Can't loose!

I have been on this a week now. Following it by the letter....walking every day...and NOT ONE POUND!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have lost weight before. About 10 years ago I lost 50 pounds, and last year I lost 25. I want to lose about 20-30 more. But I am not budging! Any advice???


  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Give it some time. Can't see your food diary, but you might want to set it to track your sodium if it isn't already.

    As women, we fluctuate all the time, so it might just be a water-retaining week for you. A week isn't all that long to get worried...hang in there. If you're doing everything right, the loss WILL come!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    What is your current weight & height. Also what is your calorie intake as it stands? Since you are in the last 20 lb range, change your goal to .5 lbs per week. You need to eat more when you are closer to your goal. More than likely, people under eat to what they really should be.
  • amberl10
    amberl10 Posts: 75 Member
    Food affects a lot, what types of foods are you eating, are you eating too many carbs. A good goal setting should be 30% carb, 40% protein and 30% fat and try not to go over that. I am a carb lover so staying under my carb limit takes work. Once I cut back on the carbs I am starting to feel a difference. Also as far as workouts I would maybe change it up a bit, try some strength training, you should be doing a workout that gets your heart rate up. For me walking won't get my heart rate high enough to burn fat. I do the elliptical a lot, I do a Wii workout game, I basically alternate cardio and strength training and keep changing it. Try adding a protein shake after your workouts too, that will help and it will also help if you're low on protein.
  • Don't give up. There was a time while I was doing this that I didn't lose anything for 5 weeks. I almost quit, thinking, "What's the point?" I have now lost 5 more pounds since then, a total of 17. So you CAN do this. Just give your body time to respond. I know that's difficult. As women we want to step on the scale every day, sometimes more than once a day. Try to resist that. It only makes your mind go a little wacko, trying to talk you out of being healthy. I limit myself to twice a week now, and I'm much more confident now. Good luck!
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Only a week? Don't expect fast results unless you want to gain the weight back. It's good to check your weight loss ever month, not every day. Plus your body needs time to adjust to what's happening to it. Not to mention water weight, ect. I 100% guarantee you if you eat healthy, eat your target calorie intake (making sure it's in a healthy range for your body type), and exercise. You WILL lose weight, so keep it up, and don't worry about the scale, the scale is not your friend and will freak you out more then help you. A scale is only good as a general weight guide.
  • thanks everyone! I will look at all of your tips! I think part of it is that I am in my 40's now...compared to when I lost my 50 pounds. I am at 166 and I am 5'2. I know I should be in my 130's...but really...the way I am shaped...if I took off 20, I would be GREAT! I am pretty proportioned....curvy girl! ;-) just need it off a bit more in the middle!

    The walking I do is really fast paced...I sweat! Its pretty much the only thing I have time for and money for. I am going to take a look at my settings and see what I can change up a bit. Thank you all again!
  • Thank you! I try for once a week...but every now and then I sneak on!!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    How many calories are you eating? I have a feeling you should be around 1800 based on what you are telling me but without being able to look at your food diary it's a hard call.
  • afitchpatrick
    afitchpatrick Posts: 54 Member
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    Took me eight weeks to start losing. Also, there are two or three weeks a month where my body retains water, and I won't lose. In fact, I'll usually gain. Then I'll WOOSH down a pound or so in the first week of the new month.

    Everyone loses differently. One week is way to early to fret.
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Give it time! You didn't put all the weight on in a week! It will take 2 to 3 weeks to notice a difference. It will happen
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    How many calories are you eating? I have a feeling you should be around 1800 based on what you are telling me but without being able to look at your food diary it's a hard call.

    Yeah, no. I am 5'2" and according to MFP, maintenance for our height is like 1750. I am at 1200 calories, and she probably is too because that's the lowest we can go but it doesn't even equal a deficit big enough for two pounds a week. Sucks to be short. :/
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    How many calories are you eating? I have a feeling you should be around 1800 based on what you are telling me but without being able to look at your food diary it's a hard call.

    Yeah, no. I am 5'2" and according to MFP, maintenance for our height is like 1750. I am at 1200 calories, and she probably is too because that's the lowest we can go but it doesn't even equal a deficit big enough for two pounds a week. Sucks to be short. :/

    If you truely want to do this, let me put some perspective and knowledge on you, lol... Height doesn't matter that much. It's just one factor that can be utilized to figure out your BMR and TDEE. Also, just because your maintenance calories are 1750, doesn't mean someone of simliar height has the same TDEE or maintanence calories. It's truely comes down to two major components; first is muscle or in reality, lean body mass. A person that has greater lean body mass has a larger requirement for calories as muslce burns fat. The second major component is exercise. I say this, because a person that exercises is going to have larger requirement for calories, plain and simple. Below is the calculations utilizing the Katch McArdle Formula

    Person 1

    Weight: 166
    BF % - 35%

    Lean body mass = 166 - (166*.35) = 107.9
    BMR = 370+(9.79759519*107.9) = 142.7
    TDEE (sedentary) = 142.7 * 1.2 = 1712.2
    Lightly active = 142.7 * 1.375 = 1962.3
    Moderately Active = 142.7*1.55 = 2212.1
    Very active = 142.7 * 1.725 = 2461.9

    Person 2

    Weight 166
    BF - 20%

    LBM = 166 - (166 *.20) = 132.8
    BMR = 370+(9.79759519*132.8) = 1671
    TDEE (sedentary) = 1671 * 1.2 = 2005
    Lightly Active = 1671 * 1.375 = 2297
    Moderately active =1671*1.55 = 2590
    Very Active = 1671 *1.725 = 2882

    The only factor the Katch McArdle formula doesn't take into consideration is age. And this really applies to those who are rather young because their metabolism are naturally higher. The fact is, no one person is the same, but if you actually use the math (and not just MFP) to figure this out, you can get a better understand of your true caloric needs. I have implemented this approach on 30+ people on this board with great success. I did just want to point out that your situation doesn't apply for others. I ran the math and those are the numbers I came up with. I am not saying they are perfect or they even completely apply. I need more information from her to get a better understand and truely figuring out your caloric needs takes months. In fact, I have been playing with my calories for 6 months now to figure out the best amount so I can gain muscle and burn fat. And btw, I have been able to take my body from 18% body fat to 10.5% (measured two days ago) utilizing the Katch McArdle and comparing it against a BMR calculator like Fat2Fit's. If you would like more information, please let me know.

  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    make sure every calorie is high quality----no junk! no processed foods.