Ozempic Users How Did You Get Started?

Asking out of concern for my sister in law. She's mid 60's 70-100 pounds overweight. Was diagnosed with severe fatty liver disease last fall and recently Type 2 diabetes. She's probably not the best working with medical professionals.

Did your doctor suggest this or a similar drug or did you request?

Appreciate your thoughts.


  • glypnirsgirl
    glypnirsgirl Posts: 2 Member
    I started Ozempic last February. I have lost 74 pounds. The thing that I find most helpful is to drink a large glass of water (I drink 24-36 ounces) first thing when I wake up. It helps with the nausea associated with the Ozempic. I had all of the side effects that you read about, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, shakiness. At first, the only thing that I enjoyed eating was Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup that I did not dilute. I stuck with it and resumed tracking my food because my husband thought the shakiness was from too few calories --- he was right. I strive to eat 1200 calories per day. Most days I am within 100 calories of that goal. I am 69 years old and was prescribed Ozempic because I was more than 100 pounds over weight and I had developed Type 2 diabetes.

    It is not for everyone. It has been EXTREMELY helpful for me. My A1C last tested at 104 --- well within the normal range.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    My doctor prescribed it for diabetes last March. I hope to stop it if I can get my A1C lower. It’s gone from 6.8 to 5.5 in the last 11 months. I’m on a small.5 mg. Dose now.
  • glp1curious
    glp1curious Posts: 10 Member
    I started Ozempic last February. I have lost 74 pounds. The thing that I find most helpful is to drink a large glass of water (I drink 24-36 ounces) first thing when I wake up. It helps with the nausea associated with the Ozempic. I had all of the side effects that you read about, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, shakiness. At first, the only thing that I enjoyed eating was Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup that I did not dilute. I stuck with it and resumed tracking my food because my husband thought the shakiness was from too few calories --- he was right. I strive to eat 1200 calories per day. Most days I am within 100 calories of that goal. I am 69 years old and was prescribed Ozempic because I was more than 100 pounds over weight and I had developed Type 2 diabetes.

    It is not for everyone. It has been EXTREMELY helpful for me. My A1C last tested at 104 --- well within the normal range.

    Wow that's amazing progress -- thanks for the tip about the large glass of water, I think that might carry to just about everyone, even those not on any GLP1s