, salad with cucumber and cheese flowers.

    Egg with scallions, avocado, peach, and potatoes with parsley.

    each of my little liners holds about half a cup of food, so the entire thing hold about 2 cups.
    Last week my husband I went out to lunch (at Arbys which he loves... I had never been and was indifferent) and I ate half a sandwich and half a small fries and felt super full because volume-wise I was at my normal lunch capacity (though over my caloric goal...).

    This is working for me! Anybody else using a bento/what do you do for healthy lunches at work?

    I've never even heard of them, but I love it! I am off to AMAZON to get me some. Thanks for the idea. Now I don't have to lug around all these containers.
  • Silchi24
    BTW, where did you get that little bottle that is in the Spanish rice with beans and turkey sausage, salad with cucumber and cheese flowers, picture?