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What are "sweets and snacks" in "week in review"?

I love the "week in Review"!! But I don't see what was included in the "sweets and snacks" total number for the week. This sounds like something unhealthy. I cannot interpret What i had that was considered "sweets and snacks"?
2 votes

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  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 742 MFP Staff
    That sounds like a customized meal category. To be sure though, I'd recommend emailing our Support Team at Thanks!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,405 Member
    @Jean, it would be nice if the Help section about Weekly Digest gave some idea what each of those categories means. (I checked. It doesn't seem to.) I'm a longtime user, don't have a customized meal category for Sweets and Snacks, but do see this (and other undefined categories) on my weekly digest.

    We're talking about this (at least I am, and I think OP is) - it's in the Food tab in web MFP, and in the More menu of the phone/tablet app:


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,166 Member
    I'm guessing some sort of AI is sorting our foods into categories for the weekly review. I have zero foods categorized in sweets and treats myself, more than likely because they are foods in a foreign language/from non-USA shops.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 2,986 Member
    My sweets and treats was almost certainly that apple pie.
    But of course it didn't count the vegetables in "soup"
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,405 Member
    It's . . . interesting, but not necessarily in a helpful way, IMO. At minimum, it should be possible to click through and see what it put in the category in each case.

    It also hasn't - probably can't? - do anything reliably-ish except count times logged. Example: It says I logged 16 vegetables and 5 fruits, so 21 counting both. I'm pretty sure I will have eaten at least 5 servings daily (35 in the week) and it'll usually be closer (or even above) 10 servings daily (70 in the week) . . . but I will often get a heap of one day's vegetables from all one veggie (like 5 servings of roasted broccoli, as an example) so it's only logged once.

    I think this could be useful for people who are really working hard to push up numbers on some of the categories, but the current version - which I'll note says it's beta - is pretty opaque. Just being able to click through and see the log entries would be helpful.

    I don't know whether it's generated by AI or some other more conventional form of coding, but one of the "features" of AI is that it can be opaque in underpinnings of its decision making.