Ravenclaw Common Room



  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    "Goodnight skinny!"
    Good night skinny, and thanks for running our house stats!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    So today I had a nice little NSV. I've been losing weight for almost 8 months and get comments here and there. Tonight I was getting ready to go home from work and was walking down the hall away from the office. My male boss was behind me (didn't realize he was there) and as I was going around the corner, he called "Goodnight skinny!" This from a guy who is very hard to read and doesn't normally comment on anyone's personal life. Made my day!

    This is fabulous! Even better that it came from somewhere you wouldn't expect it. :D Congrats!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    So today I had a nice little NSV. I've been losing weight for almost 8 months and get comments here and there. Tonight I was getting ready to go home from work and was walking down the hall away from the office. My male boss was behind me (didn't realize he was there) and as I was going around the corner, he called "Goodnight skinny!" This from a guy who is very hard to read and doesn't normally comment on anyone's personal life. Made my day!

    That's awesome! I bet that felt wonderful :)
  • DefiningRaquel
    Thanks Gwen and the NSV must feel wonderful, Sue. I hope i can fit into my size 4 jeans soon. I only wish i was as motivated as you to workout daily but it gets me moving the other times so yay for that :)
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    GREAT JOB Sue!!!!!!! You are bustin your A** and deserve the compliment!!
    Went to a baby shower yesterday and DIDN'T eat the cake, candy bars, chips or drink the soda. I was beyond tempted, but didn't partake. Funny how other peopl can get . . . annoyed at you when you're not eating the junk they are though. A friend said to me, "Why aren't you having cake? Size 4 isn't good enough for you?" Mind you I'm not a size 4-even if I was why can't I be the person to decide what's good enough and what's not? I mean I am losing weight the healthy way and working really hard with my exercise- why not just accept that the piece of cake you are trying to shove down my throat counteracts my 45 minute run this morning. Seriously people.

    Today's Stats:
    Exercise (squats): +1
    Food (protein): +1
    Spirit: +1

    Weekly Stats:
    Owls: 14 House Points: 247
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Good Morning Raveclaws:

    Todays stats, Excerise 1, Food 1 and Spirit 1. I am on a roll!

    This is to momofJandA - that happens to me too when out and not eating the junk, I think they feel threatened in some bizzare, way, I think it is part guilt, because deep down they know it is not good for them. I face the same problem all the time, I am vegan and you would be surprised how offended people get that I just will not eat the burger, or ask what kind of stock the soup is made of. I am not asking them to eat the way I do, I do not make a fuss, just need to know. Keep up the great work and great attitude.
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    So today I had a nice little NSV. I've been losing weight for almost 8 months and get comments here and there. Tonight I was getting ready to go home from work and was walking down the hall away from the office. My male boss was behind me (didn't realize he was there) and as I was going around the corner, he called "Goodnight skinny!" This from a guy who is very hard to read and doesn't normally comment on anyone's personal life. Made my day!

    Lol congrats! I have a woman at work who calls me "Skinny Minnie". She also told me she could tell I had lost weight because I had lost my double chin.....:noway: A compliment? Perhaps....but it felt kind of half and half to me lol.
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    So last night I was skyping with a friend I hadn't seen since the beginning of summer. When we turned on video chat, she nearly screamed and said, "OH MY GOD YOU'RE SHRINKING!" I thought something was wrong with my video, but she explained that I myself was shrinking, that I was smaller than the last time she saw me.

    That was a nice thing to think about. :blushing:
  • NikkiMustang77
    Hello ladies!
    Excellent that all of you are getting compliments :D Everyone is working pretty hard.

    Today, if I have time, I am going to check the hours on the gym here at college so I can maybe join and work out between classes and work. We'll see how that goes, I've got a few errands too (applying for a new job - my old one is getting pretty hairy).

    Also - I've done pretty good on all of my tests and quizzes thus far! :laugh:
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    *Progress towards week of 9/25 OWLS -9/28 update*
    House Spirit (post ) - +3
    Food (protein) - +3
    Exercise (squats) - +3

    *September exercise minutes*
    Month to date total = 665
    Week 9/25 to date total = 135
    9/27 exercise minutes - 30 min walking, 5 min squats
    9/28 exercise minutes - none yet
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i'm less than 3 pounds away from being under 200 lbs!! 2.8 to be exact. :blushing: it's gonna be WEIRD seeing that "1". i gotta admit, i'll be weighing myself every day just in case. YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THAT "1" WILL SHOW UP!!! i'm totally declaring that day a holiday for me or something!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    So last night I was skyping with a friend I hadn't seen since the beginning of summer. When we turned on video chat, she nearly screamed and said, "OH MY GOD YOU'RE SHRINKING!" I thought something was wrong with my video, but she explained that I myself was shrinking, that I was smaller than the last time she saw me.

    That was a nice thing to think about. :blushing:

    Aww, how nice!! I bet that felt wonderful. :) It's always good when someone notices what you've been working so hard for.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    i'm less than 3 pounds away from being under 200 lbs!! 2.8 to be exact. :blushing: it's gonna be WEIRD seeing that "1". i gotta admit, i'll be weighing myself every day just in case. YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THAT "1" WILL SHOW UP!!! i'm totally declaring that day a holiday for me or something!
    That's fantastic Craft!! Be sure to let us know the minute your "1" shows up!!

    I still have touble remembering that I'm in the 150's - my mind still thinks I'm in the 170's, but I haven't been there for months! :laugh:
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    i'm less than 3 pounds away from being under 200 lbs!! 2.8 to be exact. :blushing: it's gonna be WEIRD seeing that "1". i gotta admit, i'll be weighing myself every day just in case. YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THAT "1" WILL SHOW UP!!! i'm totally declaring that day a holiday for me or something!
    That's fantastic Craft!! Be sure to let us know the minute your "1" shows up!!

    I still have touble remembering that I'm in the 150's - my mind still thinks I'm in the 170's, but I haven't been there for months! :laugh:

    You two need to post updated pics!

    Sunday is my monthly measurement/photo day.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw!! haven't posted in a couple of days as i've been sick. i had planned to go back to work today but after almost passing out in the shower, i think i'll take another day off to rehydrate.
    struggling with the scales this month and not making any progress at all towards my september goal. not sure what to expect from weigh in after being sick.
    sounds like everyone has been doing a great job and getting lots of nsvs!! great work.
    congrats to this weeks prefects momofjanda and definingraquel!!
  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Ravenclaw!

    I haven't exercised since Monday. I really wanted to go to yoga last night, but I had to finish a paper for a graduate class, so between homework on Tues/Wed and preparing for this weekend (traveling to a wedding), I skipped exercise. I WILL be getting on the treadmill tonight. Hoping to put in 30 minutes!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Good Morning Ravenclaws!

    So far so good today. Have my squats in, and now my spirit. Protein may be a challenge, going out to lunch and will not get a lot of protein, will have to do a bonus workout tonight to earn calories for more than a salad for dinner.

    Finished week 18 of TurboFire this morning, and I am feeling it.

    Hope everyone has a great day :smokin:
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Checking in for my daily spirit OWL! My commitment to only weigh once a week has been not working this week lol. But on a happier note, I am almost the actual weight on my Driver's License :D
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Checking in for my daily spirit OWL! My commitment to only weigh once a week has been not working this week lol. But on a happier note, I am almost the actual weight on my Driver's License :D

    Yay, that's happy! How far do you have to go to reach it?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Checking in for my daily spirit OWL! My commitment to only weigh once a week has been not working this week lol. But on a happier note, I am almost the actual weight on my Driver's License :D
    I am finally UNDER the weight on my driver's license - and under my husband's weight!! :drinker: Its been a lot of years since I could say that!

    Been really busy at work this week. Our company has been sold - the sale will close before the end of the year. Lots of work to do in the meantime and since I work in the accounting department, there's just so much to think about and accomplish!