
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Plants - they grow well here! I'm used to planting something outside ... and staring at a patch of dirt all year wondering what happened. When I selected flowers for my drystream garden, I wanted short flowers, something no taller than about 8 inches. I carefully read the packages, selected several different kinds, planted them. The first year, nothing much came up. I expected that. The second year, I had a whole collection of flowers that were over 2 feet tall!!

    I got oregano because I love the scent: https://www.bunnings.com.au/diy-advice/garden/planting-and-growing/how-to-grow-oregano. These ones are not supposed to grow more than 20 cm/ 8 inches. What have I got in the garden? Massive plants nearly 3 feet tall! I love them and I've planted more elsewhere. They'll probably take 2 years to come up.

    Music - when my husband was in a coma, I read to him. I had a book about animals I read sometimes. I read from the Bible a few times. And I read my assignments to him. I was working and in university at the time.

    As he was starting to come out of the coma, I asked about playing him music. They reluctantly agreed that I could play some music for him, but told me it would have to be very soft music - instrumental or classical. He has a few favourite classical pieces so I put them in the playlist. Then I thought he might enjoy some of the music he used to listen to growing up. He likes ABBA, so I included them. And there were several more pieces ... I picked as many as I could which I knew had been his favourites. :)

    He was barely opening his eyes, hardly focusing, and I put on ABBA. I put the earbud near his ear, and sat close to him. He lay with his eyes closed for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes and looked concerned. Then closed his eyes and rested again for a bit. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and looked concerned. I put the other ear bud in my ear and listened. He relaxed with his eyes closed when the music was on ... and opened his eyes and looked concerned when the music stopped ... then closed his eyes and relaxed again when the next piece came on. It was one of his early reactions to things going on around him!! An exciting development!!

    A week or so later, he started moving his feet to the music. :)

    Music is an amazing thing!

    I remembered why I got intimidated last time I was studying my pharmacy tech book. It starts off with a fifty page chart of drugs and their info to be memorized. Ouch. I think I will start with medical terminology instead. And then I will get flashcards for the drugs, and do them a chunk at a time. This really is going to take time.

    Annie in Delaware

    You could take an medical terminology course like this one. This one looks to be online. Sometimes it helps to take an actual course because you can communicate with others when you're having difficulty.

    I've been learning medical terminology since I was young ... used to read my mother's medical texts and for the past 10 years I've been working in health. Some terms still catch me out, but I try to sort them out using this sort of method:

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    My son is off on Thursday to see his dad, who isn't doing too well. Kidneys mainly, but mobility is going down. He's going up to Glasgow by train, but making an overnight work stop in Liverpool, and another working lunch in Glasgow, so the company gets to pay for the trip. :p My ex lives near Loch Lomond, in a pretty village with a famous gastropub. He is flying back on Sunday. Edie was happy because their mum is taking them out to Fatto a Mano on Sunday to compensate for their dad's absence.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    We stayed in Balloch on Loch Lomond in the Norwood Guest House for a few days back in 2012. It was a beautiful area! We cycled up to Arrochar and back one day. :)

    M in Oz

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good morning,
    Apparently had an awesome storm (same system as Ginny . I heard nothing, but the cameras caught a lot of lightning. Cold system following. Migraine full force. Too much to do to let it stop me.

    Rebecca Love the pictures! I am so happy you have had this time with your sons.

    Tracey Rough day for daughters. Glad they are there for each other.

    My first reaction this morning when I saw tornado was to check on Ginny . Glad you are safe. Hoping it was minor where it hit.

    Deb_23 I do miss my fur babies but am just not ready for more. Keep posting so that we can get to know you. We were all newbies at some point.

    We are a well traveled group.

    Trash out, laundry, and packing today. Excited to see my family.

    Better get day going.

    Proud of all the new experiences being tried.
    Thankful to call such a well rounded group of ladies my friends.
    Make the best choices you can in the moment.

    Kylia in Ohio where long johns will make their appearance again!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    pinh wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Michigan had a run of crazy warm weather and I thought I would prepare for a summer item. I restore and flip furniture in spare time. I spent some time acquiring furniture to work on. My nephew was great help. I decided to be less good about my diet and exercise based on the furniture moving plan, so I had a week of no progress...unless you count the garage is loaded with things to work on. I refuse to regret the future projects...but wish I had not overestimated the short bits of hard work.

    The couch 2 5k plan has done more for shrinking my hips than my waist. All is good, but makes me think I might try to do a little more work on my core. The central strength work will be good for shoving things around in the garage, too.

    I really find the warm weather makes me feel hungry and I'm still on a highly restricted diet. I did much better during the colder weather with cups of tea. Now I feel strong urge to get a bit more to eat. To make sure I'm not mindlessly eating I am still attempting to distract and drink more water/tea. I am chalking it up to nice days.

    Between now and the end of March I have a mini target of another 18 pounds. It will take a lot of work to achieve. Wish me luck.

    -Anna in Michigan

    The furniture work sounds interesting!

    18 pounds in a month is incredibly fast. The recommendation is no more than 2 lbs/week which comes to maybe 10 lbs in a month.

    Don't rush the loss ... slow and steady.

    All the best!!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Hot humid day today ... and thunderstorms rolling around out there this evening.

    I didn't get a lot of walking in today, but that's OK. Perhaps 1.8 km.

    But I did manage 17 flights of stairs up ... 20 steps per flight plus landings.
    And 21 flights of stairs down.
    Yes, there was a lift involved for a little part of that. :)

    I also did not buy anything today. :)

    Now, I feel like I need to use the toilet but the thunder and lightening are quite close at the moment. Hmm ... might have to hold on for a bit.

    Machka in Oz
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,229 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Lanette thanks! I gave Teddy an original Greenie thing yesterday. They are big for him, but he chewed and ate the whole thing! I was quite surprised, last time he walked away from them. And I got some gel but it says No food thirty minutes before and after. So I haven't tried that yet.

    Yesterday I read a bit about laws about prescriptions, and the paper trail they used to use. Interesting. My new books come tonight, so we shall see if the Internet and computers are in the laws yet.

    Joy great job on decluttering!

    Tracey Yay for stools at the counter! My current life is way too much sitting, but I'm hoping for a balance.

    Deb_23 Wow four dogs! That is a pack! I had four tiny ones at one point long ago. What kind are yours?

    Heather Quebec is beautiful. I went there back in college with my French class. The snow on the old buildings was gorgeous. And there was an ice festival with sculptures. And the food was marvelous too.

    Ana in Michigan Welcome!

    Ginny Wow a tornado! Glad you are safe.

    Machka thanks for the links. I have a lot to learn and the medical terminology seems to be the logical starting point.

    I would have walked away from Debbie's MIL too. I grew up in a very quiet household, and that kind of yelling brings fear to my gut. I might have run to the bathroom!

    Kylia that weather front will be here tonight. I have study on my schedule, but I sort of expect a migraine. One of the nasty effects of violent weather, but not the worst.

    Today is my last open day before my books come. I will do some laundry and maybe read some fiction. And do more research on classes.

    There's one that is self paced, entirely online, that appeals. From Penn Foster. I wouldn't have to drop out if something happened to Teddy or Dad. It takes about a year and is on sale for $1000. I think I should do it. I have until 12 March before the price goes up. The reviews of the material are good, but there's not much administrative help available to the students.

    Have a great day my friends! Or if migraine hits, have a quiet healing day.

    Annie in Delaware

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member

    This little crayfish was on my driveway this morning! He was fighting with the birds. About 6" long. In the 30 years I have lived here I have never seen evidence of them. This year I am finding body parts on drive and this guy this morning.

    Just wanted to share before work.

    Kylia in Ohio where I woke up at 61° and it is now 46° and rapidly falling.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,229 Member
    I did ten minutes on my bike and six minutes of walking! Yay! I got a late start because of problems charging my phone. I use it for music and timers.

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,071 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,522 Member
    edited February 28

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,522 Member
    Debbie ~ Besides being naturally mean, your MIL may have dementia. I had an aunt who made her daughter's life H@$$ for many years of her later life. After my mom died, this lady sent nasty letters to all of us demanding we give her $2000 she had given my mom at one point. She even sent a letter to the pastor of the church where we had all grown up and mama's funeral took place. We all ignored her because we had nothing to do with any of it.

    Rebecca ~ So happy you had a wonderful weekend with all your family. Wonderful photos.

    I went to Sam's Club yesterday and had an eye exam. First time since I had cataract surgery 5 yrs ago. Did this because as I read over the posts everything is a bit blurry. The dr encouraged me to get further assessment as he said there was some scarring around the location where the lens was placed. Gave me a prescription that will possibly help and said to used lots of lubricant drops. My biggest problem is that getting an appointment with the clinic that did my cataract surgery is almost impossible.

    Am going with my old college friend to visit our other friend in assisted living on Thursday! It will be good to see them.

    Hope all of your who have been going through stormy weather are OK.

    Kylia ~ That photo is scary!
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,229 Member
    Carol you are right. My kind mother got some weird stories in her head about people taking things. She thought one of my aunts had taken a book, but I showed her we still had the book. Mom went back to her story maybe twenty times, and had to be shown the book each time. Lucky that my mom didn't get upset over it, though.

    Annie in Delaware, still surfing on pharmacy tech programs.
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 969 Member
    edited February 28
    Rebecca-Glad to hear the visits with your sons and family went well. Loved the photos. Thanks for sharing!

    Heather-I enjoyed your list of places traveled. I have a big gap in Africa and the Middle East. I have a reasonably sized one in South America too. But I have been to some places many people I know have never even heard of, which often translates to less busy. I like those places, but getting there is time-consuming and usually expensive.

    We have also been to Loch Lamond. What a beautiful area. We ate in a gastropub, but that was in 2003 or 2004. I cannot recall the name of it or even what village we were in, but it was wonderful.

    Kylia and Ginny-Glad all is well after the storm. We have had 2 tornado warnings this month for the first time ever.

    Anna-Great job on shrinking the hips! I wish mine would shrink more.

    Count me in as a “walker away” when the yelling starts. Especially when it’s so incredibly mean. No one needs to listen to that. No one in my family yelled as I was growing up, so it disturbs me when other people do it.

    Kylia-Wondering if the birds drop the crayfish. Do you scoop him up and put him in a river or something?

    Lisa-I also don’t like seeing photos of me unless I’m prepared for it…usually means a bit of makeup on and hair brushed. You’re a trooper with all those appointments! I can handle about 2 before I need a break. I know that likely will need to change soon.

    Annie-Great job on the bike and walking and for taking on the challenge of studying to be a pharmacy tech!

    Off to get something done! Make it a great day!

    Tina in CA