Say No to Cake

Options at my office, we had a huge retirement celebration for one of my supervisors with tons of sandwiches, fruit, cheese...the usual stuff. I knew I was going to be good and avoid all this by bringing my own lunch and my plan was working! But there was also a terrible evil enemy lurking in the shadows....a huge cake, marble flavor with raspberry filling and the thickest layer of buttercream frosting I had ever seen. As I was walking past the copy room, I saw this huge half eaten villain, "Eat Me" it said, "Come on, you've been good all week, whats one piece going to do," As I thought to myself, "Well its only one slice, and if I eat that then I won't have my snack this afternoon and I don't get weighed in until Sunday and I can just workout extra hard tonight to make up for it." But then I stopped and asked myself, "Andie, are you hungry right now?" "Well, no," I said. Another question I asked myself was "Do you want jiggly arms and belly ?" "NO WAY!" Lastly, I asked, "Are you still going to eat your snack even though you've had this cake?" "Well...yes." After this long and somewhat crazy conversation I had with myself, I said, "Cake....NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Not outloud of course cause then I'd really be losing it and then I walked away.

The point of this story is if I can walk away ( and believe me willpower is not my forte, I always find a justification or have a weak moment) then you can too! So stand up with me and SAY NO TO CAKE or anything else that is tempting you today. Don't deprive yourself..but don't say yes to everything. Instead find another way to reward yourself...what do I plan on doing as a reward? Well I think a mani/pedi or maybe a trip to Bath and Body Works is in order this weekend.


  • juliapm7
    Good for you saying no to that cake! I also have a hard time resisting cake and I usually rationalize up and down why I should have a piece (or a second). But that was the old me so I'm going to channel these thoughts this weekend when I'm at a wedding! I need to stay focused! Maybe I'll just hit the dancefloor when they bring the cake over.
  • blh222
    Woohoo, good for you! Those are important questions to ask yourself in any food situation. Good work! Enjoy your mani/pedi or Bath & Body Works trip :)
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I had some red velvet today.

    It was a moderate piece. Nothing wrong w/ certain things in moderation.
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    Love this! I had the same issue with the Coconut M&M's. You know, you can't hardly find them anymore, but he Dollar Store got some in and marked them down to $.50 a bag....well, the bargain hunter in me said..."Wow" I have to have some of those. Long story short, I bought two packs, put them in the freezer at home and there they sit, reminding me of a moment of weakness. Sometimes I just open the freezer and stare longingly at them.....willing myself to resist!
  • shorty458
    shorty458 Posts: 163 Member
    Way to go! :) That does take a lot of will power!
  • CuteEllais
    CuteEllais Posts: 39 Member
    I should have said no to the cake today at my work's luncheon thing.
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    First of all - Congrats on walking away!!!

    My doctor has me trying a new very low carb (50g/day) eating program (because its not a diet!) where I focus primarily on lean protein and green veggies... drinking lots of water, and only consuming 50g of carbs/day. What stuck with me is that he said "Listen. You can have birthday cake. But have your own birthday cake, and not your co-workers." Then he also said "Go ahead and cheat if you think its really worth it, but just remember that for each day you go off plan, you'll need to rewind 3 days of progress." Every time I walk by the aisles of halloween candy, open my cabinet to carb filled foods, I just think about how much I love watching the scale start heading in the right direction, and how the seconds of sweetness in my mouth don't feel nearly as good as the way I'm starting to feel when I look in the mirror. This morning I actually found myself congratulating myself and saying "Nice work, it's finally happening!!!"

  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    You hit the nail on the head with your question "are you hungry right now" that is not a question we ask oursleves . With cake it is often more about taste, it tastes nice so we want it, not to feed our hunger but to feed our taste buds. If we did not have taste buds would we still over eat?? I think not, I think we food would just be fuel and we would just eat when we were hungry.

    It is a good question and one which I am going to ask myself much more often. Thanks
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    I can't say no to sweets (ok, I don't want to), so I just decide if I'm willing to put in the tiime at the gym to "earn" the treat. Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not. But since I've stopped telling myself "I can't have that" I don't feel deprived anymore.
  • joyeaann
    joyeaann Posts: 39 Member
    I have had similar conversations with myself!!
    Great job on resisting the siren's call of CAKE!

    Keep it up!
    :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • bekihughes
    Good Job Girl!!! I think if we take the time to think things over instead of reacting on impulse we will make better chooses.... SO I am totaly going to take a stop back and ask myself the same things when something like this occures. Way to go and thanks for sharing!
  • MadPanda75
    MadPanda75 Posts: 73 Member
    Absolutely nothing wrong with moderation, I definitely need to learn that. Any pointers are greatly appreciated!
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I would rather say no to stressing out over food the rest of my life. I personally do not want to have a panic attack every time I'm presented with cake, soda, pizza, burgers, etc. Instead, I prefer to eat them in moderation when I want them and be happy.
  • MadPanda75
    MadPanda75 Posts: 73 Member
    Good for you saying no to that cake! I also have a hard time resisting cake and I usually rationalize up and down why I should have a piece (or a second). But that was the old me so I'm going to channel these thoughts this weekend when I'm at a wedding! I need to stay focused! Maybe I'll just hit the dancefloor when they bring the cake over.

    Thats awesome! Good luck and have fun at the wedding!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Absolutely nothing wrong with moderation, I definitely need to learn that. Any pointers are greatly appreciated!

    What you did with the cake seems like you're going the right way. Turning that to moderation is just deciding the moments when you actually want the thing and if it's worth having.

    I don't go for cake because they are usually store bought or from a box and don't taste as good as they look and smell. I know I'll feel disappointed if I eat it. :(
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    First of all - Congrats on walking away!!!

    My doctor has me trying a new very low carb (50g/day) eating program (because its not a diet!) where I focus primarily on lean protein and green veggies... drinking lots of water, and only consuming 50g of carbs/day. What stuck with me is that he said "Listen. You can have birthday cake. But have your own birthday cake, and not your co-workers." Then he also said "Go ahead and cheat if you think its really worth it, but just remember that for each day you go off plan, you'll need to rewind 3 days of progress." Every time I walk by the aisles of halloween candy, open my cabinet to carb filled foods, I just think about how much I love watching the scale start heading in the right direction, and how the seconds of sweetness in my mouth don't feel nearly as good as the way I'm starting to feel when I look in the mirror. This morning I actually found myself congratulating myself and saying "Nice work, it's finally happening!!!"


    Smart doctor.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Good work.

    Thing with 'just this once' turns into every few days something pops up to tempt you. And it turns into a regular thing.

    Best bet is to avoid all that stuff, and aware people that you trying to eat healthier.

    Some may look at ya weird, but for the most part they'll start leaving you alone.

    I work at a restaurant and they had this weightloss thing....4 girls and1 guy.
    2 girls gained lost 4 or 5 lbs, and the guy lost 15.

    They all basically ate the same stuff at work (burgers...fries..perogies...etc) and somehow felt they could 'think' the weight off or something. The guy skipped his regular cheesecake slices every few days, stopped eating chips and junk at home, and actually worked out.

    Semi-related to what you said, but just shows how everyone seems to think 'this wont hurt my diet'...and for the girls who ate regular junk every day, it clearly shows it does. Maybe once a week is more reasonable, but it still turns into more often then someone should.

    Partaking in a weight-loss or health/lifestyle change only works if you actually....CHANGE your lifestyle and choices.

    This is getting me all worked up.

    Gym time.
  • MadPanda75
    MadPanda75 Posts: 73 Member
    Good work.

    Thing with 'just this once' turns into every few days something pops up to tempt you. And it turns into a regular thing.

    Best bet is to avoid all that stuff, and aware people that you trying to eat healthier.

    Some may look at ya weird, but for the most part they'll start leaving you alone.

    I work at a restaurant and they had this weightloss thing....4 girls and1 guy.
    2 girls gained lost 4 or 5 lbs, and the guy lost 15.

    They all basically ate the same stuff at work (burgers...fries..perogies...etc) and somehow felt they could 'think' the weight off or something. The guy skipped his regular cheesecake slices every few days, stopped eating chips and junk at home, and actually worked out.

    Semi-related to what you said, but just shows how everyone seems to think 'this wont hurt my diet'...and for the girls who ate regular junk every day, it clearly shows it does. Maybe once a week is more reasonable, but it still turns into more often then someone should.

    Partaking in a weight-loss or health/lifestyle change only works if you actually....CHANGE your lifestyle and choices.

    This is getting me all worked up.

    Gym time.

    Thanks for your post! Its so true, I want to change my life, a treat should be a treat and not something you have all the time. Hope you had a good workout at the gym! I saw your profile and I have to say congratulations on your weight loss! Its really inspiring!