
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,608 Member
    I forgot one of my favourite places! Jordan. Wonderful.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,149 Member
    Machka9 wrote: Β»

    Why doesn’t he just walk out as soon as she starts?

    I would and I have in sort of similar circumstances.

    I have too much respect for myself to allow someone to yell and carry on at me. My ears and my brain don't deserve that kind of treatment.

    M in Oz [/quote]

    I have told him to sooooo many times. He says that he just lets her get it out and then hopes she will be better the next day plus if he leaves once she has calmed down, he has a chance to calm down- it isn't safe for him to drive home when he is so angry.
    It is a bit of a marter (sp?) thing to in my opinion.
    He should have never let it get this bad. She knows, what ever she says, and she says very evil things to him, he will still be back in a few hours to put up with more of her verbal abuse.
    He also doesn't let things go- he goes into the house being in a hostile mood and as soon as she says anything, he is ready to fight. Little things that aren't a big deal he gets all worked up over.
    I do not let her do that to me.
    She has started a few times when I was going by myself. I just tell her I am not going to listen to it, turn around and leave.
    He always tells me to not engage with her, that is what she wants but sometimes she is so mean, I can't bite my tongue any longer. She says all kinds of stuff about me, fine BUT don't say *kitten* about "that kid" we adopted. Saying he is no good and when him and that girl get married we are going to have trouble.
    My son doesn't go to see her and that makes her mad- he is almost 26yrs old. He makes his own choices. If I had a choice, I wouldn't go over there ever but I know dh needs help with some things so I go. She blames our son not going to see her on the girlfriend- he doesn't go because he doesn't want to be around all that anger and negativity.
    She will be 88 on Friday. Smokes at least a pack of cigerettes a day, she can't live forever, can she.
    I wish she would hire someone to take care of her like she threatens-we tried that. Scared the poor women away on the second morning and we had warned her about how she was.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,149 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I would have walked away from Debbie's MIL too. I grew up in a very quiet household, and that kind of yelling brings fear to my gut. I might have run to the bathroom!

    Have a great day my friends! Or if migraine hits, have a quiet healing day.

    Annie in Delaware

    I too grew up in a very quiet household. There was no yelling- When we first got married, he had trouble sleeping or relaxing- the house was too quiet. He always has noise- tv is on from the time he gets up til he falls asleep with it on many nights. He has a radio on when in the shower- always noise. It doesn't help that his hearing isn't great so keeps everything a bit too loud.
    I only have the tv on in the evenings and some evenings just leave it off. I love the quiet.
    Showers are in the dark AND quiet.
    Yes, the stress from all the yelling and tension has caused MANY runs to the bathroom over the years.
    That and eat a ton of ginger!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member
    edited February 28
    Today’s gratitude: another day to try again. Yesterday made too many very poor choices, ended up nearly 700C over with minimal activity and predictable results (134.5!!!) Much as I love a good local organic sourdough, bread is NOT my friend :sick:. No bread nor cheese nor red wine :naughty: on the menu today, just oats, pineapple, chicken, vegs, Dr. McDougall’s Miso Ramen and AF beer.
    Lisa I’m not claustrophobic either but between the IV and the having feet, hands and head strapped down, well that would do it for me. Cannot bear to be restrained/confined. Glad you are made of sterner stuff. Hope the gastro appointment is productive. No indications of osteoarthritis? Doncha just love being wrong? ;)
    Ginny thanks for the encouraging implant update. Will be in my future if I’m lucky to have enough jawbone. Glad you were safe from the tornado, hope the rural damage was minimal.
    Debbie you may not realize it but your stepping up and setting some boundaries seems to be having an effect. MIL apologized?!? DH thanked you?!? Well done!!!
    Lanette :love: the transporter fantasies, count me IN!
    Tracey sorry to hear of your family’s car troubles and Kaitlyn’s furnace. Thankful her good friend Raquel has room.
    Deb__23 tell us more about your four dogs? Here are my two, Tumble is the white one and Shadow the black. Heather I stayed in a Drumnadrochit B&B in the late 70’s. Was delighted by the warm, friendly innkeepers and folk in the bar. Not the dour Scots I’d been led to expect. Fond memory.
    Machka the story about Rowan and the music brought a lump to my throat and mist to my eyes. The β€œβ€¦and make my own butter” meme reminded me of the hilarious I Love Lucy episode where she and Ethel churned butter and baked bread.
    Anna well done on the shrinking hips!
    Annie hope the Greenie agrees with Teddy. Our first Skye couldn’t tolerate them, and erped them up. Gonna try Chewy’s dental sticks, fingers X’d. Well done on the bike and walking!
    Kylia that crayfish looks HUGE (and scary… ;} )
    Carol squeak, squeak, squeak until you get an appointment at that cataract clinic. You are important!
    Tina like you I’m disturbed by yelling, but in my case it’s due the every evening heated debates at the dinner table throughout my childhood. :sick:
    2/27: Move mins- wii:11 PT:0 d:0 x&a:0 dogs:29 Steps:3814
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=-23 CI<CO net=-521 vits=0.5
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, ptT, ptS. Wt:132.3
    2/26: Move mins- wii:11 PT:0 d:0 x&a:0 dogs:16 line dance class:38 Steps: 5120
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=21 CI<CO net=794 vits=0.5
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, ptT, ptS, reconcile mastercard, chat with CD. Wt:132.3
    Time to get up and do PT before my shoulders and knees lock up forever.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    February: Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,698 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Collette came this morning and it seems I've been running around here ever since. Snowed and rained a little while she was here, but roads were not icy.

    Annie - I gave my dogs chews made by Oravet. Recommended and sold by the vet. Didn't really help, perhaps because my dogs were older. Rosie is now on 1 week of Clavamox every 2 months to prevent infections and hopefully keep her from losing any more teeth. She's only 6 so is healthy enough for the cleaning probably this year. I tried the drops in the water for a little while but couldn't tell any difference. Enjoy hearing about the pharmacy tech training. You can do it!

    Rebecca.... love <3 love <3 love <3 those photos. Thank you so much for sharing them and the recap of your weekend with the family. It really made my day. :p

    Debbie - good job getting MIL straightened out. If it weren't for you, your DH would lose what's left of his sanity due to her abuse. How much rain are you supposed to get? They are saying 1 to 2 inches, possible mild flooding. Pretty normal for around here. That lunch looks great!

    Lisa - glad the scan wasn't too bad. Hope the gastro tomorrow is easy.

    Ginny - did you say you were retiring for sure by the end of the year??? Glad that dentist appointment is over, hope the throbbing subsides soon. Ice pack or hot pack might help? I can't recall which, lol. I just remember pain after root canals - mainly the gums and jaw from having my mouth open so long.

    Barbara - So glad your car passed inspection and no problems. Life and plans back to normal for you, hooray! I'm not sure how walking would be on dirt trails. I'm so spoiled right now with my house walking and all of the amenities, walking outside doesn't seem that attractive. :p Unless the teleporter drops me off on some huge grassy UK estate with a castle in the distance. I'd love to walk out there with the sheep.

    I'll have it drop Barbie on Shetland while we're in the vicinity. :)

    Michele - you really did it to yourself. Still bleeding? Are you on blood thinners? Glad you got your tetanus shot. When do you head back north? Hope the assessment isn't out of this world, I understand Vince's concern. Glad you got some walking in.

    April - thinking of you all day and your son's move to the facility near you. Hoping everything went smoothly. Glad you'll be joining the "Check-In" group (which started out as "Accountability group") :p

    Rosemarie - that grand dog sounds wonderful. I love big happy dogs like labs, so nice to cuddle with.

    What you said about your guy friend who died and you were destined to be a widow made me think. I made a couple casual guy friends in this community, great senses of humor, interesting fellas that I thought would be eventually be fun to have a lunch with. One died in a head-on, hit by a druggie driver. What a tragedy, his wife had died a few years earlier from lymphoma and he retired early so he could enjoy life and go fishing with his dog. The other died due to a stroke while driving - hit a tree and luckily not another car. He was a loving grandpa, had been in the Peace Corps and was an amateur anthropologist which just intrigued me immensely. I'm going to stop thinking about lunches with interesting men or someone will label me as some kind of "black widow." :p

    Well, no eggs today. Not a one. The girls have been slowing down. They were great laying thru fall and up until now so it's OK. When I go out at dusk each night to lock their coop door, Gladys and Thelma always come rushing out to say night-night. I give them pats and pick them up and tell them they are good girls. Then I set them down, they shake their feathers, grab a couple beaks full of pellets and walk back up the ramp. I highly recommend the "Rainbow" breed - which I think are mutts bred from barnyard chickens in the south. Also known as "Rainbow Dixie" I think. Highly intelligent. Hybrid vigor.

    I know I skipped some of you and will try to catch up tomorrow. <3 Better close for now.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    You're so welcome! You all are like my family, and have supported me when I was missing my Navy guys so much.πŸ’–. Sharing my joys is a nice change!πŸ€—
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,698 Member
    1948CWB wrote: Β»
    Debbie ~ Besides being naturally mean, your MIL may have dementia. I had an aunt who made her daughter's life H@$$ for many years of her later life. After my mom died, this lady sent nasty letters to all of us demanding we give her $2000 she had given my mom at one point. She even sent a letter to the pastor of the church where we had all grown up and mama's funeral took place. We all ignored her because we had nothing to do with any of it.

    Rebecca ~ So happy you had a wonderful weekend with all your family. Wonderful photos.

    I went to Sam's Club yesterday and had an eye exam. First time since I had cataract surgery 5 yrs ago. Did this because as I read over the posts everything is a bit blurry. The dr encouraged me to get further assessment as he said there was some scarring around the location where the lens was placed. Gave me a prescription that will possibly help and said to used lots of lubricant drops. My biggest problem is that getting an appointment with the clinic that did my cataract surgery is almost impossible.

    Am going with my old college friend to visit our other friend in assisted living on Thursday! It will be good to see them.

    Hope all of your who have been going through stormy weather are OK.

    Kylia ~ That photo is scary!

    Thanks friend.πŸ’–πŸ€—. I was kind of bossy telling various family to take a photoπŸ˜‚. But I didn't bother with bringing my huge tablet and don't have a phone so I just told others to. (in a kind way though😁)
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,149 Member
    kymarai wrote: Β»

    This little crayfish was on my driveway this morning! He was fighting with the birds. About 6" long. In the 30 years I have lived here I have never seen evidence of them. This year I am finding body parts on drive and this guy this morning.

    Just wanted to share before work.

    Kylia in Ohio where I woke up at 61Β° and it is now 46Β° and rapidly falling.

    he is cool- hope he made it safely back to the water and not a birds lunch.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,149 Member
    1948CWB wrote: Β»
    Debbie ~ Besides being naturally mean, your MIL may have dementia. I had an aunt who made her daughter's life H@$$ for many years of her later life. After my mom died, this lady sent nasty letters to all of us demanding we give her $2000 she had given my mom at one point. She even sent a letter to the pastor of the church where we had all grown up and mama's funeral took place. We all ignored her because we had nothing to do with any of it.

    Kylia ~ That photo is scary!

    I am sure there is some dementia.
    What we observed both yesterday and again this morning, it is like bi-polar. Mean and hateful and then all of a sudden acts "normal" and almost nice.
    Today, as we walked in the door over at her house she told dh she needed him to take her to the credit union. That is fine, asked what she needed and then she proceeded to tell him that she was going to take all her money out of the bank and give it to me because yesterday I told her I WANTED her money.
    Totally twisted. She blamed me of taking her money. Told her I didn't take her money or want her money-she kept saying I told her yesterday I wanted it. Dh about flipped on her because he knew I didn't say that and she said I did- He was mad and shaking so we went out back to mow the lawn, cut part of the plum tree, do the front yard(all things that were planned and approved yesterday). She kept telling him not to do it that she would call someone to do it. We ignored her, spent almost two hours on it. We ignored her when she came out. Went in when we were done and she was saying it was a lot of work and actually thanked us.Asked if she needed to pay us. We both told her, we don't want her money, we just want a sincere thank you.. It is sad when it is easier for her to pay some stranger $100 than to just say, and mean, Thank you.
    I know it would have been so much worse if I wasn't there. I was able to help with the yard work but also get him away from her before it got really bad. He was shaking he was so mad.
    He worked all night, full shift so is exhausted on top of dealing with her craziness.
    Yesterday evening she refused to eat, saying she was going to starve herself(she has said this SOOOOOO many times over the past two years) THEN proceeded to give him a grocery list of things to pick up for her!!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,149 Member
    Carol you are right. My kind mother got some weird stories in her head about people taking things. She thought one of my aunts had taken a book, but I showed her we still had the book. Mom went back to her story maybe twenty times, and had to be shown the book each time. Lucky that my mom didn't get upset over it, though.

    Annie in Delaware, still surfing on pharmacy tech programs.

    Dh's mom's newest thing is that dead people were coming into her house through the computer and the cameras that dh had set up. She got mad about how much the internet cost her so he had it pulled which means cant use the cameras to keep an eye on her.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,149 Member

    I was literally swimming in happiness! The last time all three sons were together was 2016! I think the main thing I have taken from having youngest sailor home was that I can think about him, and feel calmness. Gone is the wondering of where he was, or if he was ok. I did have a conversation with him before this past weekend. I asked him what he was going to say if family asked why he was so silent all those years ad not calling his momma. His response was, "I will tell them I was just stupid". I said, " well you're not stupid, but that is an answer I suppose". He knows the woes I went thru, and he knows its just easier on his conscience when he "is in the loop" with family.
    Athena's toy that she gave to youngest. Its on the plane ride from Florida to Cuba.πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ

    I am so glad you not only had the amazing time with all your boys but you really got through to your youngest and he knows what his silence did to you
    I am sure he won't do it again.
    Love all the pictures- Pure happiness!!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,201 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,070 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Short walk w/family- 1hr 38min 4sec, 2.70ap, 55elev, 79ahr, 107mhr, 4.52mi= 513c
    Strava app = 554c
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,070 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,149 Member
    Allie- amazing news- will continue to pray for her!