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Weight Per Serving for Imported Recipe

Consultmike Posts: 1 Member
Once a recipe is imported, the macros are divided by servings, so I have to estimate my serving size to determine my macros.

It would be nice if based on the ingredients in my recipe, I could still choose grams or other measures.

This way I can cook my recipe, weight my portion, and input based on weight.
3 votes

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  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,243 Member
    MFP doesn't know how much your finished recipe weighs, since cooking changes the weight of a thing (water is lost or added, which doesn't change the calories/nutrients, but does change the weight). Therefore, we're going to have to tell MFP the finished weight.

    What a lot of us do is weigh our finished recipe in grams, then put the number of grams into the number of servings. (MFP will display some kind of "do you mean it" message when we put a big number in the number of servings - I don't remember what the exact text of the message is - but it will let us continue with the big number.) Then, when we dish up some of the recipe, we weigh the portion and put that number in as the number of servings we ate.

    That works pretty well for me. YMMV.

    For clarity: I'm not an MFP staff member. I'm just a regular MFP user like you.