Query for the big weight loss hopefully kind souls out there

Hey. Just wanted to introduce myself. I wanted to know if anyone out there has reached their dream weight, smashed that and now are beyond your wildest dreams, life changing loss.
I have. Went from initially 240lb to now 125, a long journey, 10 years of plateau for a year or so, another push again, and away Iz went, but i never gained. I was large from my teens and it held me back, i will never go back there.. but and the big but.. i still don't see it, sure i look in the mirror some days and think "wow". Having plateaued now for a while, I still struggle to pick up small size in clothes shops, i don't believe it will fit. So i buy the medium, and sure enough its swimming on me.
Anyway back to my query really, any other big weight loss loosers who just can't believe it?


  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    Body dysmorphia is real. You can get past it, and it might take a while.

    Have you looked at PHOTOGRAPHS of yourself rather than in the mirror? Many people here have reported seeing a picture (or caught their reflection in a window) and didn't recognize themselves because they saw a person at a healthy weight.

    Other people can also have dysmorphia about YOUR body. When I first lost weight to my goal, some people were concerned about me. When I continued to track calories, they thought I had an eating disorder. Once they realized I wasn't trying to lose any more, but needed to maintain, they realized it was OK. Also, it took a while, but my face filled back out. After that, nobody thinks I'm at risk.

    Some days when I look in the mirror, I see reality. Some days I still see that I have some work to do. The truth is that I am at a healthy place, and any additional weight loss will be pretty minor. Slowly recompositioning to a leaner me at the same weight would be great, and I'm working at it with the knowledge that it's really VERY slow. No big deal.

    Clothing sizes? Oh. Yeah. You bet. I still experience that. It's harder at thrift shops because vanity sizing means that sometimes a size label is what it used to mean, and sometimes it's a bigger version of that. There's plenty of people here who have reported doing laundry and was wondering why their child's clothing was in the load and then thinking, "Oh... wait; that's mine." You can bring a smaller suitcase when you travel if your clothes are smaller....

    Be patient with yourself. Keep sticking to it. It sounds like you've done a good thing for yourself and just need to keep doing it.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,148 Member
    Yes. I look in the mirror, see skin and bones. I've lost 45 pounds! 10 pants sizes!
    Walk away.
    Come back. Look in the mirror. Frumpy overweight, greyhaired old lady. Still officially 10 pounds overweight, 35 pounds over computer generated ideal weight, maybe 20-25 over my goal weight.
    It's been a while. Im starting to see the real me occasionally, just for a moment.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    edited March 1
    Like @Corina1143 old grey headed possum here, also with a large weight loss- over 40% of my starting weight.

    Even though I’ve been in maintenance three and a half years, I check my reflection every chance I get, including first thing in the morning, just to reassure myself no one’s waved the fat wand over me again.

    Kneejerk, but will probably be with me the rest of my life.

    The clothes thing is still a head rush when I do laundry and fold what seem like little tiny clothes. I’ll be packing shortly for a week long trip with only a carryon. The confidence to know I’ll still have plenty of room left over is mind boggling.

    Good job you’ve done there, @vikkiclaire I hope you’re celebrating the win of your loss! You deserve to!
  • vikkiclaire
    vikkiclaire Posts: 2 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one, I'll get there, as you all seem to say, slow and steady wins the race, day by day