McDonald's...give me some compelling reasons to resist!



  • random_chaos17
    Im just new to the fitness thing and cutting out the fast food was a big thing..but when we have our free day and eat out...i just feel so guilty after it and just bogged down its like it sucks down energy i could have had. Of coarse it varies by person but if you feel okay after it go and on be a hamburgler!! lol
  • justine5587
    justine5587 Posts: 25 Member
    Watch "Fast food nation" and "Food matters" and you 'll realise that McDonald's isn't just bad for your health, it's also bad for the environment, the economy (well... maybe not the capitalism, but the small companies and the farmers), and the workers conditions.
    When you eat at McDonalds you, as a customer, speaks. Just make sure you're not sending the wrong message to the world !:)
  • Cakepiebeer
    Other than it's horribly nasty food. They kill the bacteria in their burgers (and by bacteria I also mean animal waste) with ammonia. That's right. Your burger had an ammonia bath before you ate it. Eating the chicken? The chicken was sitting in a cage where it can't move sitting paralyzed in it's own waste. Does that help? LOL!

    This is disgusting, where are you getting you information? I must see the facts!

    Food Inc.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Other than it's horribly nasty food. They kill the bacteria in their burgers (and by bacteria I also mean animal waste) with ammonia. That's right. Your burger had an ammonia bath before you ate it. Eating the chicken? The chicken was sitting in a cage where it can't move sitting paralyzed in it's own waste. Does that help? LOL!

    This is disgusting, where are you getting you information? I must see the facts!

    He's not wrong. Sadly the real horror is this is not limited to McDonalds. They do the same to the meat you buy in ANY restaurant and even at the grocery store. They wash it in ammonia to kill the e-coli. It's not listed as an ingredient because they consider it a "process", not adding it to the food. And those horrible conditions he mentioned for chickens go on with every chicken you eat that hasn't been raised cage free. Which, for most people, is every single chicken they eat.

    You can't just attack McDonald's for these things when it's a common practice for the ENTIRE food industry.

    Wanna avoid it? Eat non-hormone, non-antibiotic, minimally processed, organic foods. I do as much as possible and it's made me feel better and lose weight (because it's usually also 98% lean).
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Yummy, fake beef!

    Did you know the chicken nuggets are pink before their cooked? tasty!

    Or that they have over 25 ingredients in them?

    I mean you seriously need to be talked out of eating McDonalds? You would have to talk me into it. Not out of it.

    Have you ever cut into a raw chicken breast? it's pink too!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Other than it's horribly nasty food. They kill the bacteria in their burgers (and by bacteria I also mean animal waste) with ammonia. That's right. Your burger had an ammonia bath before you ate it. Eating the chicken? The chicken was sitting in a cage where it can't move sitting paralyzed in it's own waste. Does that help? LOL!

    This is disgusting, where are you getting you information? I must see the facts!

    He's not wrong. Sadly the real horror is this is not limited to McDonalds. They do the same to the meat you buy in ANY restaurant and even at the grocery store. They wash it in ammonia to kill the e-coli. It's not listed as an ingredient because they consider it a "process", not adding it to the food. And those horrible conditions he mentioned for chickens go on with every chicken you eat that hasn't been raised cage free. Which, for most people, is every single chicken they eat.

    You can't just attack McDonald's for these things when it's a common practice for the ENTIRE food industry.

    Wanna avoid it? Eat non-hormone, non-antibiotic, minimally processed, organic foods. I do as much as possible and it's made me feel better and lose weight (because it's usually also 98% lean).

    I knew that about the chicken but not the ammonia. That's nuts! I wish I could just eat organic, but I don't have the money for that :( i know it's normally not THAT much more expensive but we don't have a whole foods or trader joes within 60 miles *pout
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Personally I enjoy a big mac but I live 15 miles away from the nearest McD's so food/taste really isnt good enough to make me drive that far, However I will drive 25 miles for a plate of Scallops on a bed of rocket with sweet onion marmalade. Yum. :drinker:
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Watch "Fast food nation" and "Food matters" and you 'll realise that McDonald's isn't just bad for your health, it's also bad for the environment, the economy (well... maybe not the capitalism, but the small companies and the farmers), and the workers conditions.
    When you eat at McDonalds you, as a customer, speaks. Just make sure you're not sending the wrong message to the world !:)

    ^^ Like

    Probably the most compelling so far
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    You've already lost twenty pounds, it sounds as if you know what you are doing. If you have extra calories left, a spurge won't kill you. Go have a cheeseburger. 300 calories. Hardly any normal person is going to go the rest of their life without Mc Ds ever again, so if you are craving it, be a big girl, order something small, and enjoy it.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    It's filled with genetically modified and transgenic products--in addition to irradiated produce. Nutritional values are horrible. I do love the fries, but they're pre-soaked in sugar water. Not good.

    Pre-soaked in sugar water? That's where I went wrong with making my own fries! LOL
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    You've already lost twenty pounds, it sounds as if you know what you are doing. If you have extra calories left, a spurge won't kill you. Go have a cheeseburger. 300 calories. Hardly any normal person is going to go the rest of their life without Mc Ds ever again, so if you are craving it, be a big girl, order something small, and enjoy it.

    LOL but i have enough calories for a 10 piece McNugget and fries hahaha :)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I don't listen to the technical things. I'm sure 90% of the food I eat has something "ethically" wrong with it.

    I'll have a McChicken or Cheeseburger and side salad on occasion and it hasn't hindered my weight loss. Enjoy today!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    When you eat McDonalds you are basically eating this....



    Even comes in drink form..


    Gross! But no that's not the same as eating at McDonalds
  • Coco187
    Coco187 Posts: 33 Member
    I dont eat there for 2 reasons: once I ordered a fish filet and right in the center of the sandwich, there was a big spoon of salt. Mine
    you this is already full of salt and they add more.

    Secondly. I have seen what a year old MD burger, fries and nuggets look like. a year old and it look as if I just purchased it. Now, if
    the mold does not want it, neither do I.
  • felixleveron
    It is just nasty! You ever see that commercial where the guys walking the new hire around showing him where the greese goes? Thats McDs!
  • BryanAir
    Yummy, fake beef!

    Did you know the chicken nuggets are pink before their cooked? tasty!

    Or that they have over 25 ingredients in them?

    I mean you seriously need to be talked out of eating McDonalds? You would have to talk me into it. Not out of it.

    Have you ever cut into a raw chicken breast? it's pink too!

    The mechanically separated chicken paste is a strange pastel pink that shouldn't be found in nature, but McDonald's hasn't used that since 2003.
  • sdwelk11
    Well... for me... most things from McDonald's make me ridiculously ill. I get a horrible stomach ache.

    Yep! Me too!
  • rllewell
    Some have hit on the same points I would.

    Is it getting you closer to your goals of losing weight and being healthy? Yes there is nothing wrong with making an exception every once in awhile but for some those exceptions come too often. Personally McDonalds would NEVER be on my list to make one of those exceptions.

    Watch Super-size me and relate that to any of the fast food restaurants. There are many other documentaries on food and the fast food industry that would motivate you to NOT go to them and/or support them financially.

    My wife uses a McDonalds kids meal she purchased 10 years ago as a demonstration of the preservatives in it. The bag it came in slowly fell apart but the burger and fries look the same as when they were purchased. This is no joke, it doesn't smell, it didn't mold, etc! : o
  • saintspoon
    saintspoon Posts: 242 Member

    Everybody is sooo uptight about McDonalds!!

    It's about choices & balance & moderation.

    I am not on this McDonalds bashing road.... I like them more than most fast food places & unlike most peopel here I'll just admit that I LOVE fast food. To me it neither smells nor tastes bad, only delicious!

    Enjoy your McDonalds lunch! Know how many calories you're eating though & please really really enjoy it... and not every day of course ;)