Who else is on the carnivore diet?

lytleart2016 Posts: 4 Member
edited February 2 in Health and Weight Loss
My meals:
Breakfast 5 eggs 2/12 slices of bacon

Lunch 1 pound of meat with 4 shrimp

After one week I went from 237 to 229.
I drink coffee with heavy cream and water only.


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,185 Member
    Why did you decide to go carnivore?
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,315 Member
    I am more ketovore than carnivore although my January eating looking much more carnivore.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    The Buff Dudes Tried Carnivore Diet for 30 Days, Here's What Happened

  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,539 Member
    I love meat and eggs--my favorite food group. But I just can't imagine giving up milk and cheese and some of my favorite veggies.
    I went to a healthy eating class Sunday. Our homework is to eat 0 added sugars. We can have natural sugars. My first problem was my multivitamin. My second was my beet supplement. (For high blood pressure). my low calorie bread had it, as did my lunch meat and mayo and of course, pickles.
    I quit buying spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, barbecue sauce because they're all full of sugar. I hate the taste and I don't understand why everything should taste like sugar.
    Little by little, I'm getting processed food out of my diet.
    I'm really interested in carnivore. I'm very, very slowly heading that direction. Please check in occasionally and tell us how it's going.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,185 Member
    edited February 8
    Corina1143 wrote: »
    I love meat and eggs--my favorite food group. But I just can't imagine giving up milk and cheese and some of my favorite veggies.
    I went to a healthy eating class Sunday. Our homework is to eat 0 added sugars. We can have natural sugars. My first problem was my multivitamin. My second was my beet supplement. (For high blood pressure). my low calorie bread had it, as did my lunch meat and mayo and of course, pickles.
    I quit buying spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, barbecue sauce because they're all full of sugar. I hate the taste and I don't understand why everything should taste like sugar.
    Little by little, I'm getting processed food out of my diet.
    I'm really interested in carnivore. I'm very, very slowly heading that direction. Please check in occasionally and tell us how it's going.

    Milk and cheese is carnivore. :)
  • LeslieRussell7103
    LeslieRussell7103 Posts: 1 Member
    Why did you decide to go carnivore?

    I did a lot of research on it. First of all I have arthritis in my hands pretty bad and acid reflux. All the YouTube videos of people that have done this diet pretty much lose arthritis pain and acid reflux. I’m overweight as well and it’s been harder to lose weight and stay on a diet. Seen a 60yr old YouTuber that is on this diet and he lost 40 pounds in two months. Soo many people are going to comment on this saying carnivore diet is bad and you need vegetables. But not everyone is the same. Whenever I eat vegetables, I bloat bad and have gas. Love broccoli and green beans but after I eat them it’s rough. I honestly feel great right now. It works for me. After I hit my goal weight, I will probably slowly and with moderation bring back some carbs and vegetables. But at this rate I should hit my goal weight in a few months or sooner. I think part of why I feel soo good is because I’ve completely took out sugar. Everything nowadays has sugar.

    Keep an eye on your total cholesterol and ratios, this could put a strain on your heart and vascular system, even with the weightloss.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,539 Member
    Corina1143 wrote: »
    I love meat and eggs--my favorite food group. But I just can't imagine giving up milk and cheese and some of my favorite veggies.
    I went to a healthy eating class Sunday. Our homework is to eat 0 added sugars. We can have natural sugars. My first problem was my multivitamin. My second was my beet supplement. (For high blood pressure). my low calorie bread had it, as did my lunch meat and mayo and of course, pickles.
    I quit buying spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, barbecue sauce because they're all full of sugar. I hate the taste and I don't understand why everything should taste like sugar.
    Little by little, I'm getting processed food out of my diet.
    I'm really interested in carnivore. I'm very, very slowly heading that direction. Please check in occasionally and tell us how it's going.

    Milk and cheese is carnivore. :)

    I'm closer than I thought.
  • girlsaint
    girlsaint Posts: 209 Member
    My January was mostly carnivore- I was eliminating everything so I could reintroduce foods little by little to try and nail down what was causing my psoriasis. Psoriasis mostly cleared up, flared, then cleared again. I kept it at 1800- 2000 cal a day. Eating window of 12pm- 8pm. Transitioning to more of a ketovore diet by adding in some salads to start. So far so good. A bit of fluid retention at the beginning of February, but having a socially acceptable plate for dinners out with friends is important to me. Steak and salad works lol. Started January at 222lb, ended it at 205.2. Three days later I had popped back up to 207, but that is coming back down now.

    Two weeks of adjustment period (make friends with the bathroom)- then that is all fine now. Uncounted hours watching Dr.Jason Fung and other videos to calm my frazzled mind because of all the "dangerous" or "this only works because of calories in/ calories out" I allowed myself the first month of the year to just try it. I will get my bloodwork done this month. This is my journey, and I appreciate the opinions of others for what it is- their opinion. I'll let my results guide me with the help of my doctor.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,315 Member
    Why did you decide to go carnivore?

    I did a lot of research on it. First of all I have arthritis in my hands pretty bad and acid reflux. All the YouTube videos of people that have done this diet pretty much lose arthritis pain and acid reflux. I’m overweight as well and it’s been harder to lose weight and stay on a diet. Seen a 60yr old YouTuber that is on this diet and he lost 40 pounds in two months. Soo many people are going to comment on this saying carnivore diet is bad and you need vegetables. But not everyone is the same. Whenever I eat vegetables, I bloat bad and have gas. Love broccoli and green beans but after I eat them it’s rough. I honestly feel great right now. It works for me. After I hit my goal weight, I will probably slowly and with moderation bring back some carbs and vegetables. But at this rate I should hit my goal weight in a few months or sooner. I think part of why I feel soo good is because I’ve completely took out sugar. Everything nowadays has sugar.

    Keep an eye on your total cholesterol and ratios, this could put a strain on your heart and vascular system, even with the weightloss.

    I hope you are warning all the Vegans that they need to keep an eye on B-12 and protein.
  • phx92
    phx92 Posts: 87 Member
    That’s intense! I did whole30 as an elimination diet to figure out some food allergies, and the hardest thing I found was eating so much meat every day or being really low on calories. And I’m someone who likes meat and eats it most days
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,185 Member
    phx92 wrote: »
    That’s intense! I did whole30 as an elimination diet to figure out some food allergies, and the hardest thing I found was eating so much meat every day or being really low on calories. And I’m someone who likes meat and eats it most days

    Yeah, people generally underestimate the variety of products available and cooking methods and most people get this vision that it's all bacon and butter or just red meat.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,175 Member
    I think people overestimate where the calories come from unless they log for a long time and carefully. A platefull of meat and veggies can be surprisingly not that many calories. At maintenance I average more than 2800 being active. How much steak and broccoli would it take to hit 2800? Quite a bit actually.
  • foldinthecheese
    foldinthecheese Posts: 27 Member
    edited February 9
    That's interesting, I've never heard of this diet. I just started paleo (real paleo, not buying "paleo bars" and such) so this is a bit intriguing to me. Not that I'd want to do carnivore because I've found some fantastic vegetables that I never knew existed (leeks anyone? - first had them 3 days ago and just got back from the store after buying a couple more), but it's interesting to see that this is possible.

    I assume you're still using herbs and the like to flavor the meat right? Otherwise I think that'd be pretty dull.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,185 Member
    edited February 9
    That's interesting, I've never heard of this diet. I just started paleo (real paleo, not buying "paleo bars" and such) so this is a bit intriguing to me. Not that I'd want to do carnivore because I've found some fantastic vegetables that I never knew existed (leeks anyone? - first had them 3 days ago and just got back from the store after buying a couple more), but it's interesting to see that this is possible.

    I assume you're still using herbs and the like to flavor the meat right? Otherwise I think that'd be pretty dull.

    I'm not quite sure what "real paleo" is. People that find carnivore and eat this way, almost exclusively, do it for health reasons but you might find the odd person that eats that way because they like meat, but I suspect that reason wains pretty easily and quickly considering the tastiness of simple complimentary foods, like your herb and leek examples, fries and mashed potatoes with gravies comes to mind. I'm one of those people, as an example.

    It's generally a last resort diet from my observations and they all tell the same story, pretty much. Surprising would be an understatement that quite a few people on carnivore were vegetarian and vegan during their life and all the people are in really poor health with multiple issues where this diet delivers relief and remission and restoring their health physically and mentally, almost without exception. People on carnivore will have generally exhausted every avenue and will have used a low carb and ketogenic diet during this journey with some good results and eventually carnivore would come up in their stream and most will describe it as a low carb diet on steroids.

    It's a very satiating diet and most would find it almost impossible to gain weight on carnivore and weight loss is a bonus but it's generally low on the list of their health problems, but they knew it was going to happen most just didn't expect it to be that easy, kinda crazy what satiation really means and what it generates in the real world.

    Most people on carnivore are not zealots, or at least that demographic hasn't flourished or raised it's ugly head yet from what I can see and most will never tell another person what they're exactly eating is wrong simple because carnivore is primarily a health journey and everyone will have a different experience and the real bottom line is this is the ultimate elimination diet where everything is taken off the table and people on the carnivore diet do experience by putting things back in and spices and herbs seem to be the entry point. Some will have some fruit, some will exclude dairy, others won't but like I said most people on carnivore don't give people grief if they're not 100%.

  • CastleOfIce
    CastleOfIce Posts: 44 Member
    Exactly the opposite, whole food plant based, but if it works for you, keep on it.
  • foldinthecheese
    foldinthecheese Posts: 27 Member
    Interesting, thanks for the detail. It's pretty reassuring that people are ultimately able to find diets that work well for them, even if it happens to be the last stop.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,315 Member
    Interesting, thanks for the detail. It's pretty reassuring that people are ultimately able to find diets that work well for them, even if it happens to be the last stop.

    This is sort of like when people say that they always find items in the last place they look. It is the last place, last stop, because when the item is there or the diet works, then people stop. For me keto was because of my blood glucose. Calorie counting worked fine for weight loss, but did nothing to deal with a continuing to rise HbA1C. Keto stopped that rise and got me to normal in months. Even when I have a splurge meal, my glucose response is now close to normal. What keeps me keto moving toward ketovore more and more are all the other benefits I have experienced from greatly decreased joint pain, clearer mental functioning, tooth sensativity gone, blood pressure way down, triglycerides way down, and more. It even seems my hair colour may be coming back. Add that I prefer eating this way, and for me it is a no brainer to stick with it. It is the last place I stop, because I don't need anything more.
  • foldinthecheese
    foldinthecheese Posts: 27 Member
    Good point on the last stop. In this case I was more alluding to the last stop on a train line for instance, since the previous poster said most people on the carnivore diet will have exhausted all other diets.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,185 Member
    edited February 12
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Why did you decide to go carnivore?

    I did a lot of research on it. First of all I have arthritis in my hands pretty bad and acid reflux. All the YouTube videos of people that have done this diet pretty much lose arthritis pain and acid reflux. I’m overweight as well and it’s been harder to lose weight and stay on a diet. Seen a 60yr old YouTuber that is on this diet and he lost 40 pounds in two months. Soo many people are going to comment on this saying carnivore diet is bad and you need vegetables. But not everyone is the same. Whenever I eat vegetables, I bloat bad and have gas. Love broccoli and green beans but after I eat them it’s rough. I honestly feel great right now. It works for me. After I hit my goal weight, I will probably slowly and with moderation bring back some carbs and vegetables. But at this rate I should hit my goal weight in a few months or sooner. I think part of why I feel soo good is because I’ve completely took out sugar. Everything nowadays has sugar.

    I'm glad this is working for you.

    I've heard the same health claims about eating vegan or vegetarian, and WFPB, and possibly more. (I'm not recommending this for YOU, just saying.) I wonder if it's more what the people who receive health benefits are NOT eating, rather than what they are eating.

    That's exactly what a carnivore diet is, an elimination diet. The healthier outcomes are from what they're not eating.

    Also any diet when compared to the SAD diet, like a vegan or MED for example, those studies will show improvement in most health markers and it's basically just the simple fact that replacing highly processed foods with more whole foods delivers some health benefit, not to mention the healthy user bias. Peoples susceptibility and tolerances to different food sensitivities lives here and an individual journey of discovery is the only way to find out and until they do it themselves, otherwise it can be all noise, distraction and confusion.
  • elfin168
    elfin168 Posts: 202 Member
    sounds like a recipe for kidney stones
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,315 Member
    elfin168 wrote: »
    sounds like a recipe for kidney stones

    Most kidney stone, albeit not all, are calcium oxalate stones. There is no oxalates in meat, so the most common kidney stones can't form. Nice try though.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,185 Member
    elfin168 wrote: »
    sounds like a recipe for kidney stones

    Most kidney stone, albeit not all, are calcium oxalate stones. There is no oxalates in meat, so the most common kidney stones can't form. Nice try though.

    Yeah, it's a popular misconception that meat is the cause of kidney stones through the increase in uric acid, which happens but it represents about 10% of stones. Too much calcium accounts for about another 10% which leaves oxalates for the 80% left which are found in plants.

    Can't really blame people for not knowing when they've only been fed information that is intended to form opinions to influence future behaviors, which is to put meat in a bad light, more specifically red meat.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,185 Member
    sollyn23l2 wrote: »
    elfin168 wrote: »
    sounds like a recipe for kidney stones

    Most kidney stone, albeit not all, are calcium oxalate stones. There is no oxalates in meat, so the most common kidney stones can't form. Nice try though.

    Yeah, it's a popular misconception that meat is the cause of kidney stones through the increase in uric acid, which happens but it represents about 10% of stones. Too much calcium accounts for about another 10% which leaves oxalates for the 80% left which are found in plants.

    Can't really blame people for not knowing when they've only been fed information that is intended to form opinions to influence future behaviors, which is to put meat in a bad light, more specifically red meat.

    For sure. Big bad brocolli, out to destroy the futures of American children everywhere. But yes, you're right in that oxalates do form a decent percentage of kidney stones. But they are caused usually by multiple problems coming together. You're unlikely to get kidney stones from eating the recommended amount of vegetables unless other causes also come into play (severe chronic dehydration being the biggest one).

    Kidney stones are probably the least of a persons worries when it comes to oxalates. They're mainly known to interfere with the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. They can muck with thyroid hormones, which helps regulate metabolic rate and energy production. Oxalates can effect neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine which can and do effect our mood and cognition and they also can damage nerve endings and brain cells which can effect our memory, and simple things like coordination, especially as we age. Oxalates can also accumulate in our joints and result in symptoms like arthritic stiffness and swelling, so yeah other things come into play with oxalates.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,539 Member
    Oh no! First they tell me my celery juice doesn't cure anything and now you tell me my broccoli 's making me sick!