
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    edited February 29
    Last night's thunderstorms resulted in 1500 lightning strikes in southern Tasmania.

    I read that a street very close to where we live "was woken up by a big bang shortly before midnight when lightning hit two trees, with residents anxiously watching as crews raced to put out the blaze above their homes."

    I was awake and watching the storm when that happened!

    A big lightning bolt hit something just over the hill behind our house. I counted to 3 (one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two, one-thousand-three) and the thunder came so it was about 1 km away.
    A second big bolt did the same thing, just over a bit.
    A third big bolt sizzled out of the sky with a house-shaking BANG and the thunder rumbled immediately.
    I'm guessing that third one started the fire although the other two might have as well.

    ("Your distance from a thunderstorm can be estimated by measuring the time between seeing the lightning flash and the hearing the start of thunder. The length of this interval in seconds can be divided by three to give an approximate distance in kilometres." https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/learn-about/weather/types-of-weather/thunder-and-lightning/thunder )

    Thankfully no tornados, however! Sorry for those who are experiencing them.

    I worked from home today and felt sleepy-tired all day. Not sure what's going on but I feel like I've been rushing around too much over the past few weeks.

    I didn't do much exercise today. Just a little walking. I did think about it, but just wasn't in the mood.

    And a question ... how do people buy a house?

    From my experience over the past month or more ...
    - you make your list of what you want.
    - you determine what you can afford.
    - you look and look and look and look and for the longest time, nothing seems even close.
    - finally something comes on the market that ticks 80-90% of the boxes. I've yet to see one that ticks them all.

    Around here, usually houses come onto the market with quite a high price so you don't want want to leap right in. If you wait a bit, the price often drops. The second the price drops you put together your offer ... and you miss out because someone noticed the price drop before you did and got their offer in first.

    On the rare occasion that something comes on the market with a reasonable price, before you can even go look at it, a stack of other offers have been made and they've closed it to offers.

    And then there are the places that quietly collect offers and pick the best one. But when you put yours in, you have no way of knowing if yours is best or not. And there's no negotiation.

    It's no wonder I've never bothered with this nonsense before. Grrrr.

    Doesn't help that I don't like filling in forms. I'm starting to wonder if I can do some computer magic to autofill those forms.

    Machka in Oz
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,522 Member
    Allie ~ Not my business but what happened to the idea of buying baby things at Free Cycle and thrift stores? I'm glad it's looking much better for the twins. :)

    Michelle in NV ~ Happy Leaping Anniversary.

    Lisa ~ Sure hope the VA approves the medication.

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,068 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,607 Member
    edited February 29
    Michelle in NV - we celebrate our Meeting Day much more than our wedding day. It wasn't a Leapling day though! :D We remember the day we met because it was early Internet dating. This year will be 21 years. :o Feels like yesterday.

    John managed to break one of the lovely glasses he bought me for Valentines Day. When we looked at them, the curve was super thin. He has got a refund from Amazon, so we have one free glass. :D

    I made it to the shops and back, with a great deal of difficulty, but I was proud of myself. Then I wasn't feeling at all like painting. However, I had an idea in my head of an intuitive painting, so selected a larger paper than usual.
    I really enjoyed 'going with the flow' and I'm pleased with the result.

    Loved your poop story, Lisa. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,205 Member
    edited February 29
    Annie I believe mediation helps to get you in a calmer state. One theme that popped up repeatedly in the Vital summit that in many of the tips they talked about diet, exercise, sleep etc...is much more effective in helping your health when you feel safe and calm. If you are in constant fight or flight mode it makes it harder to make better decisions towards your health! The hormones and other chemicals released in your body during fight or flight for survival. Those chemicals and hormones if they are continually on create more harm than good.

    When I changed my diet I lost 10 pounds fairly quickly. I stayed steady about 2-3 weeks. Scale is starting to move some again in the down direction now 171.

    M Housing market the same here. Finding and buying the right home is not always an easy process. Here's hoping it works out for you soon.

    Right now I plan to stay where I am living. It will take me at least a year to clear out 40 years of collecting. Already everyday something leaves the house never to return. AHHH!!!
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,228 Member
    Heather I love that painting!

    Margaret you are right. I overeat when I am upset, feeling out of control. If I can stay calm without food, that's much better. Meditation helps!

    Annie in Delaware

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,201 Member
    Today is: A good day to learn something new from the Internet.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    Good morning again..
    Easier said than done..Tracy got rid of most all of the baby stuff through once upon a child . We will look there also..
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,698 Member
    Heather- what a lot or travelling. I have done very little really, but it’s also not something I’m overly interested in except Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England. I would like to go there. I hope someday you make it to Quebec. Do they stop in other places in Canada too?

    Ginny - that must have been a fright to wake up to.

    Lisa - I have been noticing the wrinkles starting and think I need to do something. I also have noticed that my eyelids seemed to have disappeared. There must be something for that too. I am vain as well, but I want to look much younger for getting hired into a younger persons field.

    Debbie - I really wish your DH would walk away, it would be better for all concerned. The way she treats him he owes her nothing.
    I’m more like you I enjoy some quiet, DH always has the tv on.

    Vicki - Are you called for jury duty 12 times?

    Rebecca - it just be a relief that he knows what hurt and pain it caused and that he probably won’t do that again.

    Joy - I do stay on top of my cupboards but a lot of food I won’t eat so I depend on DH to eat it and then he doesn’t. So frustrating. I only buy it for him.

    Allie - great news for Tracy and the babies. How is Kyle handling things now?

    Had an interesting class today, we listened to a podcast where teens were given to opportunity to speak freely without fear of repercussions. They were given pseudonyms. They were given one interview in 2018 and the one we listened to was a follow-up on Jan 1 2020.
    One 16 year old stated used an analogy to describe anxiety and depression.
    He said that anxiety is the lighter fluid and depression is the match. It’s a dangerous combination.
    Very accurate in my opinion.

    This afternoon I started Kaitlyn’s scrapbook, I finished the first and last page, and have pictures placed on 2 more pages, need to decorate it yet.

    She had very neutral colours for her wedding and I’m struggling with the design and colours in the layouts. Most of my papers and decorations include lots of colour.

    I was going to go to ceramics tonight to make up for my missed class last Thursday, but I just didn’t feel like going out. I think I’m fighting something, I’m very tired yesterday and today.

    Have a nice night ladies.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    Oh yes, he apologized many times to me, a bit embarrassed about it all. I said sometimes it takes a wee bit for a young adult to find the balance between total independence and the connection of family. He has grown up so much in those 5 years, and yet he is still my sweet boy.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,793 Member
    Happy birthday to your husband and to you, Vicki!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,607 Member
    Cauliflower Cheese. Absolutely heavenly.

    April - (((HUGS))) <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member

    Today’s gratitude: Relief! ;} Break in the rain for Joe to take dogs to powerline meadow before the downpour returned. Wonderful wood stove warming wet dogs.
    Vicki ;) well then your DH is my birthday twin… if he was born in 1950. :laugh: WOW. That is a lot of jury duty!
    Joy I have to keep whole wheat flour in the freezer here. The damp really promotes spoilage.
    Debbie You did great getting DH outside and ignoring MIL and doing the yardwork. IMHO when she refuses to eat, just ignore it. Just my two cents but DH might want to pay for MIL’s internet just to keep an eye. Dead people coming in through the computer is a scary symptom. ((hugs))
    Allie what good news! Adding my continuing prayers to Debbie’s et al’s.
    Machka love the expression “leapling” ;) Thanks for the superfetation link, was happy to read “The odds that you’ll have a healthy pregnancy are good.” Thank goodness.
    Ginny F2 on the ground for 16 miles? Sorry to hear your best man’s house is half torn away, thankful he’s unhurt and with family.
    Lisa so sorry your suffering but thank you for the memes. They make me choke on my tea laughing out loud. I’m bad, I know. :devil:
    Tracey beautiful bride book and pics.
    Heather hurrah! May one of the new bought lottery tickets finance the next cruise!
    Bravissima for soldiering on. Hope the motion finally eased your leg pain. Our library (via Hoopla) has many of Mme Sévigné’s letters, en français hélas. Found one English language compilation of letters that include her and put it on hold. Thanks! ((hugs)) about the Hairy Biker. Sad.
    Michelle in NV Happy Engagement Anniversary!
    April ((hugs)) words fail ((hugs))
    2/28: Move mins- wii:12 PT:15 d:0 x&a:0 dogs:0 line dancing: 80 Jeopardy walking:48. Steps: 7841 yay!
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=14 CI<CO net=814 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, ptT, ptS, filing. Wt:134.5
    That’s enough sittin’,
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    February: Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.